Daily horoscopes for 22nd September, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 22nd September, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Sep 20, 2008 6:30 pm


Everyday emails, text messages or voice mails won't help you to really connect with that certain someone, today. You need to use creative communication that has your special brand of flair imprinted on it. So express yourself by writing them a poem, a song, or even a script! Do whatever it takes to make your message stand out from everyone else's. You need to break away from the rest of the crowd right now, and you have all the skills you need to do it.


One of your friends or family members has been acting out of character lately, and it's time for you to find out just what the heck is going on with them. Start a conversation and be careful not to get to your point too quickly. They will only get defensive. But if you ask them to give you their latest life update, the key information will be divulged soon enough. Chances are they are in a situation that you can help them with, so get ready to be their knight in shining armor.


There has been some heat generated between you and someone else, but unfortunately, while there's been a lot of flirting, there hasn't been a lot of follow-through! This could be a sign that while this person is indeed interested in you, they are probably a lot shier than you realize. If you want things to move forward, you are going to have to be the one who puts their foot on the gas pedal. Make your move today. And if you get shot down, at least you'll know not to waste any more time.


The trend in your day will be all about unpredictability. Unexpected cancellations, delays, and repeated rescheduling might not be welcome by you, but there is a bright side to all of this chaos -- it will free up invaluable amounts of time. Sure, you may have worked really hard to get prepared for a date or certain meeting, but try not to be disappointed. All of this preparation won't go to waste. And in the meantime, you can enjoy an unexpected break in your schedule!


Have you had your fill of partying for the time being? If so, then the universe is offering you some good news -- your alone time is about to increase. Friends and family members have other obligations for the next few days, so it will be just you and your shadow hanging out and looking for fun. Take time now to come up with a plan on how to fill your time. Pick something you usually can't get others to join you for -- like a foreign movie, sports event or challenging hike. Now's your chance!


Not everyone is on the same page right now, so you could experience some confusion or tension when working in groups. Just be careful communicating with other people and focus on what you share with them, not on what you disagree about. Be clear with your words and don't use sarcasm to make your point. If possible, try to avoid working with other people altogether. You can get what you need to get done by yourself, you don't need a helping hand.


Even if you're not feeling especially social and outgoing, today is a great day to initiate a conversation with someone you've always been a little bit shy around. They've been waiting for you to open up to them, and might create a situation where the two of you are alone today. When you see them smile, unload one of your classic ice breakers. Don't worry if it's cheesy -- sometimes, being cheesy is the best way to break the tension. Remember that eye contact is key, too.


Right now, the energy around you will support you making a change in direction. And since it's never too late for a new beginning, why not start something new you've always been curious about? Whether it's a new hobby, a new relationship or even just a new type of food, today's the day to give it a whirl. Mix up your routine today and discover how something new -- no matter how minor it may be -- can completely transform your attitude about your life.


You're about to be hit by an enormous wave of creative energy, so there is no way that you are going to be bored, today! You can make your own entertainment easily, either by grabbing your zaniest friend for a road trip adventure or going off by yourself to check out that new exhibit at the art museum. The amusing nature of everyday people will also be heightened now, so it's a great idea to go somewhere crowded and enjoy some hilarious people watching.


Recent developments in your romantic life are on your mind, big time, today. In fact, they are keeping you from giving your full attention to other important matters and important people. So in order to clear the clouds from your head, you need to talk it out. Verbal communication has long been one of your strengths, and today it will help you get distractions out of your system. Call up a friend and ask them if you can spill your guts to them. They'll say yes -- they always do.


Trying to always make everything equal between you and your friends is a total waste of time. You have to acknowledge the fact that sometimes you'll give a little bit more and sometimes they'll give a little bit more. It will all equal out in the end, so stop trying to make it equal now. You could be creating stress and turning a good day into a day full of nickel and dime arguments. Just because life isn't always fair doesn't mean that it can't be fun.


You are so busy trying to make everything perfect in your life right now that you're forgetting how satisfying and beautiful imperfections can be! Today you need to challenge yourself to step back and take a break from your attention to detail. Let your eyes focus on far away ideas instead of immediate minutia. Get a fresh perspective. Right now you don't have to prove anything, so relax and remind yourself that being less that impeccable is also called being human.


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