Daily horoscopes for 8th December, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 8th December, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:30 pm


You can't think twice if your ambition gets in other people's way today. Even if you step on someone's toes once or twice, sometimes that's just what it takes to get where you want to go. You can't let manners and etiquette deter you right now. This is not the time or place. You cannot stop your personal quest just because it annoys or inconveniences someone else. Because you know that if they were in your shoes, they would do the exact same thing.


You shouldn't take anything or anyone too seriously right now -- there is a lot of uncertainty around many things, so whatever bluster someone is throwing your way has no real energy behind it. Not only is their bark worse than their bite, they barely have any teeth at all. They might be in a hurry, but you are feeling like taking things slower -- and you have the right idea! The people in your group are likely to side with you, so don't hesitate to call things to a vote.


Today you are starting to feel more drawn to homey activities and cozy couch-bound nights -- the social scene isn't too intriguing. This is great news for one of your friends or your family members who would love to join you in some downtime. It's a great night to rent a movie, order in some food and just relax knowing that there's no place you need to be and nothing you have to do. Times like these don't come around often, so you have to savor them!


There is some unfinished business you need to take care of, and you need to figure out what it is today. Did you forget someone's birthday, or forget to send someone a wedding present? Call up a sibling or friend who can help you solve this mystery. They will also help you figure out how to make everything right. Whoever is waiting to hear from you has a good memory -- better than yours. Luckily, they also have a huge heart. Don't worry about anger or hurt feelings.


Positive possibilities abound in your life right now, so it is a very good time to act boldly. Step more aggressively toward what you want out of life, whether it's a new job or a new relationship. You could meet someone who changes your opinion about what the best next step is in your health routine. They obviously know what they are talking about, so follow up and start learning more about their suggested techniques. Find out: Are they right for you?


It will be very easy for you to enjoy yourself today, no matter what you have to do or who you have to do it with! Even if you have problems with a few coworkers, it won't be difficult to come to an agreement about the right strategy to choose. You have an ability to see the bigger picture and rise above pettiness -- so inspire others to do the same by setting all of your personal biases aside. Lead by example and show other people the best way to be.


Your time is just as valuable as your money, so pay attention to who you are spending it with. Make a date with a person who has given you so much of their time in the past. Plan a long weekend with them if you can -- you'll enjoy having so much dedicated one-on-one time with someone who makes your life a happier and more interesting place. A great big dose of interpersonal energy will reset your attitude towards one of the other relationships in your life.


Bad habits are the ones that die the hardest, so if you are trying to improve yourself right now (and really, when aren't you trying to improve yourself?), you are going to have to try a whole lot harder to squash each and every one of them! Luckily, your focus is sharper and your energy is brighter than ever today, so you will have a better chance of moving forward in your life. You could be a role model to others, you're so motivated and high minded right now!


Try to set a good example for others today, especially if you are going to be around children. You might not realize it, but people look to you for clues about how to behave much more often that you think. So behave! You usually have good manners, but today you might have to take an extra moment or two to think about what you are going to say before you say it instead of just blurting out the first quip that comes to mind. It could backfire on you!


One of your teammates or partners has a different agenda than you do, right now. In fact, they could want the opposite of what you want. This is totally fine and won't cause any conflict whatsoever, but it is something you should be aware of -- because eventually it will create some problems. A joint decision needs to be made soon, and right now they can't understand your point of view. So take time today to plead your case. Sell your side of things.


An upcoming social event that you thought was just going to be an informal get together might turn out to be a bigger deal. So, just in case, dress a little bit nicer than you normally would. Be prepared to make a great impression on new people. Make sure you have conversations that are about more than just the weather. In any communications today, you should take advantage of the opportunity to get to know how someone thinks -- and more importantly, why they think what they think.


Stop hiding your hidden agenda -- if you want to achieve something, be proud to talk about it with other people. Keeping your goals a secret isn't a very wise decision, especially since right now there are so many people around you who could help you get at least one more step closer to where you want to be. Full disclosure and trust is required, but the good news is that divulging your plans will be easy -- and a heck of a lot of fun, as well.


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