interpretation on pentacle family

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cool cat
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interpretation on pentacle family

Post by cool cat » Sat Oct 21, 2006 5:32 pm

Balancing act. Juggling multiple tasks or duties. Multiple or conflicting demands. Extra care is needed to ensure that nothing is neglected or ill-done curing this challenging time. Harmony is maintained during change, new projects may be difficult, expect a helpful message

THREE OF PENTACLES     Professional success. Mastery of one's craft or profession.  Rewards or recognition for excellence. Superior compensation for superior work. A well-deserved good reputation.  Reward for skills or abilities, approval, success through effort

FOUR OF PENTACLES Clinging. Fear of losing what one has. Unwillingness to give or to share. Obsession with acquiring and protecting material possessions.  Love of power or money, a lack of give-and-take, miserly or ungenerous nature, Relax a little, be less worried about loss

FIVE OF PENTACLES            Hardship. Feelings of isolation. Penury. Excessive frugality. Poverty. Loss of possessions. Fear of financial ruin. A sense that one is excluded from the benefits and opportunities available to others. Envy.  Loneliness, destitution, poor health, despair due to spiritual impoverishment

SIX OF PENTACLES           Generosity. Gifts of money or material help. A prosperous person shares abundantly with others, bringing joy to all concerned. The joy of gracious giving and receiving.  Sharing of prosperity, one will soon receive what is rightfully theirs, charity, gifts, and philanthropy three-fold

SEVEN OF PENTACLES           Impatience. Results appear to be delayed. The work is done, but one may have to wait patiently to see the reward. Keep doing what is needed, and the rewards will come.  Effort and hard work will cause growth, a pause during development, reevaluations

EIGHT OF PENTACLES       Apprenticeship. A time to learn and practice one's craft or profession. A period of study or training. Do the work now, in order to gain the rewards later.  Learning a trade or profession, employment is coming soon, skill, handiwork, small money gain

NINE OF PENTACLES              Financial independence. Being self-supporting or independently wealthy. Enjoying the fruit of one's own efforts. Responsible actions bring abundance, ease and well-earned pleasure.  Well-being, things in life are enjoyed alone, solitude, a green thumb

TEN OF PENTACLES    Family. Material security and safety. "The family fortune." Heirlooms, assets and shared possessions. Patriarchal (or matriarchal) control of family and money. Stable family, gain in wealth, property is acquired

ACE OF PENTACLES             Material gain. Financial gift or opportunity. Beginning of a prosperous enterprise. Conditions are now evolving to support success and abundance. Act with wisdom.  A new business venture, the beginning of prosperity, happiness or pleasure

KING OF PENTACLES        Stewardship. Careful management of one's resources in order to keep and increase them. Material success. A wealthy or successful mature man.  A chief of industry or a banker, a reliable person, a married man, solid, steadiness

QUEEN OF PENTACLES              Nurturing. Providing material care or assistance to others. Safe situations in which one’s needs are sure to be met. A sensual and/or motherly woman.  Intelligence, thoughtfulness, a creative person, talents are used well, melancholy

KNIGHT OF PENTACLES              Diligence. Self-discipline. The need for persistence. Hard work and perseverance toward a desired goal. A responsible young man who is determined to succeed.  Trustworthy, a heavy and dull outlook, patience, accepting of responsibilities, an animal lover, a nature lover, the coming/going of a matter

PAGE OF PENTACLES              Enterprise. A new idea or opportunity which could produce great benefits. A new job or business endeavor. An ambitious young person.  Scholar, generosity, kindness, a careful person, learning new ideas/opinions

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