What are my prospects of marital bliss?

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What are my prospects of marital bliss?

Post by Missrani » Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:56 pm

I will be grateful if someone could advice me on what my prospects are for getting married. If it's not asking for too much, I would also like to know if I'm going to have an "arranged" or "love" marriage, although "arranged" is hardly appropriate word as I'm nearly 50 years of age. I've had a couple of relationships in my younger years but neither of them transpired into a marriage. Over the years, I have consulted several astrologers and they say something like "... this year it's the yog" but to date, no such luck.  I don't know if they were saying this just to avoid dissappointing me. Is there anyone out there who can correctly shed some light on my marital concern. My details are as below:
DOB: 5 May 1960
TOB: 02:14am
POB: Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

Thank you.

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Post by chand_u2 » Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:26 pm

Post the logitude and latitude of place of your birth

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Post by Missrani » Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:40 pm


Latitude: 6° 52' 31" S
Longitude: 39° 12' 7" E


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Post by chand_u2 » Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:06 am

Yours is makar lagna , simha rashi,

7th lord moon is in 8th house watched by guru , shukra is combust with exlated sun . so kaltra karaka shukra is affected and may not give the desired result

so marriage may delay and not steady as shukra is affected with sun.

As per your longitude and latitude if zone changes your lagna may differ and post the new chart for further explanation

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Kind request for an experienced team member.

Post by Missrani » Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:20 am

Hello Chand_U2,

Thank you for your response. I don't wish to offend you or dampen your enthusiasm, but quite honestly, I'm not impressed with you scanty comments. I find them unsatisfactory and totally meaningless.

Firstly, if you truly knew your science, you would have made an effort to find out the latitude and longitude yourself as I had already provided my place of birth. Secondly, you state that I have makar lagna, whereas I believe that I have Kumbha lagna. I had also provided time of birth (local time), so you should have been able to calculate the time (if you wanted GMT). Thirdly, you now want me to post the new chart - don't quite understand what you mean by that.

I would kindly like to request a more learned member of the team to review my horoscope and provide an insight on my original question and anything else which maybe interesting to know.

Thank you and regards.

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Marital issue

Post by avam46 » Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:49 am

Hello there,
At the outset I must apologize for the unintentional mistake
in mentioning the Lagna by my fellow colleague of the forum
perhaps due to the limitation in the Horoscope Generating program
and I do hope he is not unduly discouraged. We are after all learners in this World,
and do make mistakes, don’t we.

Now coming to your Horoscope with Aquarius Lagna, Leo Rasi and Magha Nakshatra.
You have just completed the second Phase of Sade sath with the placement of Moon in the seventh from Lagna[along with Rahu].
You are running the Rahu Dasa-Rahu Ad from 26-9-2009 to 7-3-2012.
There are quite a few indications both in Rasi and Navamsa Chart showing
delay in marriage and  failure in relationship culminating into Marriage.
Under normal circumstances the next stable relationship which could culminate
into marriage could be during November 2011 when the Transits and Dasas are favorable. It would be based on your own choice of the spouse who could be
a widower or Divorcee.
Fasting on Tuesdays and propitiating Rahu would surely help.
Most planets being in odd sign and Agni Tatva, you may need to tone down
the powerful choleric temperament in relationship management.
Have faith in the Great Lord . By sincere Prayers, doing good deeds , He will surely send opportunities across for you to for you to capitalize.
All the best,

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Post by Missrani » Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:12 pm

Hello Avamji,

Thank you for your reply.

I wasn't being discouraging to your colleague in the slightest - honest.  I was expressing my genuine dissatisfaction and also provided my reasons. So, contrary to how it may seem, I hope he'll have taken my comments on board and will continue to improve. I'm sure you'll agree that negative feedback (comments) can be just as helpful as the positives ones, depending on how one chooses to use it.

