Daily horoscopes for 15th September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 15th September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:30 pm


When someone asks you what you want today, you may surprise yourself when you can't come up with an answer. It's not that you have everything you need, it's that you really haven't given enough thought to what you want -- and that is a real problem. It's not selfish to put energy toward achieving your own desires instead of the desires of other people. In fact, it's necessary sometimes. So put your own needs on the front burner, today. Figure out your priorities so you'll be ready next time.


Don't hesitate to act from your gut when you see something strange, today. You won't know what to make of the episode as it's happening, but shortly thereafter you will get a strong sense of what to do. Obey this urge and follow through as quickly as you can. Don't worry that people will fault you for sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong. Your involvement will be seen as a blessing, not as meddlesome interference. Use your compassion to make stronger connections.


Today, you won't have to worry about your friends misinterpreting you -- they always know right where you are coming from. However, you do need to watch out for a new person on the scene. They're not used to all of the verbal short cuts and inside jokes, and could easily misinterpret what you say -- and even make some negative assumptions. So until they get the knack of how things work, try to be as low key as you can. Invite them into every conversation you have.


Perfection just doesn't exist -- even those perfect-looking celebrities you see in magazines have been airbrushed by professionals! So you need to stop holding yourself to such impossibly high standards. It's bumming you out and ruining your good energy. Imperfections are what make you who you are, so why are you rejecting them? You don't want to be a robot -- you want to be the charming, real person you are. So embrace your imperfections -- the people who love you do.


Today, someone's honest assessment of your work might sting a little bit, but you need to take their criticism and learn from it -- even if what you learn is that you should never ask this person for their feedback, again! Turn off your defense mechanisms -- because while they protect you, they will also prevent you from learning things that will improve the quality of your work. You are secure enough in yourself to know that you're not perfect and never will be.


Starting new projects is not advised right now -- they will have more of a confusing effect on your life than you think. Plus, as soon as you get into your day, you will probably start to feel foggy or unclear about things. Instead of getting all wrapped up in your own things, put more energy into focusing on the things that other people are doing. Maybe they could use a little help? You'll be far more productive helping others than helping yourself.


It's a good thing that your flexibility muscles are stronger and more lithe than ever, because today, they are certainly going to get a workout! There is a new confusion in your life right now, and it could throw your daily routine for a loop. Luckily, this is not of your doing -- you can't fix it. All you can do it dodge it as best you can, keep clear of the aftershocks and try not to slow down your forward momentum any more than you absolutely have to. Try not to get caught up in anyone's dramas.


Today is a great day to contact a friend who owes you one or two favors -- they are in an excellent position to help you reach an important goal. If you're looking for a job, they have a great contact for you. If you need a few extra bucks, they can help you out. Whatever it is, they are going to be only too happy to show you the generosity that you have shown them so many times in the past. All you have to do is ask! And remember -- you should always thank the people who help you.


Your bright smile will be your most useful tool today -- so shine it wherever you go and watch the doors of opportunity fly right open! When an unsympathetic person stands between you and where you want to be, show 'em those pearly whites and toss them a genuine compliment and watch them transform in front of your eyes. You have so much charm, and you're letting it go to waste. Harness the power of positive thinking and positive exchanges with others.


You are going to feel a lot of sympathy for someone today -- your compassionate side has been drawn out a lot lately, and you're seeing the problems people are having in a new light. There's something inside of you that wants to make deeper connections with people, and you understand that by helping someone get through a tough time, you can make those connections possible. Make sure not to just tell people what you think they want to hear. It's essential to be honest if you want to connect.


It's time for you to get a handle on where you spend your money, especially in terms of your social life. Going to see a great play, checking out a hot new band or dining out at an exclusive restaurant are fine things to do every now and again -- but going out too often is putting a strain on your wallet. And there are plenty of ways to have fun without paying someone for the privilege. Rent a movie and have some friends over to watch it. Order a pizza, and enjoy having fun for next to nothing.


Getting along well with others might be an unrealistic goal for you today, but that doesn't mean your day will be full of conflict. You can still get along well with enough of the people who matter to keep yourself smiling. Just refuse to compromise -- feel free to follow your own agenda first, even if that means you will diverge from the rest of the group and bruise a few egos. They'll get over it. Besides, they admire your determination more than you know.


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