Interpretation Of Knight of Wands - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of Knight of Wands - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 9:14 am

Knight of Wands - Upright

Minor Arcana

You are highly aggressive and impulsive. You tend to be hot tempered and have less patience. You are a good friend. You are eager and energetic. People get attracted to your magnetic nature.

You may be unpredictable at times which makes you an enigma.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by nicnic » Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:51 am

This knight is in a great hurry. He is eager to get things going and nobody will stand in his way.
He is a man on a mission ready to embark on a new journey or adventure. He is raring to go with fire in his eyes. He is strong, confident and very keen. He will not fail at any cost.
Being young and brave he doesn’t see any pitfalls in his life.

Having the courage to take risks

Doing things in haste

Having the confidence to do things.

Could be the planning of a trip or moving house.

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Post by PrincessinVain » Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:40 pm

With this, I do not see anyone, but I do see a situation. A great change. May it be a flight from something stagnant, onto a new beginning, or a new opportunity. Maybe change of residence, change of career choices, change of life track, or paradigm.

"Flight" is definitely my keyword here.

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Interpretation of the Knight of Wands -Upright-Minor Arcana

Post by Bhadra » Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:32 pm

"The Lord of the Flame and Lighting: the King of the Spirits of Fire."
Numerical Value: 4
Elemental Name: Fire of Fire
King of the Salamanders

November 13 – December 11 20°Scorpio–20°Sagittarius
I CHING - Yang: Yin: Yin  NAME: Chen NATURE: Flame  ELEMENT:Fire

Chen of Chen
51: Chen
Inner strength deflects attacks

Sagittarius - the Archer  = Mutable Fire  = South, fire, summer,, energetic…the card has a real glow to it…just look at that sky…the movement one of confidence.
Pure Will
Active, fierce, sudden and impetuous. Journey, Discord Fierceness, Impulsive, Revolutionary Departure, Change of Residence.

Knights sometime represent coming or going of a matter, according as they face. IN THIS CASE  Departure

A Creative struggle that is connected to the sexual. In planning stages, giving the pep talk, building energy.

A WINGED Warrior riding upon a black horse with flaming mane and tail: the horse itself is not winged. The rider wears a winged helmet (like the old Scandinavian and Gaulish helmet) with a Rayed Crown, a corslet of scale-mail and buskins of the same, and a flowing scarlet mantle. Above his helmet, upon his curass, and on the shoulder-pieces and buskins, he wears as a crest a winged black horse's head. He grasps a club with flaming ends, somewhat similar to that in the symbol of the Ace of Wands, but not so heavy, and also the sigil of his scale is shown; beneath the rushing feet of his steed are waving flames and fire. He is active --- generous --- fierce --- sudden --- impetuous.

In this card we see the young Knight/Prince charging full speed ahead w/ his red cloak flying behind him. To me he looks to be on a mission - but it could be one of blind faith seeing that his eyes are closed. His trusty steed has cleared a grassy green mound with ease putting he & his rider hovering between the earth & sky.

The Knight/Prince’s clothes are earthy green & browns except for this red cloak and his horse’s “saddle” blanket is red as well. I take this to mean that although he’s coming into his fiery nature he still needs a strong earthy influence to ground him to keep the fire from raging out of control. I think he needs that because he seems so gun-ho he could get himself into a lot of trouble without some grounding.

He could have his eyes closed just because he’s reveling in the experience of being young & free & on his own adventure.

His cloak has golden clasps 2/ what looks like Celtic knot work. I can’t really make out the designs. On his brown overshirt there’s a zoomorph which I think is a serpent indicative of this Prince’s element.

A lover of action, this is the card of someone who has a well-liked, energetic, confident, but sometimes unpredictable nature.  He has an engaging temperament and his actions sometimes a little swift do tend to make sense with hindsight.

A young man who can create vibrations that will call for sudden decisions or a change in life. Medium to dark haired younger man. A Player. Vain. Selfish.

Interpretations - I've shared several here:

An armored knight rides across the countryside. Like the Page of Wands and the King of Wands his robes bear the sign of the salamander, symbolizing the Spirit of Fire (or a fiery spirit).

Knights represent motion and change. Whenever a Knight appears in a reading it means that long term conditions are going to come to an end. A journey or change of residence may be indicated. There is no such thing as chance. Put your faith in God and Destiny, for you are close to reaching your goal. Issues will be resolved in your favor.

As with all Court cards, it is also possible for a Knight to represent a person. In this case, the Kight of Wands can represent a person of hasty and impetuous nature. This is a passionate individual who can be generous, but can also create conflict, possibly through jealousy or narrow-mindedness.

Our young knight is riding his noble steed down a road that could lead him to new adventures!


The Knight of Wands is young and impetuous. He's always looking for new horizons. The road leads to new places and experiences. He's smiling and full of raw Leo energy. He's looking forward, not back. He's surrounded by the element of Fire. The signs point to possible destinations on his journey, including "Parts Unknown".

Card Meaning;
New adventures, looking forward to the future, no regrets. Travel.

In readings, a Knight of Wands shows that his confident, passionate style is involved in the situation as an aspect of you, someone else or the atmosphere in general. You need to ask yourself, "Is this Knight's energy helping or hurting?" If his style is evident, then balance is needed. Is your confidence really cockiness? Are you angry and impatient all the time? Are you crazy about someone whom you know is going to break your heart? Is your company rushing into something risky with no preparation? It may be time for a change. If this Knight's energy is missing, a dose of passion and daring may be called for. Are you in a rut? Try something new. Are you always planning every last detail? Wing it next time. Are you working too hard? Go out and have some fun. Let the Knight of Wands introduce you to his world of adventure, excitement and risk. Keywords: Delivers spiritual messages

Sources for Students:

A Description of the Cards of Tarot  With Their Attributions; Including Method of Divination By Thier Use Liber LXXVIII. Frater P.

Hidden and Secret Meanings: The Court Cards — Part II
Date: 2002-05-25 By: David Allen Hulse
© 2002 Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd

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