Daily horoscopes for 12th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 12th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:30 pm

Aries:<br /><br />Someone in power is going to be tad bit difficult for you to bear today, but you need to give your temper some time to cool off before you say anything that could cause any friction with them. They have a long memory, and you never want to leave a bad impression. Like it or not, you need to make sure you're on their good list right now. You are cautioned to avoid impetuousness at all costs today. The slower you go, the better place you'll end up in.<br />
Taurus:<br /><br />If you get caught up in a power struggle today, get out of it as soon as you possibly can! Even if you have to completely give in to someone's demands, you should. Fighting for your point of view is just not worth the risk right now. Giving in might not be your first choice, and it might not make everyone happy, but you'll end up in a better place in the long run. You have to know how to pick your battles. Today's conflicts are simply not worth your energy.<br />
Gemini:<br /><br />It's important to defend how you feel about things, but is it worth upsetting someone you care about or making an important person mad? If the person you disagree with can't be big enough to accept your position, then you have to be big enough to accept theirs -- but you don't have to agree with it. You can't always surround yourself with like-minded people only. Not only is it boring, it's a small way of seeing the world. Disagreements can be very educational.<br />
Cancer:<br /><br />You are ready to take on bigger and better tasks in your daily life -- your ambition is raring to go, and this is a great time to join the gym, start a home remodeling project, or step into the boss's office and ask for a raise. You have a good eye when it comes to your aim, too -- your goals are high, but not so high that you are sure to fail. Success in anything you start today, while it might be slow in coming, is almost one hundred percent assured as long as you just stick with it.<br />
Leo:<br /><br />Have some ice-breaking comments ready to go today, because you are likely to be thrust into groups of people you need to get to know. In order to initiate some good conversation with these people, be cheerful. Avoid touchy topics like politics, religion, or money. It's much wiser to stick to safe topics like television shows, sporting events, and gossip about celebrities. Shallow topics might not lead to deep connections, but at least they won't lead to arguments, either!<br />
Virgo:<br /><br />You will be bouncing up and down between opposite experiences all day long, but these extreme situations will be an awful lot of fun! You have the flexibility required to go with the flow, no matter how sudden or unexpected changes are. The only problem is that you make it all look too easy, so no one is going to recognize the skills that you possess. This is a wonderful day to try a new look and see how it goes over with friends. Updating your wardrobe is always fun.<br />
Libra:<br /><br />Embrace your inner eccentric and try not to edit yourself today -- so what if you raise a few eyebrows, or provoke people into wondering what's up with you? Their opinions matter less than the freedom you will feel by doing what you want to do in the way you want to do it! Trying to fit in with the status quo all the time is not only exhausting, it limits your creativity! So let your freak flag fly -- ignore propriety and you are likely to inspire a few of your more adventurous friends to join you.<br />
Scorpio:<br /><br />When you receive some glowing and positive feedback from an unlikely source today, try not to look so surprised! The people in power have been noticing your accomplishments for a while -- and they would like to see more of what you can do. Therefore, you can expect to get some extra attention over the next few days. People are expecting more and more of you now, but you will rise to the occasion with grace and charm. You are going to impress quite a lot of people.<br />
Sagittarius:<br /><br />A confused and struggling friend could use some tough love today -- and you're the best person to give it to them. Unlike a lot of folks, you know exactly how to deliver the cold, hard truth in a warm, soft, and supportive way! Few people know how to deliver such a tricky message without hurting someone's feelings or sounding judgmental. But your compassion will see you through. Trust yourself today, and you could open up new doors in an old relationship.<br />
Capricorn:<br /><br />You usually have good judgment when it comes to getting to know people, but it might be a little bit clouded right now. This new person that you are dying to get to know better, for example -- are they really deserving of this level of your admiration? Think about this long and hard today, because who you bring into your life is not a choice to make lightly. Make sure you're choosing these people based on the right reasons. Disposable friendships are more trouble than they're worth.<br />
Aquarius:<br /><br />Focusing too much on one of your more troubled relationships is really not a good idea right now, believe it or not. Sometimes putting tensions under a microscope only makes them seem bigger than they really are. A better tactic right now is to give each other space -- space to miss one another, and space to figure out where you want things to go next. You also could use some alone time to get back in touch with your own, singular goals in life. Those matter too, you know!<br />
Pisces:<br /><br />If you're put into a situation that involves a clash of delicate egos today, focus on fairness. Even if the big boss won't like it, you have to speak the truth as you see it. Your ideas and views are strong, so there is no reason to hide what you feel just because you fear it won't be popular. Equality is too important to be sacrificed in order to get you on someone's good side. If you think something is a bad idea, say so -- set a good example by being honest and objective.<br />
All:<br />

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