Love, Career, and the Future

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Love, Career, and the Future

Post by Antigone » Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:01 pm

I posted this in Vedic too. But Western reading would also be much appreciated. Thank you. :)

*        *        *

I do not have my exact birth time. I was born at home, and a traditional health practicioner ("hilot") was the one who delivered me. My mom just said it was around 2AM (02:00) of July 24, 1978. Is this ok? I was born in Gapan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines.

I currently reside in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines.


When/where will I find my true love, the guy I am going to be with forever/marry? What is his nationality? How do I know it's him?

Will I have a great marriage? I am from a country without divorce so I hope to stay with my husband forever. Right now this guy I love is still JE, the guy from Philadelphia DOB Sept 14, 1975.

Also, I am going to work in the USA as a nurse, when can I expect to be back? Will I meet the love of my life there? WIll I be able to shift to Medicine there and will I have a financially-rewarding and successful career? I am worried about being broke the rest of my life.

Is it possible for me to have kids - I am already 30 and, well, no love/marriage possibility on the horizon.

Thank you.

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Post by Youdah » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:31 am

Although others may seem to have asked first, I am doing this reading now because Antigone has been waiting awhile for a reading.

Antigone, When I do a chart (reading), I not only look at what the person has asked, but also ways to solve problems in their life that are having an impact on their current situation, and in achieving their goals and heart desires.  Since I'm aware that relationships are a big concern for you, and heavy on your mind, I'm looking at that first.

There is nothing in your chart that will deny you a happy marriage.  But, there are some things you can consider, to help the appropriate mate to come into your life sooner.  There is a great danger in your chart that you will settle for anything and anyone who promises to give you a marriage.  (This is not just from our previous conversations, but it is quite evident in your natal chart).  You have Libra as a rising sign.  Chiron is placed in the 7th house.  Venus is in virgo, and venus is squared Neptune.  All this says that you can be far too accommodating and anxious to please.  What happens with this is that no one will respect you, because you give the impression that they can mistreat you and you will still love them.  Naturally, this only attracts bums and jerks and potential mates who would use you, then toss you aside...because they are only treating you how you present yourself to others...that you will put up with any kind of misbehavior and maltreatment as long as they will marry you.  

We need to change that immediately, before you end up in a very unhappy marriage that can only end with your partner walking away.  You must give yourself self-respect.  Believe that you will NOT accept any kind of misbehavior and treatment from a mate.  Insist that you be treated with care and love, respect and compassion, with only a mind to appreciating all your good qualities (and you have  many!).  The reason you must change your attitude, because then others will be attracted to you who think well of themselves, too.  You will begin to attract people who are capable of giving you the true home and marriage that you wish to have.  We attract others into our life based upon what we expect to have!  If you will tolerate any kind of bad behavior, you will get it!!  If you refuse to be treated badly, and expect care and love, then you will get THAT!  You see?  Until you deal with your damaged self-worth, I would not advise you getting into any kind of romantic relationship, because it will turn out disastrous.  The biggest problem is that you don't value yourself.  This is also what has affected your financial don't value yourself, you don't see yourself as valuable, so you are paid what you think you are worth...very little.  When you start to understand how precious and good you are, you will start to see finances improve, also.

I can't tell you in words how important this is.  It is part of your "karma" that this is the thing that is most important for you to learn in respect yourself!  To see yourself clearly, not through the cloud of your imagined faults.  You are a very good person, Antigone, but you must begin to believe that about yourself!

There is a good indication in the chart that you will marry someone from a different country than the Phillipines.  Since you plan to go to the USA, it is a natural assumption that this is where you would meet him.  However, that isn't said specifically in the chart...only that he is not of your same country.  

Because this is a problem of your self-worth, I think you need to hear somethings about yourself that you know, but don't think they are worth anything in you.  When you see them in writing, they will ring true for you, but they will also help you see that you are a very worthwhile person.

You are very fun to be around.  You have a pleasing personality that attracts many people to you.  You have a very analytical mind, making you very suited to nursing and care of those who are sick.  You know instinctively and through study what to do, and you don't hesitate to do it to help them.  You are, in fact, very happy when you are helping others.  You are someone who shines, and sometimes you have troubles simply because others are JEALOUS of YOU!  Your health is generally good.  You keep balance in your life and understand how important that is.  You are good natured.  You have a good intellect, and are able to grasp information quickly, when you turn all your attention to something.  You are very generous.  You aren't afraid to be an individual, and won't necessarily follow the crowd.  You have a great capacity to express sympathy and empathy to others.  So, you see, dear Antigone, if we can get your self-esteem higher, most of the problems you have in your life will simply go away and bother you no more!