With regards to what you have said about my sade sati - yes, I believe I entered my third phase in September 2009, and it's meant to be on a "chandi paya", which is meant to be a good phase from what I have read, but so far, I have not experienced a single good day or moment for that matter - don't know if it's early days or what but I suppose, I should be grateful that with God's grace, I'm alive and well. Everything else in life is a bonus.  I've also read that Jupiter plays a role (promotes) marriage, and I think it's going to be a phase of (Maha dasha-antar dasha) Rahu-Rahu-Jup from 26 Oct 09 to Mar 2010. Would you be able to comment on whether this is likely to bring any opportunities for marriage in the horizon? I'm not sure if I have made sense - maybe it's true that "little knowledge" is dangerous but I hope you will be able to understand what I am trying to say. Your comments will be appreciated.

I had to smile when you said that my spouse could be a widower or a divorcee. Without doubting your credibility, it made me wonder how much of that statement was based on astrological prediction and how much on statistics. Let's face it, there aren't many men in late 40s and above who've not been married before - especially in Indian culture.

You're right about Agni tatve (is this same as angara dosh?), because I do have a tendency to become angry quite quickly. I think it's because I have a low threshold for patience and tolerance. I think it's because as far back as I can remember, I've had a difficult time in achieving anything in life. I've been constantly striving in life - simplest task becomes an upheaval struggle for me whereas the same task for somebody else is an absolute breeze. There are always obstacles in the way. I've experienced nothing except mental anguish - don't think I've ever experienced emotional or mental peace. Also, I've had strained relationships in my personal and professional life, despite my best efforts to maintain peace and harmony with everyone. I often wonder why I have such a difficult life as I'm not at all devious  or a cunning person. In fact, I'm a very god fearing type of person and I try to do good in the hope of having a better life in case I have to come back to planet Earth as I don't wish to go through such anguish in my next life.  I try to curb my anger and impatient behaviour, as I have acknowledged my short comings. I'm hoping that this will help me to become a better person, and also help me to maintain my marital relationship. Astrologically speaking, am  I ever destined to have normal relationships instead of feeling estranged with everyone all the time? I'll very much appreciate your comments.

Thank you and best regards.

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marital bliss

Post by avam46 » Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:23 am

Respected Mam,
Thanks for your smile.Even if I had seen your Horoscope say 20 years ago my humble opinion I am afraid might not have changed as far as widower/Divorcee is concerned.
I am of the firm opinion that Astrology should be used in positive way to help one to realise their strengths and weakness.I am sure with your intelligence, and knowledge of Astrology, you are aware of it. Frankly you can hurt people even if you dont mean to because of your affliction to your 5th house and 11th house, including jupiter.
God bless and all the best,

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Post by Missrani » Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:43 pm

Hello Avamji,

Thank you for your reply.

I'm curious to know how you could determine whether the spouse would be a divorcee or a widower. Sorry if you think I'm probing you too much but it's just that I'd like to know (for the sake of gaining knowledge and I'm curious!).  Whilst I have noted your stated period of Nov 2011,  I'll appreciate if you could comment on whether the chances of marriage are favourable during the Rahu-Rahu-Jupiter period from 26 Oct 09. Is this merely wishful thinking on my part as I feel more and more desperate (sounds awful, I know) for companionship.

With regards to maintaining my relationships, could you please confirm if the affliction which you have mentioned in the 5th and 11th house is permanent or is it gradually going to fade away (can that happen?) or is it a matter of age - in the sense that as I get older, hopefully I will/should mellow and hence become more tolerant. I realize that this question is a deviation from my original question but again, your comments will be much appreciated.

Thank you and best regards.

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Maybe this will be helpful.

Post by sbelle » Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:50 pm

In the past you have had many chances to get married and settle down. However, either you didn't feel ready then or the prospective partners didn't feel right to you.  I believe that for every action there is a reaction.  I know this is pretty mundane but is is true for the universe.

You have loved and lost many times, but the good news, there is someone that has entered or is entering your life from the past.  He is someone that you lost and have never forgotten.  He is ready to make that commitment now and we both know that you are over due in acceptance of a relationship.  The key here is to trust your intuitive feelings.  Don't be impatient, the universe will only make it seem longer if you are.

