Horoscope for 28th May, 2005

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Horoscope for 28th May, 2005

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat May 28, 2005 10:25 pm


If anyone on the planet is always game for a conversation with a stranger, it's you. You see every encounter as holding the potential of bringing you close to a new friend or -- secretly, even better -- a potentially worthy opponent. You're even more in the mood to mingle right about now, and you're feeling especially conversational. Warn your partner not to take it personally if you end up involved in an intense talk with someone you meet on the street.


At the moment, you're a shopping fool. But that's not odd for you. Your friends probably make fun of how much you love the retail life, in fact, but you'll be even more involved in getting a seriously good deal now. That can make you quite popular with friends, of course -- especially the ones you offer to help out with their shopping needs. Go ahead. We all have special talents. This just so happens to be one of yours.


In addition to being personable, chatty and witty, you're expected by your friends to be oh so entertaining. There's a good reason for that too. You've never let them down in that department, for starters, and if they know you well, they'll also know how much you love being on stage. Just try your best to save some airtime for whoever happens to be in the vicinity. After all, what's a performer without an appreciative audience?


Talking to kids and animals is great fun, and if anyone is both fond of it and good at it, it's you. At the moment, though, you really need some adult conversation -- in the worst possible way. That doesn't mean you won't be game for small talk and lighthearted chitchat, only that you'll need a real, live grown-up to exchange comments with. Fortunately, you've probably got a babysitter or a pet-sitter on speed dial -- right?


Forget about your friends -- just for now. At the moment, you need more than platonic company. You need to hold hands, snuggle up and exchange compliments with someone who loves you as much as you love them. If you already know a person who fits that description, go find them. If not, start looking for a new future snuggling partner. Your friends will be more than happy to excuse you for the evening.


If anyone deserves a raise, it's definitely you. And if you can be patient about it, you'll have both the raise and all the good things that go along with it, including the pride and self-respect that come with knowing when to hold up and when to fold up. In the meantime, know that being proud of yourself is enough -- that, and seeing the end result of that pride in your paycheck, of course.


It's not that you're never in the mood to talk. Truth be told, you're chattier than all the other signs with that reputation combined. The thing is, at the moment, you're feeling so darned chatty that you're going to amaze even your closest loved ones with your inability to 'just say shh.' Try not to aggravate anyone too badly. You won't always feel this way.


There's a new person in your life, and you just can't believe how attracted you are to them. In fact, you're so interested that you can't stop yourself from thinking about them and only them. Is that a bad thing? Well no, especially not if they're doing the same thing. You won't know if they're feeling that same way until you ask, of course -- and that would necessarily involve asking them. Oh, be brave. If anyone is, it's you.


You've always been the conversational one in the house. You start up all the philosophical discussions -- and you most likely end them, too, if you fit the rest of your sign's reputation. At the moment, though, you'll want a nice, even split in the conversational airtime with your sweetheart or your closest pal. That will entail you being quiet, of course, in order to encourage them to speak their mind. You up for that?


It's finally happened: You've gained enough confidence in your chosen hobby to actually apply for a position along those lines. It might not be full-time at first, and you may not be paying the bills with it. In the meantime, though, you'll know that your leisure hours will be spent not just doing what you love, but paving the way to making what you love to do your full-time vocation. Nice, huh? Let those thoughts inspire you.


You've never been famous for being able to run with the crowd or blend in. In fact, you probably don't even associate with those who have 'normal' lifestyles. You find them boring. At the moment, those qualities will be particularly appreciated by the rest of the world -- so don't hold back, not one little bit. You never know who'll be out there watching, but chances are good that right now it will be someone who just loves your spirit.


Every now and then, you feel the need to hibernate for a while, to get away from the necessary noise and confusion of the madding crowd and seek out the peace that only time can provide. This isn't one of those times. At the moment, you're game for all the noise and confusion the planet can possibly provide -- and even if you're not entirely on the same page, you'll at least appreciate the spirit of the participants.

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