Daily horoscopes for 31st August, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 31st August, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:30 pm


You've got nothing to lose today, which means you should feel empowered to try something that you'd normally be too shy or cautious to attempt. Risk means nothing to you -- within reason, of course! So wake up your sense of adventure and let it guide you through the day, instead of letting your sense of practicality take the wheel. Adventurousness will steer you toward interesting people with interesting ideas that spark a whole new way of thinking or turn you on to a whole new path in life.


Your tolerance might be tested today when you are thrown into a social situation with people who you don't really understand all that well. These people are just not your cup of tea, but it is important for you not to let them realize this. It's not about being fake -- it's about being politically savvy and conveying a cool, calm exterior when you're rolling your eyes on the inside. This is a wonderful skill to master, as it will always help you get ahead in life.


This is a day of enjoyable conflict! Sure, that might sound like a paradox -- but at the end of this day you will have learned for yourself that it isn't. Differing opinions don't always have to start wars. Sometimes they trigger life lessons, put old issues to rest, and sometimes they even spark true romance! So don't hide your opinions just because they might set someone off. Have fun debating your ideas, and you will see how friction can be very, very cool.


Your ideas are innovative and worth hearing -- but the problem today might be that no one is interested in listening! You'll have three options -- either force them to pay attention to you against their will, cast a charming spell over them, or ignore them completely. If they aren't people who can help you get where you want to go, then feel free to ignore them. It's a total waste of energy to get the attention of people whose opinions don't matter.


Just like solar power, your creativity is a renewable resource -- so don't be stingy with it! You won't run out of good ideas once you share the ones that are kicking around inside your head, so share them -- give them away, even! If you get too tied up with who-thought-up-what, you will never be able to focus on the right things. You need to be confident in your ability to think up new ways of doing things. Self-doubt is just about the only thing that will turn your sunny creativity cloudy.


This is a good day to think through complicated ideas and formulate some new plans for the future. Not only is your mind crystal clear, your schedule is nearly empty -- which means you can take your time figuring stuff out. So if you've been plagued by a puzzle, frustrated by a family member or confounded by a confidante, take another stab at getting to the bottom of it, today. You'll know exactly the right questions to ask to find the answers you need.


Today, you can leave all the detail work to other people. You're thinking big, right now, and the details don't really matter to you. If you're focused on your next vacation, the 'where' and 'when' won't be as interesting to you as the type of experience you will have. If you're focused on finding a new love, writing your online personal ad won't be as fun as imagining what you new partner will look like. Just enjoy the larger concept -- work on bringing it to fruition some other day.


When was the last time you had to overcome a real challenge in your life? If you're feeling the need to remind yourself what triumph feels like, then you are in luck, today. Your energy is perfect for stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself into some uncomfortable situations. Not only will you be able to think on your feet, you'll be able to charm everyone in the room and remind yourself just how capable you are. Expose yourself to things that are new to you.


Happiness has nothing to do with a paycheck, so if you think that getting a raise or winning some money will solve your problems, you are wrong. What you need to do is start focusing on the real root of your stress, not just on what would alleviate it. Sure, winning the lottery might help you wipe away all of your debt, but maybe just changing how you use your credit card would help solve the problem and ensure you never get in that situation again! Make the hard choice.


Just because you're on a team with people does not necessarily mean that they are all on your side. Right now, others may appear to be something they are not in an effort to get what they want. There is some masquerading going on, and by the end of the day you should have a pretty good idea of who the big faker is. Call them on it when you have the evidence you need to prove them wrong. It will feel good to show the rest of the group that you're looking out for them.


When you work in a team, it is necessary to compromise. A 'my way or the highway' approach is only going to land you in the middle of some power struggles that could get ugly. Just because it feels uncomfortable to let someone get their way doesn't mean you shouldn't let them have it! You have to focus on the fact that you're going to be getting your way on another point. All of this give-and-take is going to start feeling like a dance as the day moves forward, so just hang in there!


Distractions abound today, but that's not necessarily a bad thing! Sometimes you need a break from your everyday routine to get a fresh perspective and a jolt of energy. And as long as you are prepared for your mind to wander, you'll be able to take advantage of it, instead of feeling guilty about it. Playing an online game for a few minutes, going to the corner store for coffee, or emailing with a friend isn't the end of the world. Sometimes it's necessary to keep your focus!


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