Daily horoscopes for 14th June, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 14th June, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:30 pm


Today your emotions will be in a very fluid phase, and it will be difficult for anyone to predict how you're going to react to some shocking news -- including you! So just go with the flow and do not put any pressure on yourself to feel anything -- calm, terrified, worried, or happy. Just let the news soak in, for a while. It might take days for you to fully understand how this makes you feel, so you can't expect yourself to have instant clarity about it.


You can feel passionate about more than just romantic things, or other people! Use your strongest emotions to get your opinions out into the world, today. By showing how strongly you feel about something, you will be able to get the attention of influential people -- and you will be able to get people to share your excitement. Your emotions can be a driving force toward making great changes that have been needed for a long time, so don't be afraid to use them.


Making choices about your life based on what you think other people want you to do is not only unhealthy, it's unwise. No one knows what is best for you better than you yourself, so stop listening to the know-it-alls who just love to hear themselves talk. Trust yourself -- even if you make a mistake, it will be one that will teach you an important lesson. It'll also help you avoid that same pitfall next time. Independent thinking is not only healthy -- it is wise!


Today, try to keep yourself from getting upset when you talk to people who intimidate you. Avoiding emotional intensity and upheaval when you communicate won't be too difficult, though. Simply state your case clearly, and you will have real facts to stand upon, not just heart-felt conviction. This rise in your intellectualism will help increase and hone your mental energy -- and earn you more respect. You'll be thinking quickly and wowing powerful people left and right.


You will be able to get beneath surface-level small talk today and zero in on what people really want to talk about, quickly. Of course, whether you pursue their true intentions or not is totally up to you. If you are sensing that someone you don't like very much has a crush on you, for example, you should switch the subject! But if you're interested in them too, this is your chance to work a few double entendres into your conversation. Heat things up a bit!


It's time to create more calm in your life -- and you can do this if you accept the responsibility required to accept things that you don't like. You might not believe what people who have different views than you have to say, but you cannot disrespect them simply because they disagree with you. If everyone agreed with everyone, life would be boring. You have to agree to disagree and rise above petty conflicts. Do not argue when you know there is no point in it.


You have wonderful ideas inside of you, so go deep and grab one of them today! The more far-fetched, the better -- people have been waiting for you to bust out with something unexpected (like you used to do all the time!). Get back together with your old self and integrate them back into your present life more. Just because you grow past a certain phase of life doesn't mean you should leave everything about it behind you. Take the healthy, positive stuff and bring it back into who you are, now.


Take a good long look in the mirror and remind yourself that while you might not be the hottest person on earth, you are definitely something special -- especially in the eyes of the people who love you. Having a healthy level of confidence is more important than having a conventionally attractive outer shell. After all, it's just a shell. The magnetic energy you create when you believe in yourself is undeniable. Boost your ego, and you'll see proof of this today.


You'd better make some more room in your life for new ideas and new people -- because they are going to be coming at you very fast, very soon. So get cleaning, and toss out those old feelings, old ideas and outdated philosophies whose time has come and gone. Update your attitude and get with it -- things have changed in your life, and they are only going to continue. If you keep thinking the same way you thought ten years ago, you'll miss out on some major opportunities.


There is a new person in your life who intrigues you, but they have not revealed enough about themselves for you to get an accurate picture of who they truly are. You need to know more before you move forward with this relationship, no matter what stage it's at right now. Take time to look at them objectively -- do not let your affections blind you to truth. Unless you do this, you won't have all the information you need to make the right choices, no matter how confident you feel.


Today, you should start to sense that a new beginning is coming in an old relationship. What had become routine almost to the point of feeling stale is slowly but surely having new life breathed into it -- it's almost like a whole new ballgame, now. There's no way of knowing what has caused this resurrection of your deep feelings, but you should be grateful for it. New things are possible, and you should open your mind to that fact. It's okay to have hope again.


Emotional upheaval can cause even the most level-headed people to say things they don't really mean -- keep that in mind if you overhear a shocking comment today. Eavesdropping is a fabulous sport, but it can be very dangerous. Information you get through it is never, ever reliable -- so whatever you do, don't pass what you hear on! This comment was heard totally out of context, so you don't actually know what it is you actually heard. Keep it to yourself and mind your own business.


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