Daily horoscopes for 19th December, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 19th December, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:30 pm


Your social life is abuzz right now, which is feeding you valuable positive energy from other people. This is a great day to be around as many people as you possibly can be -- friends and strangers alike. Not only will it give you a nice break from your more solitary routine, it will open you up to starting new relationships or taking older ones in a new direction. Anyone who starts out as a stranger will end up being much more than that by the end of the day.


Take yourself out tonight! Show yourself off to the world and you are sure to have a good time. If you are looking for more romance in your life, you certainly aren't going to find it at home -- even if you cuddle up with your sweetie. And if you are happy to be single, then enjoy the fact that as a solo act you can do whatever you want to do, and go whenever you want to go. Your freedom is priceless, and it's something that you should consciously enjoy more often.


Your friends are going to be your greatest source of comfort and energy today, but that's nothing new. You all have similar ideas about what to do today, so get in touch with them as early in the day as possible to come up with a plan that everyone can contribute to. Get all of the boring stuff out of the way first -- you can't let finishing work projects, doing homework, or running errands keep you from having fun with your favorite people. It might be tricky to juggle it all, but you can do it!


You're going to get along really well with people left and right today -- there will be like-minded folks everywhere you look! This is a good day to make plans to get to know one or two of these people better. Making plans will be easy, especially when a big chunk of your calendar suddenly gets cleared up. You've got a lot of play time coming up in the next few days, so make the most of it. Don't fritter it away by sleeping in and watching television. Get social!


You can (and should) shut out pressures from the outside world right now. Too many people are demanding too many unreasonable things of you. So today, just curl up and enjoy being by yourself for a while. Lower the volume on your life, and some helpful introspection is bound to come your way. You are feeling more introverted than usual, which is a sure sign that you aren't getting as much out of being in a group as usual. Your energy is being diluted instead of enlivened.


If a friend or family member asks you to sacrifice some of your free time in the coming weeks, try to do what you can for them. They wouldn't ask this of you unless they really needed your help, and chances are you will get a lot out of being there for them. You should take it as a compliment that they came to you first. In your work life, things are about to get busy -- so you might want to tidy up your work area so that you can be ready for the onslaught.


There is a lot of vibrant energy coursing through you right now, but it's more the 'start up' kind than the 'finish up' kind. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. By initiating a lot of new things at once, you can make your life a lot more interesting without getting too overwhelmed. And it's okay if you don't actually get a lot done right now. You have more time than you think, and it's fun to play around with a few different sets of plans.


Today is a very good day for you to initiate any new thing, from a new book to a new job to a new relationship. Possibility is a profound thing for you right now, and nothing will excite you more than a blank canvas upon which you can draw anything you like. Your creativity is leading you to act in unexpected ways, but the people you meet today will find your unpredictability charming and unique. You are out to impress, and you are likely to succeed quickly.


At work or school, you need to be honest and understand your limitations -- the people who have authority over you will appreciate and respect it. It can be tough on your ego to admit that you can't do something, but it is the only way to start learning a skill or piece of information that you lack. Get a better perspective on your place in this organization and understand that you are more valuable the more you actually know. If you keep learning, that is.


No matter what you are debating doing right now, you aren't going to come to any conclusions today -- so don't push yourself too hard. Instead, use this day to do some more research on your options. Go online and find out what other people who have been in your situation choose to do -- and how they feel about their decision. Ask for advice from your friends. Making a decision about your life doesn't always have to be something you do alone.


Don't be shy about protecting your secrets today, even if you have to plead the fifth with inquisitive friends and family. Your business is your business, and other people can't help but meddle if they get the impression that you are looking for their input. No matter how well intentioned they may be, they still have a different agenda than you do. It's time to reassert yourself. Remind people that you are capable of running your own life!


Even if you have ten different projects going on right now, you should make personal relationships your first priority today. One of the people who is always there for you needs your advice or your time and you should juggle your schedule in any way you need to in order to give them what they need. Helping others is also a way to help yourself see things from a new perspective. You will realize the immense value that you have in other people's lives.


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