Daily horoscopes for 11th May, 2008

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Daily horoscopes for 11th May, 2008

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri May 09, 2008 6:30 pm


You have much more creativity than you think you do -- especially today, when the universe is sending you a bright can-do attitude. Good thing, too, because you will be thrust into a situation that forces you to think on your feet and come up with some quick answers. Have no fear and you will have lots of fun. It's time to stop worrying about what is right or wrong and just do what feels right. Forget about breaking the rules -- make your own new ones.


Usually you can be tolerant of just about anything, but today your sensitivity level is high -- and your temper is short. So if you want to keep from blowing your top, you should do whatever you can to avoid all the people who have pushed you near the breaking point in the past. But, if you are itching for a fight, these are the people you should walk right up to early in the day. Getting everything off your chest might feel awfully good and empowering.


People who disagree with you might be annoying and troublesome, but they do have a right to their own opinions -- no matter how wrong they are! If you can keep that attitude in mind today, you will actually enjoy coming across people who think differently than you do about some hot topics. You will have an absolute blast debating different positions and learning how other people can see things so differently from you. This kind of intellectual conflict stimulates you.


Planned expenses are fine, but acting on impulse at the shopping mall or at your favorite online store is not advised right now. You are going to need more money in the coming weeks and it would be very wise for you to stay as cash-rich as you possibly can. If you need to, you should get a friend to distract you and keep you from buying stuff that you don't really need. They'll help you find a way to have fun for free -- by making cookies, watching TV, or reading a book.


Make an effort today -- to talk to that person who no one else will talk to, to solve that problem that has been plaguing you for so long, to fix that household repair item once and for all, whatever. Trying will take you a long way today -- perhaps even all the way to success. So even if your heart isn't one hundred percent in it, you should give it a go today. If you always shy away from things that make you uncomfortable or intimidate you, you will never go as far as you could.


Today, be flexible and you will be more powerful. Being too rigid about life closes you off to too many things. If you push things away that confuse you or frustrate you, you could be depriving yourself of some amazing growth opportunities. It's time for you to leave your comfort zone behind and open up your mind -- and your heart. Take a risk and see what happens. Roll with the punches and know that no matter what happens, you can totally handle it.


Hope is the word to hold on to today -- no matter how unlikely success might seem from where you are standing now, amazing things can happen. You must think positively, because you know in your heart that positive things can happen. People can show up from out of the blue. Mother Nature can sweep in and change everything. Money can be found in the pocket of a coat forgotten in the back of the closet. The answer to your problem is out there -- open your mind to it.


Take things slowly today and give yourself time to be able to focus on saying the right things to the right people -- especially in a delicate negotiation with someone. You should watch yourself -- but be confident, too. Do not be afraid to push for what you want. Adding a dash of humor to the situation will help you gain some ground and keep the tone light and pleasant. You don't have to be super serious to get some serious stuff done. You two have a lot in common.


You can't always be as generous as you would like to be with your friends. When you don't have the time, you don't have the time -- trying to convince yourself otherwise is only going to make you resent them for forcing you to squeeze your already tight schedule even tighter. Do not make promises you don't feel comfortable keeping. They will respect you much more if you say you can't help out than if you say you can and then just flake out at the last minute.


Your business schedule might be causing problems with your social schedule -- be prepared to make a difficult decision about whether to show up at a work event or take time to spend an evening with a special someone. They might not be as forgiving about being second place as they have been in the past, so do not assume that they are as supportive of your ambition as you think they are. When you plan something with someone, you need to stay true to your word.


Your energy is not going to be easily integrated into anyone else's today, so it's not a very good idea for you to get involved with a lot of different people. You are feeling so strong and independent that you don't want to compromise, and that could rub people the wrong way. But you have a vision that must be obeyed. This is a powerful phase for you, where you can put your ideas into action and start on those ambitious plans you've been formulating for so long.


Taking another look at your health and diet will be interesting today. Things have changed more than you realized, and it will either be time for a celebration -- or time for a complete overhaul. If you have slipped a bit, then you need to face facts and trim the fat -- literally! Investigate new ideas on how to eat better and exercise more. But if the change has been a healthy one, then let yourself take one day off and celebrate. You've got the fundamentals, and you are on your way!


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