Daily horoscopes for 10th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 10th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:30 pm


You're usually not a very impetuous person, but would it do you any harm to act more spontaneously? The answer is: Definitely not! You can achieve your goals just as efficiently when you just run out and act on them. You do not have to spend days or weeks researching every little possible factor. There are only so many situations you can anticipate, so why try to cover all your bases? Right now you have positive energy on your side, and there's an opportunity you just can't pass up.


You have a great insight into the major events going on right now, and people will be depending on you for help. You have the answers that will illuminate their minds and get them moving in the right direction. But in trying to get these answers, people might start acting a little bit weird. Be prepared for unexpected responses, unusual attitudes, and odd evasions. No one is going about things the right way, but you can't help unless they ask you for help.


Say it all, or don't say anything, today. Right now, there is no point in sharing your deep thoughts unless you share every single one of them, so don't hold back! It's not about oversharing or wearing your heart on your sleeve -- it's about being honest and trusting other people enough to hear you without judging you. When you tell it like it is, people are impressed and want to listen even more. And it's the right time to make a good impression.


You will be firing on all cylinders today! Your brain is sharper than ever right now, and you will be able to learn new and difficult things extremely quickly. It's the perfect time to sign up for that yoga class, begin that challenging novel, or try your hand at learning a new hobby. But although mental tasks will be no challenge, you might trip up when it comes to physical activities. So skip the gym today and devote yourself to more intellectual pursuits.


Wanting change in your life and making change happen in your life both have one thing in common -- patience. If someone else holds the power over a big promotion, job change or other kind of role change, you cannot force them to make their decisions any faster than they are going to make them. And if you are working at creating new change, you have to understand that everyone else doesn't necessarily move on your timetable. Just take a deep breath! Then wait.


Let your curiosity guide you today. Be open-minded and just follow wherever said curiosity leads you. Wondering if that cutie is already romantically attached? Then step up and ask them! Wondering what it would be like to try a new look? Go to the mall and visit stores you usually walk right by. It's so much fun to push things in a new direction that you just might want to make it a habit! This is a period of great opportunity for you to learn new things about yourself.


Your creativity has been on a roll lately, and all you have to do today is just let it keep on rolling! Don't think things through too closely -- leave enough messiness and open spaces in your schedule to encourage last minute thinking and improvisation. Make sure you have some breathing room. Let your imagination ignite and take you to new places! Now is the best time for you to put things back together in an entirely new way. You will have a blast doing it!


Today, it's important for you to devote serious energy towards finding a balance between your home life and your public life. Going out with friends and having fun is a perfectly fine thing to do, but you should not be doing it every single night. There may be problems at home you are ignoring, so start staying in more often in order to balance your time and show your family or roommates that you are there for them, too. You need to be faithful to all your responsibilities.


Someone who has power over your schedule is willing to make certain adjustments that will make you very happy -- and today is a great day to connect with them and make it happen. So get to it as early as you can. You will excel at any kind of negotiation, today, from getting extra time on a tricky project to getting the best seat at a restaurant. There's just something about your smile, your charm and your sparkling eyes that has the whole world captivated!


The best way to ensure that you have more money later is to start saving more of it, now! This simple rule seems logical, but logic usually flies out the window when you are standing in front of a new gadget you want. So today, start a new trend. When you are tempted by a new goodie in a store, just say no! It might feel like the entire gravitational pull of the earth is forcing you to plunk down your hard-earned cash, but it's not. You have the power to improve your spending habits.


Your brilliance will always shine through, so why are you getting nervous about that big speech or presentation you have to make? Rest assured that your audience, no matter how big it will be, will be left impressed by your performance. So instead of using up all your energy getting stressed out, use it to envision the standing ovation you will receive. It will help you get back in touch with your confidence -- it's there, but you might have to dig down deep in order to find it.


Sure, your energy may be lagging a little bit now, but so what? Give yourself a break and stop pushing so hard to be so much to so many people. All you really need right now is some rest. If you can, take a nap today. Reschedule a meeting or appointment that you are dreading. Ask for some help to get things done. The presence of another person will be enjoyable, plus it might even help perk up your energy level and help you end this day on a high note.


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