Daily horoscopes for 28th July, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 28th July, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:33 pm


The bumpy road you've been on for a while is going to get a whole lot smoother today. What's funny is that while you'll love the change of pace, a part of you is going to miss all of the exciting drama. An easy life can become a boring life, and this is something you understand all too well. Just try to enjoy this more peaceful period while it lasts. Don't wish it were different -- because soon enough it will be! This lull in the action will give you a chance to regroup and recharge.


Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. So if you are upset that you recently failed to attain a goal, don't dwell on it as a failure. Try to see it as a lesson, not as a waste of time. You are taking away something very valuable from this endeavor. Use it to carry your forward. You've got other goals to pursue, so switch your focus to those and choose to believe that you will attain them. Just because you missed last time does not mean you will fail again.


You know, the universe doesn't always care if you're looking for romance or not. Some days (like today), you just get a big ol' dose of flirtatious energy. Consider yourself lucky to be blessed like this, and start using that energy! Smile at as many cuties as you can -- and maybe at some not-so-cuties, too! You're all about making other people feel good, which in turn will make you feel good, too. Blow kisses to grumpy-looking folks and watch their frown turn upside down.


Other people are having an awful lot of fun kicking up their heels right now, while you're feeling a bit stuck in the mud. The remedy is simple -- if you want a little more fun in your life, then follow your friends over to the wild side, for a little bit! They can teach you how to stop taking life so seriously. You need to start laughing at the little hiccups that are bound to happen in your day-to-day life. You need to get a new perspective, and it's coming today.


This is not the time to go solo with your projects. Teamwork is the best way to make good things happen in your life, now. There is real power in numbers, and it's your task today to get together with as many other people as you can. Whether you join a group of people in order to get things done, travel to another country, or just sit around playing a board game, the crowd's energy is where it's at! One of the people you'll be hooking up with today has something to teach you.


Work issues have evolved in a good way. You are no longer worried about how to do things better, you're thinking about what your next challenges should be -- and that is a very good sign that you are on the right track. Keep on doing what you're doing, and you should find an open door very soon. You need to be prepared to tell someone about what you want the next step in your career to be -- because someone very powerful might ask you about it very soon.


This is going to be a good day, especially if you can get out in the world and connect with as many new folks as possible. Why be shy about showing off your personality when you've got such a fantastic one? Each time you can make someone smile, you'll get another dose of bright, positive energy! You'll end the day glowing, thanks to a huge injection of self-esteem. This will pump up your ego and get you ready for the interesting challenges that are coming up.


If you are in the middle of any business dealings, be extra careful about the small print -- read it, and then read it again. There could be some mighty big strings attached. Negotiations of any kind will be tricky right now, because not everyone's agenda will be out in the open. But people won't make the mistake of thinking you are an easy target if you are clear up front about what you are and are not willing to compromise. It's important for you to be resolute in everything you do today.


If a recent emotional conflict won't stop swimming around in your head today, then you need to distract yourself with boring tasks. There are always chores to be done, and if you can keep busy, you can keep yourself from dwelling on things that you can't change. This is not a form of denial -- it's just a way to help yourself get some distance from the situation, which is what you need right now. In a few days you can talk about it, but don't push yourself to deal with it before you're ready.


Trying new things is always a wise and stimulating strategy in life, but just make sure that you don't go off in too many directions at once, today. Keep things orderly and organized! If you simply attach yourself to the latest fad or the newest popular person, you could come off as being flighty and untrustworthy -- which is so unlike you. While you can't let your image dictate how you act, you need to be mindful of it right now. Influential people are watching.


Today, you'll meet someone whose narrow-mindedness might be shocking to you. But before you start to try to educate them with your modern ideas and beliefs, hold off. First of all, they might not be very happy to hear that you don't agree with them. And secondly, they really can't be blamed for living a life so unexposed to diversity. Share your open mindedness and unique perspective with them in a caring, kind way. That way they won't feel threatened and won't go on the defensive.


It should be easy for you to make decisions, today, because the facts will be black and white -- you don't have to waste time deliberating, so don't. Instead, spend your time moving forward on one of your latest goals. If you're trying to get in better shape, spend extra time at the gym. If you're trying to catch that certain someone's eye, spend extra time on the next email you send them -- add some extra wit and thinly veiled flirtations! Set off on a more aggressive course.


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