Daily horoscopes for 25th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 25th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:30 pm


You'll be feeling quite magnanimous, today, ready to forgive anyone who's wronged you and eager to rise above petty squabbles. This means it's a great day to reach out to those people who are always cold or rude to you. Show them that you are the bigger person. You'll be able to do it without making them feel like you're making fun of them or putting them on the spot. It's important to show them that you're not playing along with their games anymore.


You might think that when you're in the midst of a power struggle you need to be full of bluster and aggressive energy, and most of the time that is wise. But today, when you are stuck trying to negotiate getting your way, the worst thing in the world to do is to be too pompous or confident. Let this person know that you want to find a solution that makes both of you happy -- you have no interest in bulldozing over them. With true collaboration you can find an answer.


Making tough decisions will be easy as pie for you today, because there will be plenty of obvious signs that will be pointing you in the right direction. So relax, and feel free to turn off your intuition. It's exhausting for you to try to sense things and read between the lines all the time, so give yourself a break. Accept what you see and what you hear as the truth -- because they probably are. Don't get too intellectual or analytical about information you get, today.


Why hide what you have to offer from others? Being shy and coy can be cute, but these aren't effective tactics for showing the world what you can offer -- especially if you are looking to create a romantic connection. So today, you need to take a bigger risk -- reveal your inner thoughts and ideas and you won't be disappointed. You are a lot more intriguing than you realize. Providing a clue towards solving the mystery will attract a lot of people to you.


You have the guts, now it's time for you to go for the glory! Do something that will get you noticed and appreciated, today -- it's time for you to remind people just how awesome you are. Even if you just do something small, like buy a friend lunch or feed some quarters into another car's parking meter, you'll be noticed and appreciated for the efforts you made and the generosity you exhibit. It feels good to be the hero, no matter how modest your superhero stunts are.


You like to root for the underdog just as much as anyone, but today that might not be as rewarding as following the leader! There's something very attractive about a person who really knows what they're doing, so who could blame you if you suddenly don't feel sympathy for the person who's struggling to catch up? Align yourself closely to the winners, today -- some of their competitive spirit might rub off on you and inspire you to plan your next big goal.


A coworker will be looking to you for the answers, today -- yet again. If you haven't already talked to them about sharing responsibilities, do it today. And if you have already had the 'do your fair share' conversation, then it may be time to go over their heads. It's not about tattling on a colleague. They aren't carrying their weight, and that fact has to be made known before you get blamed for it. Look out for yourself and tell yourself that it's okay to stop carrying someone.


It is a wonderful day for coasting along life's path -- your recent accomplishments have set you up nicely for a nice long period of calm, so why not sit back and enjoy it? Go ahead and rest on your laurels, you deserve a break after all the hard work you've done. Relax and just enjoy the view from this mountain you have just climbed -- you will have plenty of time to scan for the next peak later. Right now, you should sit down and pat yourself on the back.


Press the pause button on any travel plans you've been making, today -- something is still up in the air, and you need to wait for it to come down before finalizing anything. You should definitely not sign any paperwork or make any deposits, no matter how much time seems to be an issue. But don't worry -- at some point today, key information will come to light that will let you know where to go from here. You'll still be able to do what you want to do, but be ready for some compromises.


It'll feel like your eyes are playing tricks on you, today, when they are trained on someone whose opinions you value highly. This person is saying things you never thought you'd hear come out of their mouth! It looks like they're turning into someone you don't recognize. This person is trying to be someone they are not -- and they're acting like that in order to try to impress someone else. Let them know that you liked the real them better. Be the voice of reason in their life, telling them to be true to who they are.


Today you might be dealing with a hot-headed person who has a very short fuse. But the best way to diffuse an angry bomb of a person is to toss them a task that will keep them busy and make them feel more useful. Otherwise, if you entertain their arguments and listen to their complaints, you will only end up encouraging an ugly power struggle. This person just wants attention, and is using their emotions to get it. You don't have to play by those rules.


Make your priority 'you' today -- that means, if you haven't been to the doctor or dentist lately, then make an appointment! You need to take care of yourself, and keeping your physical self in good shape is critical. But make sure you're taking care of your emotional needs, too. If you crave more affection from your sweetie, let them know. They've been busy lately, but things are slowing down now and it's easier to make time together.


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