Daily horoscopes for 20th July, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 20th July, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:31 pm


Keep busy in the morning, but make sure to save some time this afternoon so you can daydream about your future. It might sound silly to schedule in some fantasy time, but it's not. Your imagination and creativity require maintenance, and today you will have the time you need to do it. Think about where you want to go next in a new relationship -- the future for you two will be greatly influenced by what you want it to be, so start imagining things in as much detail as possible.


There is no reason to worry about where you stand in your social circle -- especially right now, when your insight and your ideas are what everyone is craving most. You need to have a little bit more faith that you are still loved by your friends! If you're feeling insecure, just reach out to someone you know will be able to set you straight. There has been some weird stuff going on lately, but it has nothing to do with you -- even if you feel like they've been taking it out on you.


Just because the advice that your friends and family gave you wasn't what you were hoping to hear doesn't mean that you shouldn't still follow it. In fact, it means you should follow it all the more! These people know you, and they love you -- they want you to be happy, and they just told you how they think you can get there. What do you have to lose by trusting them? Their objectivity gives them a good point of view on your situation. They see things without all the emotions attached.


You are going to be dealing with a very rigid personality today -- and like it or not, you're going to have to help them learn to be flexible. But all you need to do is be patient with them. Once you understand that they have a sort of a handicap, you'll be able to give them the compassion they really need to start respecting the needs of other people more. They have to understand that everything can't go exactly the way they want it to all the time. You can show them how.


There will be a fun little drama popping into your life today, and it could toss a monkey wrench into your carefully-laid plans. But so what? Plans are made to be rearranged, sometimes. And you could use a little lesson in flexibility. Be as adaptable as you possibly can to the situation, and keep smiling. This is not going to be a big deal unless you make it a big deal. Creating more emotional distance from the negative energy will free you from having to worry.


You may not find all the answers you're looking for today, but you will definitely learn something new -- as long as you keep your mind open. If someone says something that makes you want to gasp, hold back your indignation. Accept the fact that just because they feel that way doesn't mean they are intent on getting you to agree with them. Feeling threatened by different types of people is only a waste of time. You're much better off respecting them and adopting a 'live and let live' attitude.


The romantic areas of your life are going to get a lot more attention from the universe, today. Whether or not you actually have a partner in your life right now is irrelevant. The barriers between you and other people are falling away, and suddenly you're in intimate quarters with a powerful person. People will want to be as close to you as you let them, so try to take advantage of it. Adhere to your strict sense of honesty and do not make any promises that you don't intend to keep.


Overreaction could be a factor in your day, and you have to be prepared for someone's unexpected emotional outbursts. And keep in mind, that outburst could come from you! You can't anticipate how things will go today, so don't waste time worrying about it -- you will only end up stressing yourself out. The better strategy is to just carry on as you normally would and deal with stuff as it comes. Being confident that you can put out fires is better than trying to predict them.


A friend is trying to bring their relationship with you to a deeper level, and you should take them seriously. Don't just go along with their plans unless you also want them to be a bigger part of your life. Think long and hard about this, because once you make that connection, you're going to be committed. If there are any doubts in your mind, you have to put the brakes on as quickly as possible. You care enough about them to be honest with them, after all.


You can't control how other people perceive you. You can control how you present yourself. These are two very different things. People assess things based on their own prejudices and preconceptions, so if they don't respond to your presentation or speech the way you had hoped, you can't take it personally! You did your best -- you gave them the message, and they misinterpreted it. Ask them questions to keep the conversation going and clarify your perspective.


Your ambition is growing, but you need to make sure it doesn't get in your way, today! When making choices about your social life, you should not be factoring in your boss or coworkers, at least not right now. Keep the line between your private life and your professional life boldly drawn. Crossing over right now would be very unwise. It would do harm to both spheres. Stop focusing on your bottom line so much, and start spreading your attention across all areas of your life.


Do you feel like no one is leveling with you right now? Turn to your closest friends for all the reality checks you need. They can always be counted on to tell you the truth and help you get rid of unrealistic fantasies. The sobering dose of reality that one of them gives you today will be just the kick in the pants you need to make a few changes in your life. Show some appreciation for their dependability by treating them to a small gift or dinner out.


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