You are more grounded now than in years past, this makes for better relations with another person.  We all have a need for companionship but it has been my experience that we bring on our own destiny.   I might be an old feeling that you have that is preventing you from obtaining this relationship you have longed for.  Some kind of old baggage.  The desire sometimes doesn't over ride the need for independence or the fear of failure.

You have begun a new journey in your life now that started about six months ago.  It is emotional, but it has helped you become optomistic about a future companion.  You have done well on your own and now are ready to share that with another, and the universe is more than willing to give that to you now.  Don't push or look to hard but get yourself out there by joining in new activities that will give you exposure.  Networking in a way.  This not only will help you meet new people but be out there to revisit this old love or meet a new one which ever you desire.  Give only positive affirmation to the universe, get rid of the negative. Meditation will help you bring positive results in your life for anything and everything you desire.  Or even make changes where needed.

The outcome of this will be a better attitude for and toward life and a happiness with yourself that you have not felt in many years.  Your health will seem better and actually manifest better.  I see that by the end of the year you will find a new person in yourself and one that will attract the attention of suitors.  This will prove to be a Glorious out come with many positive changes. Here is a site you can visit to help you learn to do meditation.  This monk is very good and he has other cd's available for purchase but this one part of the site is 7 free lessons and within each lesson are three exercises you can do before you go to bed at night and it will help you to sleep as well as dream positive and manifest better results.

To answer your question; even though the odds are stacked against people over 40 getting married, I feel that your chances are great by middle of next year for marriage.  I sense that the starting of a good healthy relationship is very probable within the next three to six months.  By mid January to mid February.

I hope this helps you better.  But sometimes the beginning is within us and works outward.


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Post by projenator » Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:20 am

Avamji and Shelley's assessment are spot on. Although you have mellowed somewhat, you need to tone down further. Your outburst in this very thread proves that. You write very well and I don't see any reason of not saying what you did in a more polite way. Everyone makes mistakes, this is a free site which attracts every kind in both readers and reading seekers. Since you seem to already have a smattering of knowledge in astrology, I am sure you are aware ascendant changes with the ayanamsa used although I must acknowledge that was probably not the case.  Meditation (Reiki if not Indian) and yoga will help if you are disciplined with these. I see a lot of impatience, intolerance, so I specifically mentioned "discipline". The good news is you are not the loner in the boat, such charts frequently pass my table and the remedies help a lot if a disciplined approach is adhered to.

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Yes, it does help.

Post by Missrani » Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:43 pm

Hello Shelley,

Thank you for your reply.

I must admit I became quite emotional when I read your reply because it provided an antidote to my current state of emotional and mental turmoil - I could relate and resonate quite a lot with what you said.

Are you able to provide the name of the site which you referred to for meditation?

Thank you and best regards.

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Post by Missrani » Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:37 pm

Hello Projenatorji,

Thank you for your reply.

What outburst? he..he..he.. I have already explained that I was expressing my dissatisfaction and thought I had wrapped it in sufficient fluff to avoid any offence.  Once again, I can assure you that there was no malice intended. I'm now beginning to feel that the whole world and his dog are ganging up on me.

What little knowledge I have of astrology has been gained from reading snippets here and there, and from having sought astrological guidance over the years as mentioned in my initial message. I suppose like a lot of people, I turn to astrology in the hope that it has answers to all my problems but of course it doesn't or hasn't provided clear cut answers and also, it's open to interpretation.

I suppose when all is said and done, I should take a more philosophical approach to life and accept graciously whatever Almighty has to offer me at any particular moment in time and not to fight it.  Of course, I should also endeavour to help myself by changing my own negative traits which I have already admitted.

I wish I could say that I was consoled by you saying that I'm not the loner in the boat but I can't. However, I'm quite willing to try meditation as recommended and who knows, I'll come back to you in a few weeks' time and say that all is hunky-dory.

Thank you and best regards.

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