Daily horoscopes for 29th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 29th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:30 pm


Long-term changes don't happen overnight, especially when they involve another person. So cool your jets! You've simply got to learn how to be a little bit more patient with things. Just regard the other person in this situation and everything will be fine. Follow their lead on this thing and do as they do. For once, they might have a better handle on the way things need to go than you do. The power is shifting out of your hands, but you're due for a bit of a break. Enjoy it.


Your left brain hasn't been getting any loving lately -- it's time to check out some art or music that makes you think and feel differently. All of this right brain logic stuff has its place, but too much of it will turn your personality into something you won't even recognize. Getting back in touch with your creativity doesn't take much -- just walk around an art museum or a different aisle of your favorite music store. There is so much culture out there to explore!


This is not such a great day for mulling things over -- now it the time for decisive action! Even if you're not totally sure about what you are doing, you need to fake it until you do. Your brain is excellent at coming up with new schemes, but maybe not so excellent at understanding how to pull them together. To make it happen, you need to ask a friend for help. So get out, grab a willing accomplice, and stir up some new adventures. See what happens.


Try to become more socially active, right now. Getting involved in making the changes you want to see in the world is a wonderful way to get a deeper understanding of what motivates other people -- and ultimately, what motivates you. You need to focus more on the process of living in order to get more out of your own life. Stop getting distracted by disposable-culture trends. High-minded ideas will be preoccupying you for a while now, so you have to pay more attention to them.


Adding more romance to your life doesn't always mean turning up the heat on a love relationship. Romance should be a part of everything in your life, in the truest sense of the word. Today, try to ensure that what you see is beautiful, what you hear is mellifluous, and what you eat is delicious. Give yourself the gift of pleasurable moments that you can look back at in the future. Now's a great time to splurge on yourself and make yourself feel extra-special.


Try to utilize more of your creativity today -- just let yourself go and try not to work so hard to come up with the expected answers. Express what you feel and communicate in the way that you feel most comfortable. If that means singing a song, then sing! If that means writing a poem, then get to rhyming. Your personality is conveyed whenever you open your mouth, so make sure that you don't miss the chance to make an unforgettable impression today.


It's a super day for you to live your life large! Be over the top -- and take your shameless flirting to a whole new level. Just have fun with whatever you do, and don't modify your behavior based on who could be watching -- who really cares what other people think? It's a day for you to be careless, and even a little bit crazy. Let loose with silly jokes, goofy slapstick, and groan-worthy puns. You'll keep the room laughing and keep yourself smiling!


You cannot change the past, so today if you are full of regrets, you just have to start getting comfortable with them, because there is no going back. The pain of what you did or didn't do will fade with the passage of time, so look ahead. Make some plans with friends for a road trip and give yourself something to look forward to, something to take your mind off of the past. Your patience will get you through this time of life, and your hopefulness with prepare you for better times.


Try to put some good old silliness at the top of your to-do list today -- practical jokes and wacky faces are totally free, and can be totally fun. Your sense of humor is one of your greatest strengths, and your ability to see humor in just about any situation is one of the biggest reasons you are so loved by your friends. Socializing is a wonderful idea, today -- especially if the weather cooperates. Organize a small picnic or a walk outside for you and some of your favorite people.


You will encounter a person from a different culture today who will set your world on edge -- but whether the change they make is a good one or a bad one is completely up to you. If you can keep your mind open, you will have a positive the experience, so try to think the best of everyone you meet and not make judgments. Just because someone doesn't handle a difficult situation in the same manner that you do doesn't mean they are wrong.


You have always found learning to be an enjoyable activity, but today your brain is hungrier for information than ever before. So go and seek out some new people and places to discover. Don't just step out of your comfort zone -- leap out of it! Sidle up to a group you never talk to and introduce yourself. Take some chances and dive into some new territory. Each time you experience something new, you energize yourself and create a whole new connection that should come in handy soon.


When it comes to your finances, you can't sacrifice your savings for your reputation. If you are afraid of being called 'cheap' by your friends, you need to get over it. First of all, if you bow out of a pricey event due to budget constraints, the people who care about you won't judge you for it. And secondly, if they do -- who needs them? When you choose friends, put their ability to support you high up on your list. If they only like you when your wallet is open, they're not your friends.


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