Daily horoscopes for 10th May, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 10th May, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu May 08, 2008 6:30 pm


You might have an unexpected (and perhaps even a tad bit embarrassing) emotional reaction to something that is seemingly innocuous today, but so what? Don't suppress it. You need to let your emotions come out in full force right now. Show people that it's not such a bad thing to have human emotions. You can't be a robot all of the time. Celebrate the fact that you are in touch with your feelings -- it is a strength to show them, not a weakness.


Getting to where you need to be (when you need to be there) could become your biggest challenge today. Issues with your car or someone else's car will force you to change your plans and become reliant on others. Public transportation is nothing to be afraid of, but it's not always feasible. It's a good thing you have so much flexible energy in your life right now -- it will help you roll with the punches and deal with whatever delays or wrinkles pop up.


Sharing is not just a lesson they teach you in kindergarten -- it's an important part of being a compassionate, good person. So today if someone needs something you have, share it. Have a friend who's hungry? Give them half your sandwich. Meet someone who doesn't have quarters for parking? Pay for a half hour. These little gestures mean so little to you -- but so much to someone else. Being possessive of what you have is not going to do anything but alienate others and make you feel guilty.


So many people around you are clamoring for the spotlight right now that in order to get the attention you crave, the wiser move would be to be the quietest one in the room. Being subtle and subdued in your approach is the very best way to stand apart from the rest of the group -- and get the undivided attention of someone you want to impress. Being cool, calm and collected will get your farther today than flapping your arms or yelling and screaming will.


Have you been losing confidence in your intuitive abilities? Have no fear -- all of your faith is about to be restored. You'll detect some monkey business going on in a situation that everyone else thinks is just peachy. They'll think you are paranoid, but you should trust your gut one more time. Speak up and voice your concerns to the group, and it will become all too clear that you were right on the money. They'll eat crow and you will feel confident once again.


If you are pressed for time today, the worst thing you can do is hurry! If you spend all day rushing around, you'll only end up missing out on details. Or worse, putting yourself in danger because you're not concentrating on what you're doing. So what is the magic answer for finishing everything on your list? Organization. Just relax, sort out what you need to do, and create a plan. Give yourself the time you need to deal with your stuff in a way that allows you to totally concentrate.


You will be feeling quite generous today, ready to use your ample flexibility whenever a compromise is called for. Someone needs to cancel your date? No problem, these things happen. Someone cuts you off in traffic? No biggie, you'd rather play it safe than get road enraged. This easygoing phase should last a few days, and it will enable you to keep your cool in situations where other people might blow their stack. This is a very good time for your emotional health.


You have a great way with people, which will come in very handy today. Being tactful and diplomatic is going to help you ease tensions between two friends and help everyone in your group get along much better. But when you step in to help your people have a civil conversation, try not to control how they act. Give them free reign to work things out in the way that makes the most sense for them. Your way is probably not the one they'd choose, so don't force them to.


Your philosophy about life might not be something that you can express in words, but it took a lot of time and trial to get to -- so respect it. Do not back down when what you think is challenged today. Just walk away from people who don't respect your ideals. Trying to explain yourself is not going to be easy, and chances are, they are not going to listen. They are pushing their own agenda, and are not interested in learning from you. It's sad, but it's true.


Keep your mind open today -- even if doing so won't feel very comfortable at certain points of the day. You realize that someone is trying to change your opinion, but so what? Let them try. The worst thing that could happen is that what they say starts to make a lot of sense. And if that's the case, are you so stuck in your ways that you won't alter your positions for fear that it will make you look bad? You're smarter than that! Think with your brain, not your ego.


If you have been having money woes lately, they probably have much less to do with saving than they have to do with spending -- you might be focusing on fixing the wrong problem. Take a look at where you money is going -- are you throwing it out the window, or investing in things? Get objective, third party insight, preferably from a professional. Your friends would love to help, but they just don't truly understand what the situation is. Plus, it's not wise to mix business and pleasure.


When someone asks for your insight today, you shouldn't hold back about how you really feel -- but you might want to soften your harshest feelings. This person isn't used to hearing the cold, harsh truth and it would be in your best interests to gloss over your thoughts with a nice thick coating of charm and diplomacy. If you have concerns, you should share them -- after all, this person is counting on your help. But don't ring too many alarm bells. No need to create drama.


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Joined: Sat May 10, 2008 11:22 am


Post by Anshu » Sat May 10, 2008 11:36 am

Thanks for daily horoscope

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