Daily horoscopes for 4th October, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 4th October, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:30 pm


Your email correspondence has been getting very interesting, lately -- could there be a new career or business opportunity coming soon? Keep up the virtual chit chat, and fire back some witty emails today to some people who have connections in the places you want to be. Start thinking more specifically about your future plans, too. Sure, you want the corner office, but what should your view look like? Picture your success and you'll get one step closer to it.


Today, being around new cultures and new types of people will invigorate your mind and get you thinking about new ideas and new places to explore. You'll be happiest in an unfamiliar place, seeing new things and smelling new scents. You'll be especially open-minded about trying new foods right now, as your sense of adventure is strong. This is a wonderful time for travel, and you should think about getting a brand new wardrobe for the trip.


When a mistake happens today (and at least one will), you need to be the voice of authority. Help people focus on what needs to be fixed rather than on figuring out whom to blame. One of your partners in life or in work needs you to trust them, and they aren't willing to show you all of their cards just yet. Instead of being hurt, try to accept it. Show them that you do indeed trust them -- that you are there for them and are willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


There will have to be a certain amount of give and take in your world, today -- and despite your usual generous disposition, it's going to be you who has to do most of the taking. Your selfish impulses are not inherently bad, though -- they are to be obeyed right now especially. So don't feel guilty if you want to grab the last slice of pizza, the prime parking space up front or the best seat at the table. If you don't stand up for your own desires, who will?


The connection you're developing with someone doesn't have to be just about romance -- it could be about personal growth, too. Try not to sell this thing short! This person could teach you a lot of things about yourself by encouraging you to put yourself into new situations, so be open-minded. Trust them. When they suggest a date activity that you don't feel comfortable with, give it a go anyway! You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.


You simply won't be able to do it all today -- so take it easy on yourself, and don't set goals that are impossible to achieve! You don't need to let yourself out of your responsibilities, but you do need to take yourself out of the running for 'perfect person on the year' -- the title is not worth the stress it requires. If you want to keep harmony in your life, you need to adjust the expectations you have for yourself. Requiring a little bit less enables you to succeed a little bit more.


Working in a partnership can be difficult when the personality you're matched with is too similar to yours. Luckily, today you're going to get the chance to work with someone who balances out your strengths and helps make up for your one or two weaknesses. You two will work well together, and you should think about future endeavors, too. They will know how to challenge you in a way that brings out the best in your creativity and in your critical thinking. It will be a day of wins.


Your enthusiasm is a great force in your life, right now -- it's keeping you focused, and it is attracting powerful people to your side. Just be careful that when you get caught up in the moment you don't lose sight of your end goal! It is possible to join in on fun little lunch or coffee outings and still get all of your work done, but it will require excellent time management skills. As long as you know your limits and then stick to them, you should have a great day.


All it takes to meet new people is a little bit of confidence! Whether you are trying to find a new romantic partner or trying to just make a few new friends, creating a connection with another human being isn't as difficult as you are making it out to be. First of all, be confident about who you are, and stop trying to assume a role of the person you think people want you to be. Just be the person you are. People are attracted to genuineness. Relax and let your idiosyncrasies show.


Fight the growing urge to speed up your life -- what you think you want in your life may already be happening right now, but you're not able to notice it because you're so concerned with what is coming next. It isn't that difficult to live in the moment -- just slow down and think about what is happening today, not tomorrow. Going faster doesn't mean you will get to the good stuff more quickly. It just means that you will abandon the good stuff you already have even faster.


Your plans don't need to be kept secret in order to succeed -- so feel free to spread the word! Let everyone who cares about you know what is up your sleeve. If they like what they hear, they just might want to chip in and help you out! This could be an expansive day for you, but only if you reach out to others. Show your excitement and other people will catch on, too. This is a wonderful day for hosting a cocktail hour or even a small dinner party.


Take time today to get to know the main authority figure in your life better -- put more effort into talking one-on-one to a teacher or your boss. After all, they are a human being too -- even if you are find their style of authority difficult to deal with from time to time. A short and sweet casual conversation about upcoming weekend plans can lay the foundation for your future and help them understand more about what makes you tick, which is valuable.


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