Daily horoscopes for 25th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 25th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:30 pm


Other people's challenges are just that -- other people's! Do not take on the burdens of the people you care about. It's not the best way to show them you support them. At best, you will depriving them of an opportunity to learn something valuable. And at worst you will make them think that you don't trust them to run their own life! So step back and have faith that they know what they're doing -- or that they will ask you for help if and when they need it.


Do not be surprised if your road to romance takes a little bit of a detour today -- but you cannot let yourself become disheartened about it. Just roll with it. The changes you will be going through over the next several days will be for the best, no matter how icky they feel at the time. Stay hopeful and stay cheerful. The image you project to the outside world will eventually come back to you and give you a genuine feeling of joyous and positive emotions.


Communicating with your family might be difficult right now -- either emotionally or technically. Maybe your phone reception konks out in the middle of a conversation, or maybe your feelings are so complicated that you don't feel like sharing them. Either way, this is not a good day for any major conversations with family members. Scheduling a visit or figuring out some future plans is not advised, because you won't be able to clearly say what you want.


You'll be stuck in the middle of a juicy conversation today, but not everyone is aware that you can hear what they are saying. This unintentional eavesdropping could make you privy to some very exciting information -- but you will need to keep all the details to yourself for now. You will know when the time is right to come forward with what you know. But until then, resist the urge to start a rumor or spread any gossip. Today is not the time for it.


Your mind is going to wander, today, and unfortunately sometimes at very inopportune times. This is most likely a sign that you are moving into a phase when you are going to be more introverted than usual. You're not quite connecting with other people at the level you would like to, so it's appealing to just go off on your own for a while. But late in the day you'll receive an invitation, and it's one you should accept. This event could hold the key to many major opportunities.


Your wacky new plans are the hottest topic among your friends, right now -- some think you can pull it off, while some of them aren't so sure. Try not to take it personally. It's not that they don't have faith in you, it's just that they don't want you to get your hopes too high. Find out what these pessimistic folks are worried about, and encourage them to tell you the truth -- you can handle it! You'll find it easy to allay their concerns and carry on with your plan.


Being the good listener that you are will come in extremely handy, today. The person you really want to impress right now is tossing out clues about what they want left and right! You'll figure out the secret in no time. If you are struggling over trying to decide on a gift to buy a friend, a conversation with them today will trigger an idea that sends you straight to the store. You'll be bursting with excitement. You'll even be a little pleased with yourself about how thoughtful you are.


Your energy is so powerful right now that it will separate the good people from the bad. The good folks are the ones who are attracted and enraptured by all the good vibes you are putting out -- and the bad folks are the ones who are intimidated by it. Now you'll know who to include on your team and who to disregard. If they can't play in your league, then you certainly don't need them. You've learned the secret to finding good allies: Showing them your full range of power.


You can appreciate a practical joke as much as anyone, but today all of the goofing around may drive you crazy. Your focus is squarely on making progress and getting things done, but everyone else around you might be more concerned with the latest celebrity gossip and fashion trends. If you can separate yourself from this group, then do -- it will help you preserve whatever personal relationships you have built with them. But if you can't, try to keep the time you are with them to a minimum.


You are definitely in the thick of things right now, but you are still not going to feel totally in synch with your friends. This social dissonance will be distracting, but it is unavoidable. Your empathy skills are growing weaker and you just don't have the patience to deal with the insecurities of one particular person who is always fishing for compliments. It might be another good day to spend on your own. You can get a lot done, and you'll have a calmer time of it.


Nothing in your life is a sure thing -- especially right now, and especially in terms of any business deals. When it comes to business, people are often more interested in what they can gain for themselves than in what they can achieve in the world. They have a different agenda than you, although that doesn't mean they wish you ill. Just remember to push back when you feel pushed and to stand up for yourself if you feel like someone is putting you down.


Your eagerness to get a new project going is so strong that it's almost tangible, so get started with it as early as you can today! Push other things aside and let yourself joyfully drive right in to whatever has got you so excited! That is the best way to catapult yourself through this day with a big, bright smile on your face and it's the best way to ensure that you make a lot of progress. Just be sure that at some point in the day you take a moment to check in with your people.


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