Daily horoscopes for 10th August, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 10th August, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:30 pm


Seek out someone who you really respect or admire and find out how they do it. If you love how they handle themselves in a meeting, ask them for pointers on how to improve your verbal communication. If you admire the way they always get the party started, find out how you can become more outgoing. Whatever you want to learn today, the best way to get your education is by asking someone who's already doing it well. They'll be flattered and will start seeing you in a more positive light.


Why waste all of your charm on new people who you don't know very well? Today, you should focus on the people who already know and appreciate you. They deserve the benefit of your wonderful wit and warmth more than anyone else, don't you think? If you spend all of your energy trying to put on a show every time you encounter someone new, what will you have left over for the people who stand by you through thick and thin? Let new people work harder at impressing you, for a change.


Be careful of making any solid assessments of people today -- your impressions could be way off the mark. Something is distracting you from seeing others objectively, and you will probably see things through a filter. Don't be too dogmatic in your opinions about new people on the scene right now -- there is simply too little information to go on, and you don't want to sing someone's praises when they haven't yet proven that they deserve them. Just give things time.


Being on your own has its merits -- after all, you can do what you want, however you want to do it. But don't you miss the team spirit? If so, then you need to focus on getting more involved with people, today. Pitch in and volunteer your services to a coworker or friend in need. You can make a real difference in people's lives, just by extending your helping hands. And you'll be getting something out of the experience, too -- like a much clearer understanding of how important you are to others.


Whether you're just starting a relationship or are in one already, you can expect your quiet little romance to get amplified quite a bit! Suddenly this person wants to be wherever you are, doing whatever you want to do -- and they have a lovely way of showing it! If there is no special someone in your life right now, the romance you will feel today will show itself in one of your friendships. A thoughtful gesture will bring you almost to the point of happy tears.


If family obligations are the center of your world right now, they might not need to be -- especially if they are causing a conflict in your social life. It might be hard to balance the two worlds, but you can balance them -- you just have to try a little harder. Let your family know how important your friends are to you and they will understand if you need time with them. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need -- the people who love you want you to be happy.


It's definitely important to keep a balance in your life, but don't beat yourself up if you just can't do it, today. Sometimes you get into phases where all you want to do is relax -- and sometimes you get into phases where all you want to do is work. It's not the end of the world. You can't force yourself to mix things up if you just don't feel like it. Cut yourself some slack and don't try to be perfect. No one expects it of you, so why would you expect it of yourself?


Are you regretting a recent impulse buy? It's not surprising -- you're growing a lot more mature and conservative about your purchases, and now you're looking at that silly gadget, overpriced trinket or too-trendy outfit with new eyes. If you can return it, do so as soon as possible. It might not be convenient, but it will make you feel better about yourself. If you can't return it, consider giving it to a friend who may enjoy it more than you. You can address this feeling -- and fix it.


Your unique charm will enable you to hold your own with a wide variety of people, today, so it's a great day for socializing with or meeting new people who could have some exciting career opportunities for you. Just make sure that you deeply engage with the people you're talking to -- skip past all the ho-hum comments about the weather or weekend plans. Go deeper. Ask people about their dreams, what makes them happy, and what they want out of life.


Try to take a casual attitude toward any dramas that pop up today -- not only will it help you persevere and get through each of them more quickly, it will keep you be happier and healthier. Some people just love throwing up their hands and running around in a panic, but all that does is get them a lot of negative attention and generate a lot of stress. If you can learn how to take things in stride, you will be much better off. So be careful not to blow things out of proportion.


It's time to take another look at your upcoming social calendar -- does it have a few too many holes in it? You can't always wait to be invited to things. Sure, it would be nice to always be at the top of everyone's invite list, but that's just not always possible. If you want people to think of you the next time they're organizing a group event or party, then you need to invite them along to events that you put together. Be more proactive about your social life and create your own fun.


You have the opportunity to learn some valuable lessons, today, but you will have to get a lot of face time with the authority figures in your life -- parents, teachers, bosses, whomever. You have to recognize that to other people, you might look like you are trying to be someone's pet -- but get over it! When it comes to getting the training, advice or education you need, you cannot let peer pressure stop you. Think of yourself. Then do what is best for you!


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