Daily horoscopes for 3rd January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 3rd January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:30 pm


It's important to pursue your dreams today. What you want in life isn't just going to be handed to you. You need to figure out a plan of action -- and luckily your brain is sharp enough today to help you sift through all the noise and see what can be done. You've been in a fog about someone for a while, and a conversation with a mutual friend will illuminate some facts you were previously unaware of. Your long-held opinion about them is about to change.


A charming new person might come into your life today, and they will be giving you lots of compliments. However, their flattery is probably going to cause you to ask them some questions instead of just blushing. This is a very good sign, actually -- it means that this person can offer more to you than just an ego boost. So engage with them and find out who they really are and what they are about. The two of you have common goals that you need to explore together.


Have some fun today and focus on creative pursuits. Even if you can't draw your way out of a paper bag, you can create some great things today if you simply try. Explore the colors, sounds and sights you enjoy the most, and eventually an idea will strike you like a bolt of lightening. Share your excitement with others and invite them to contribute their own ideas wherever they see fit. They know that when you are involved, there is sure to be laughter and learning.


You are surrounded by good people with good energy right now, so try to make the most of it! Get out there and get to know those people who you've had some short but sweet conversations with. Where there is smoke there is fire, so follow any chemistry and see where it leads the two of you. It doesn't have to be a romantic connection, either. Great friendships can blossom out of the tiniest little seed, so be open minded and let whatever is meant to be come to be!


You have always tried to be there for your friends when they needed you, but it's important for you to remember that you cannot fix their problems right now -- you can only support them in whatever solution they come up with. So don't react too emotionally to someone else's life problems right now, even if you care a lot about this person. Your compassion is admirable, but you can't let your concerns for other people distract you from finding your own happiness.


You'll be working and thinking at a brisk pace all day long -- until you run head first into a bunch of emotions that you won't know quite what to do with. Something will trigger this collision -- maybe an ugly argument, a surprising revelation, or just a random news announcement. But you can process these complicated emotions if you take your time. Go slow and ask for more time if you need it. People will want to know why you're off your game, so tell them.


Planning will be a lot of fun for you today -- especially if the upcoming event you're working on involves a lot of different elements! You have a wonderful ability to appreciate the smaller things in life, including the details of this upcoming project. Names, numbers, and other tiny bits of information are all things that you can master, then organize with ease. Everyone else will defer to you on the big picture since you have the small picture so well in hand.


If you want more attention from a boss, a crush, or even your current romantic partner, then you need to stop asking for it. Back up, go off on your own, and create a little mystery around yourself. Their curiosity will inevitably get the better of them, and before you know it they'll be approaching you for some alone time. It might take longer than you'd like for this to happen, but so what? You'll be off doing your own thing, and this kind of independence will feel good.


You're feeling the need for someone to help you start thinking more positively right now -- your own ability to stay focused on good thought is getting challenged. So set aside some time to hunker down and just hang with the folks you care the most about right now. Those who know you best will be able to say the right words that will put a smile on your face. This is the start of a contemplative phase in your life, where you will rediscover a talent you'd taken for granted.


Today, you will have an urge to go explore a place or idea that is usually uncomfortable for you. Your curiosity has become stronger than your fear of the unknown, and this is a very positive development. Music will help you carry this good phase along -- listen to it for inspiration. In fact, try to take your radio along with you wherever you go. Staying plugged in will not isolate you from the world. It will encourage you to keep discovering, and keep exploring.


While you know how to create a good time for everyone around you, you might not be feeling like making life easier for others. Why? Well, things are not so easy for you right now. It might be a good idea to put yourself first today. Take a break from your cruise director duties and turn your attentions toward doing things that make you happy, not what makes everyone else happy. They aren't going to feel abandoned if you're not up for planning their fun -- they will feel empowered.


You might be feeling a little bit insecure about your status in your social circle right now -- but if there is any kind of power shift going on among your friends, it is a temporary disturbance! Have a little bit more faith in the people you choose to hang out with. They have things going on in their lives that are creating some weird energy and it's got nothing to do with you. A new beginning is coming quite soon -- something that will unite all of you for a common cause.


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