What is the meaning of this?

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What is the meaning of this?

Post by mangosun » Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:57 am

Hello all...I am  in need of your thoughts and experience with this situation. I just discovered that my ex-husband has the EXACT same Moon sign and Nakshatra as my current future husband This wouldn't cause me alarm except for the fact that our Nakshatras suffer the blemish of Rajju. I can definitely attest to the string of misfortunes tied to my marriage with my ex. We could not make a success together of our business and it was a cause of great pain and loss for us. This is in line with Rajju misfortunes tied to "children", as in anything we would create together ... Back then, I didn't know anything of astrology. Is this a karmic thing for me, for me to have an opportunity to learn from mistakes I made in that marriage? I want to have a better life for my children and me  than I had with their father, but I also do not want a repeat of the painful string of misfortunes I experienced with my ex under the blemish of Rajju. Please  examine this situation and give me your thoughts.  
Thank you~jules

P.s. My Moon is in the sign of Aquarius with Purva Bhadrapada as the Nakshatra. My ex and fiance' are both in the sign of Capricorn and the Nakshatra of Uttara Ashada.

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Compatability and relationship analysis

Post by avam46 » Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:04 pm

Respected Mang Sun[A nice name though!]
I wish to offer my humble opinion with regard to the traditional moon based
compatability check  which may or may not really give you a true picture
of the success in relationship and marriage. It may not be appropriate to come to
conclusion based on just mismatch on account of Nabhi Rajju alone. The individual
Horoscopes need to be studied, interplanetary and Arudha Padas, disposition[besides Moon], type of marriage[love or arranged] and details of Muhurtha, whether it is the first or second serious relationship, to name a few perhaps also plays a significant part in
success or failure of marriage.
I am sure some of the very learned Astrologers here can surely help you with more details
Being made available.
So do cheer up! And let us go to the next step with a positive note.
Om sri sai ram

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Location: Southern United States

Thank You!

Post by mangosun » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:47 pm

Respected Avam,

Thank you for your kind reply and you give me hope :) You are correct that other information must be considered for an accurate reading. I was simply so shocked with the knowledge of them having same constellation that I  just needed some other perspective, which you provided...thank you!

I am only self-taught in Vedic astrology so I am in need of assistance in much understanding and many areas of the Vedic way.

This is a second marriage for me and a third for him. His chart indicates late-blooming in relationships during 2nd half of life, after age 35. I also have this indication of finding success after 35 in my chart. We share Vashya -- my moon sign to his moon and he with his Lagna to my Lagna. I felt this connection instantly as very different from any relationship before. Perhaps the blessing of this "magnetic attraction" given to us helps us with Rajju blemish?

There are so many questions I have regarding my own chart, to help with my understanding of Vedic astrology! Perhaps the learned ones would be so kind as to help  me. Thank you again for your kind reply. I appreciate it very much!

Take care,

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