Daily horoscopes for 26th December, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 26th December, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:30 pm


Today, you will feel a strong magnetic pull toward beautiful things from other people's cultures. This increase in your aesthetic sensibilities and curiosities is probably a clear signal that it's time for you to break away from a life that is too oriented towards facts and figures. So try to step out of your daily routine. Go see a foreign film, eat at an ethnic restaurant or listen to some music from another country. Explore and you will be rewarded.


Today your heart is feeling generous, and it's telling you to do things because they are the right thing to do -- not because they are profitable. You are coming to understand that if you only think about financial gain before getting involved with other people, you will ultimately be selling yourself short. Acting selflessly today is very likely to create greater gain later on down the road, so don't be shy about asking who could use a helping hand.


One of your friends will grow into becoming an authority figure in your life, and you need to establish the ground rules before things get complicated. Make sure that the two of you have a serious and honest conversation about how this whole thing is going to work. You will taking a big risk with your relationship if you just assume everything will be okay. Get the rules established, and get them in writing if you feel you might need to refer to them in the future. Take this shift seriously.


Talking is the best way to work through whatever you're confused about right now, but the big question is: Who do you talk to? Believe it or not, one of your coworkers might be the perfect candidate. They know you from dealing with you on a near-daily basis, and they have seen you in some of your victorious moments. They know what you are capable of, and they are ready at any moment to remind you what that is. Don't be afraid to have a personal conversation with them.


You're like a mother bear today, ready to pounce on anyone who says a bad word about one of your friends! Your boundless energy is manifesting itself in an interesting way. You aren't usually combative, but why play nice when the bullies don't get the message unless you yell it at them? The time for being sweet and collaborative is over -- for a little while, anyway. Today, if you want to make things happen, you're going to have to demand that they happen. Asking nicely just won't cut it.


Today, one of your negotiations might feel like it's going into a negative direction. So if you feel like one of the people involved (including you) is about to sacrifice too much, then by all means speak up! This applies to any kind of dealings -- at work, in a relationship or even in terms of one of your family obligations. Being in balance and being fair is not always possible, but it is still a good thing to aim for. So do whatever you can to even things out.


One of your current projects is having a more confusing effect on your life than you expected, and you might be feeling like you are in a fog. But you can gain clarity over whatever is bugging you if you simply ask for some help. There is sure to be someone around who understands what you are going through -- or who has perhaps even been through it once themselves. You won't look weak if you ask for help. You'll look smart and level-headed.


Your enthusiasm for what you believe in is more powerful than ever -- but today someone else will be even more enthusiastic about their own pet project or cause. They'll be so excited about someone or something today that you won't be able to resist soaking up a little bit of their zeal -- it's contagious! This person could be very persuasive in helping you change your way of thinking. You are capable of surprising a lot of people today, including yourself.


A friendly competition with someone you really like is starting to become a not-so friendly power struggle! This is certainly an unexpected development given the good relationship you two have always had, but that doesn't mean you can't overcome it. Declare a truce today and send them an email or text message. Tell them you want to talk things over. The written word will help you be clear in your communication. Remember to stress how much you like and respect them!


Restriction never feels comfortable, but right now it's going to feel like even more of a hassle than ever before. You yearn to be free and unencumbered, and any situation that is big on discipline and structure could feel stifling for you. If you can, try to schedule formal events for another day -- or cancel them altogether. You'll be much happier if you can go through this day with a great deal of flexibility. You need to be able to obey your whims, not the rules.


You need to keep an open mind. Try to accept the changes that will be happening in your day today. Don't waste time trying to find out why they are happening -- just go with the flow and see what the next hour brings. You might not be comfortable with this idea at first, but by the early afternoon you'll begin to get into the groove and really enjoy the unexpected twists and turns that your day will be taking. It is certainly not going to be a boring time!


When people start throwing blame around today, you need to be the voice of authority. Step into the fray and help everyone focus on what needs to be fixed -- rather on who broke what. Group dynamics are going to be tricky because everyone thinks they are right, but only one person can guide the decision making process. If you are that person, you are going to have to develop a thick skin. Majority rule does not mean that you will get to do what you want, either.


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