Daily horoscopes for 24th November, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 24th November, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:30 pm


Spending hours reflecting on your own life isn't selfish -- it's essential, especially right now. You might want to keep things lighthearted for the sake of the social situation, but that just isn't necessary! The people you'll be with will totally understand if you need to be a little bit introspective, today. You can get wild and crazy some other day, when you feel like it. Right now, follow your mood. If it tells you to stick to yourself, then do so.


Some of your bad habits have become too comfortable for you to get rid of! It's okay to have one or two small vices, but it's time to get more serious about eliminating a couple of them -- especially the ones that can affect your health! Take a look at the things you do without thinking and start thinking about why you do them (or why you don't do them). Getting more physical is a great first step toward improving your health both physically and mentally.


You will have a kind of high energy today that could blow other people out of the water, if you're not too careful. So pull it back as much as feels comfortable. Remember that while you might be totally motivated to do something right this very minute, not everyone else around you is. So you will have to be sensitive to other people's time tables and avoid pushing them too hard. Stick with what the group wants, right now. You will still get what you need, later.


The mistakes you've made in the past are all in the past! So to spend time regretting them today is a monumental waste of your time, especially if you are trying to set goals for your future. Because when you're thinking about what to do next in your life, you have to put what you've already done in your life out of your mind. Be careful starting new projects when you're in a reflective frame of mind, because you won't be able to be objective. You'll shy away from things you shouldn't fear.


If you need to make a good impression on some powerful movers and shakers, today is the right day! Your energy and your outlook are both positive, and this good combination will work in your favor. All you have to do is open your mouth and the perfect words will be there, ready to amaze and entertain whoever you are talking to. If you are single, this is one heck of a day to hit the hot spots and charm the cuties left and right. Make the time to make someone's day brighter.


Today it might seem like you have some tough choices to make, but if you ask a friend to help you see them in a new light, you will soon see that it's a pretty cut-and-dried situation. Sharing what you are going through with someone you trust is an invaluable exercise -- plus it makes them feel great that you want their input to help guide your life! And don't worry that they will see you as weak or indecisive. The people in your life just love helping you.


Flirting can be fun, but keep it in perspective -- just because you have great banter with someone doesn't mean that there is any real substance there for you to build a relationship on. If you want to get more serious with someone you've been flirtatious with, then you have to get more serious -- start having real conversations about real issues, and stop tossing those double entendres around. Find out if they are really as interesting as you think they are.


A friend who always knows how to stir up the drama is going to test your patience today. Of course, you will pass the test with flying colors, but not without asking yourself once or twice if this relationship is really worth all of this work. It's only natural to go through this exercise once or twice a year, but if you've been doing it once or twice a month it might be time for a discussion. You deserve to have a friend who doesn't take you for granted.


You know, there is no law stating that you have to do everything you are told, so forgo the blind obedience, today. When you feel like coloring outside the lines, color away! You've got to free yourself to feel naughty once in a while -- the payoff is great in terms of a boosted energy level, and plus it's just loads of fun. As long as you're not breaking any laws, being rude, or hurting anyone's feelings, you should say 'so long' to the rules for today.


There are so many cultures out there to explore, but jetting to every corner of the earth isn't feasible money-wise or job-wise. So in order to satisfy your travel urges right now, turn to alternate options. Rent a movie that's set in one of the countries you want to visit most. Or read a book that explores some faraway place you'll probably never get to. Even if you just surf the internet for an hour or two, you'll be able to get a dose of an exotic experience.


Someone at work is letting their personal issues get in the way of their responsibilities -- and it might be up to you to make them aware of it over the next few days. Let the week get going and give them one more shot to prove that they can handle what they are doing. But as soon as you start to see a slide, pull them aside and have a talk. You'll be doing them a favor by waking them up. And you'll be doing yourself a favor, because if they mess up you'll have to pick up all the pieces.


Even if you don't need to save money right now, you might still find yourself in a penny pinching mood, today -- and you can only benefit by following it. A rainy day is coming soon, in the form of an expensive opportunity or an unexpected bill. But little efforts over time can yield impressive results, so set aside a coffee can or basket and start dumping your nickels, dimes, and a few ten dollar bills into it! Get in the habit of cutting back now -- you'll be doing yourself a big favor.


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