Daily horoscopes for 30th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 30th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:30 pm


This is not the time to leap outside of your comfort zone! If you are not comfortable right now, you will not be happy. Your emotions are driving you to make hasty decisions that might not be in your best interests in the long run, so resist the urge to start something new. Later, you can start pushing yourself a little bit -- to be more bold, more emotional, whatever. That's always invigorating, but it's also dangerous, sometimes. Just keep yourself busy with your daily routine for now.


You are feeling highly sensitive about your finances right now -- they are out of synch with those of everyone you're socializing with, which could cause some tension when the talk turns to the next outing. Nevertheless, you should try to take extra care to save your money up. Resist shopping or going out right now. There are some unexpected tolls coming up on your road of life, and you'll need to pay them quickly and painlessly. Start pinching those pennies!


Just because you said goodbye to someone doesn't mean that they still can't inspire or affect your future in a positive way. You take them with you wherever you go, and they will always be a part of you. So try to switch from sadness to gratitude that you ever got to know them in the first place! Your feelings are important to honor, but you cannot let them control your goals in life. Use your head today and start moving again, in a new direction.


If you are worried about a friend, your concerns might be unwarranted right now -- do not act on your feelings just yet. You cannot get involved with stuff you are unsure of, and right now you cannot be one hundred percent certain that what you fear is true. So just let things be for a while. Otherwise, don't push things too hard. You may think you are acting as a compassionate friend -- but they might think you are meddling in their life too much.


There is a new closeness growing between you and a sibling or close cousin -- the nurturing aspect of your family life is much more predominant than usual right now, and it is something that can really help you deal with any dramas you've been working through. This is a time of personal growth for you, when you can take the advice given to you by people who care about you and make good use of it! So make sure in any conversations that you open up and let it all out.


From time to time, you need to separate your unrealistic goals from the goals that you can actually accomplish. You could be setting yourself up for failure by aiming way too high. It's good to challenge yourself, but do you really have to think in such grand terms? Be more modest in your aims -- instead of being rich by a certain age, just set a realistic goal to save a certain amount of money each month. That's something you can accomplish, and something that will make your ego healthier.


Your business forecast looks very sunny today -- there's not a cloud in the sky and temperatures are mild! Everything is humming along nicely, and it might be a great day to take a vacation and treat yourself to a nice afternoon nap or matinee movie. The pace of the day might speed up as you move into evening, when an unexpected visit or phone call causes you to add some items to your 'to do' list. But it's all in the name of helping others, and you're up for that!


Looking back on your life is a good idea, right now. Re-running the movies of your life will remind you of your successes, and more importantly, remind you of the lessons you have learned from your mistakes! You'll also notice a pattern of behavior that will help you move forward into your future in a more healthy way. Your growing strength and positive self esteem will ensure that the mistakes you made in the past will not be repeated again.


You may want to be alone today, but you won't be able to swing any solo time soon. So you'll need major stimulation to stay tuned in to other people. The good news is that one of the people you'll be dealing with is a super high energy person who you're usually drawn to. Rely on them and listen to them more than anyone else -- that's a good way to stay on the same page as everyone else. Group dynamics are overwhelming for you now, so just focus on one person.


Make sure that you finish everything completely, today -- tie every loose end up in a neat little bow and polish it up for show. People who have a lot of power over your life will be reviewing your work, and you will make to make sure that they like what they see. It won't be difficult at all for you to impress them, but you will have to double check your work just in case. Your relationships with these people are good, but you can take nothing for granted.


You love having fun with other people as much as anyone, but remember that you have the right to privacy! If you just aren't feeling up to a night out or can't bear to organize another group outing, then don't. Say no to that next invitation and tell everyone to have fun without you. There is nothing wrong with spending some time alone -- in fact it is healthy. It will help you get more centered, and it will give everyone else a chance to miss you for a while!


If you are dealing with any contracts or other types of legal documents today, you need to be twice as meticulous as you usually are. Your energy is low right now and it will be difficult for you to concentrate for any length of time -- you run the risk of missing out on the finer details. Read the small print very carefully, because it's in the small print where the big mistakes hide! You might need to take extra time to do a lot of things today, so go slow.


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