Daily horoscopes for 26th August, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 26th August, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:30 pm


Playing games with someone can be fun sometimes, but it can also be frustrating. So if you've been engaged in a tedious game of phone tag for far too long, today you need to try to put an end to it. Make it clear that you aren't interested in communicating in any way other than face to face right now. It might mean that you won't be communicating with someone for a long while, but at least when you do it will be a useful and pleasant experience for both of you.


Naturally, your feelings matter more to you than they do to other people, but you will meet someone today who is incredibly interested in how you feel and in what can make you happy. This is a person who wants you to be on their side, and they will say or do whatever it takes to get you there. You're in a powerful position, but try not to abuse that power. Be open about what you are looking for and try not to make this eager beaver jump through too many hoops!


Physical movement is strongly advised for you, today. Not only will it eat up all that excess energy you'll be carrying around, but it will be good for your health! Plus, when you get your heart beating faster, you also pump those feel-good endorphins all through your body. You don't have to run for miles or do a million sit ups -- just go for a walk and make sure some of it is slightly uphill. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. Just get moving.


Don't you be shy about calling people out on their baloney today! You have got to come out of your shell and tell it like it is, or else nothing is going to change between you and a certain person. You don't have to be aggressive or mean about it, but you also don't have to pretend everything is fine when you know deep down inside that it's not. Having this tough discussion will be good for you, but it might even be better for them. Honesty is always good -- remember that.


You will probably find yourself in a group conversation, today, where every member agrees with each other except for one -- and that one person could be you! Stick to your guns and share your unique point of view freely, no matter how unpopular it might be. Debating issues isn't everyone's forte, so you can expect one or two people to get a little hot under the collar. Just keep smiling and be calm. Don't take anything personally, and you might just change a few minds!


There is a good chance that you will feel detached or distant from other people, today. This doesn't have to be a problem, though -- even if you need to make a presentation or are planning to go to a party, you'll be able to turn on the charm and do your thing. But intimate, one on one conversation might be difficult. You're just not equipped with the right kind of patience and energy. But this is a temporary situation -- have no fear. In a couple days you'll be back to your engaged self.


The ideas in your head are just ideas -- until you find another person to share them with! So get out there in the world and see what people think about what you have planned. Are you putting together your next vacation? Ask a friend who's been there to review your itinerary. They might have a great suggestion about where to stay or eat. Contemplating a new career? Ask someone who's already in it what their job's really like, and make sure it's for you. Getting input is wise, now.


If someone pushes your buttons, today, resist the urge to push theirs right back. The temptation to make them feel the way they make you feel is there, but you can (and should) rise above it. Getting defensive isn't going to help clarify any issues, so if you need to, just walk way from the situation. And if you can't walk away, just smile and kill them with kindness. Showing them that they can't get to you will drive them crazier than you yelling at them ever would.


No matter how slowly things go today (and they will probably go pretty slowly), you need to keep busy! If you need to, utilize your massive creativity to cook up some job or task that you can do to ensure that your hands are not idle today. Being bored is simply not acceptable, now -- if you're left with nothing to do, your brain will go off into some negative directions and your imagination could cook up some bad theories about a certain someone you want to get to know better.


You definitely deserve justice if you are wronged, but the only way to get it is to demand it! So if you get abysmal service at a restaurant, speak to the manager. You don't have to be rude, but you do need to stand up for yourself. If you are overlooked at work, you need to get some face time with your supervisor and explain to them how you feel you were slighted. This is an art you need to practice, so be on the lookout for friends who have been wronged, and come to their rescue.


Your creativity is itching to do something today, and it's time for you to scratch that itch! Inspiration might not come to you until later today, but it will come -- wait for it! And when an idea does pop into your head, you'd better act quickly! Grab whatever's around you and use it to fulfill your vision. Draw with your neighbor's eyeliner pencil if there's no sketchpad and pencil around. Sing into your own voicemail if you need to remember a song. Get crafty with your craftwork.


Do not be afraid of confusion -- sometimes it offers you an opportunity to earn an amazing education. So if clarity dissolves today, just keep your cool! Getting a handle on an odd situation is not always about getting control over it, especially if your head is spinning. Let the situation unfold around you and just soak it up. Be observant and quiet until you have an idea of something helpful to say. Do not complain or whine. That's going to take you down the wrong path!


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