As far as timing, I would predict that beginning in March 2010, there is someone very special that can come into your life.  Do not despair on the timing.  It is only about a year and a half!  I know it seems like a long time when waiting, but this is when it can happen.  There is a possibililty of a baby girl.  But, there is going to be a problem with the pregnancy related to medications.  You must be very careful while you are pregnant so that you are not taking anything, even vitamins, without being sure that it is good for the baby.  If at all possible, do not be around the hospital during the last tri-mester.  I don't know why, but it is there in the chart that you should take this care.  If you need to work, try to stay away from patients, by doing care plans, or computer work, so that you don't jeapordize the child.  With this precaution, I don't see any other problems except a low birth weight, but it is not life-threatening low birth weight.

I hope this answers your questions.  I enjoy getting to know you through your natal chart.  I think you are a person I would enjoy knowing very much!


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Post by Antigone » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:51 am


I need to digest this reading. It's very...meaty. And thank you so so much. I will comment more in a few...

I would like to ask first, when can I expect to be back in the US and can I shift to medicine when I'm there? I finished medical school here.

I was also told the man I'm gonna marry is in medical field? Like a doctor too?

I'm going to reread ...

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Post by Antigone » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:22 am

Youdah wrote: There is nothing in your chart that will deny you a happy marriage.  But, there are some things you can consider, to help the appropriate mate to come into your life sooner.  There is a great danger in your chart that you will settle for anything and anyone who promises to give you a marriage.  (This is not just from our previous conversations, but it is quite evident in your natal chart).  You have Libra as a rising sign.  Chiron is placed in the 7th house.  Venus is in virgo, and venus is squared Neptune.  All this says that you can be far too accommodating and anxious to please.  What happens with this is that no one will respect you, because you give the impression that they can mistreat you and you will still love them.  Naturally, this only attracts bums and jerks and potential mates who would use you, then toss you aside...because they are only treating you how you present yourself to others...that you will put up with any kind of misbehavior and maltreatment as long as they will marry you.  

Yes I think I am also anxious to please and will tolerate a lot of crap for the person I love. I guess you are right, it all boils down to self-respect and putting value on myself. I don't know why I am like this, it's like hope springs eternal. I give people chances - most of the time, innumerable chances. It's like I believe each time, this time it will be different. And then it's not and I get disappointed over and over.

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Post by Antigone » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:24 am

Youdah wrote:!

There is a good indication in the chart that you will marry someone from a different country than the Phillipines.  Since you plan to go to the USA, it is a natural assumption that this is where you would meet him.  However, that isn't said specifically in the chart...only that he is not of your same country.  
So he is not the same nationality? Is he Caucasian?

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Post by Antigone » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:28 am

Youdah wrote:
You are very fun to be around.  You have a pleasing personality that attracts many people to you.  You have a very analytical mind, making you very suited to nursing and care of those who are sick.  You know instinctively and through study what to do, and you don't hesitate to do it to help them.  You are, in fact, very happy when you are helping others.  You are someone who shines, and sometimes you have troubles simply because others are JEALOUS of YOU!  Your health is generally good.  You keep balance in your life and understand how important that is.  You are good natured.  You have a good intellect, and are able to grasp information quickly, when you turn all your attention to something.  You are very generous.  You aren't afraid to be an individual, and won't necessarily follow the crowd.  You have a great capacity to express sympathy and empathy to others.  So, you see, dear Antigone, if we can get your self-esteem higher, most of the problems you have in your life will simply go away and bother you no more!...
Thank you. I will keep going back to this whenever I experience bouts of low self-esteem. You are right, it helps to hear this from an outside source because for some reason, it's hard for me to see these things for myself.

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Post by Antigone » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:38 am

Youdah wrote: As far as timing, I would predict that beginning in March 2010, there is someone very special that can come into your life.  Do not despair on the timing.  It is only about a year and a half!  I know it seems like a long time when waiting, but this is when it can happen.  There is a possibililty of a baby girl.  But, there is going to be a problem with the pregnancy related to medications.  You must be very careful while you are pregnant so that you are not taking anything, even vitamins, without being sure that it is good for the baby.  If at all possible, do not be around the hospital during the last tri-mester.  I don't know why, but it is there in the chart that you should take this care.  If you need to work, try to stay away from patients, by doing care plans, or computer work, so that you don't jeapordize the child.  With this precaution, I don't see any other problems except a low birth weight, but it is not life-threatening low birth weight.

I hope this answers your questions.  I enjoy getting to know you through your natal chart.  I think you are a person I would enjoy knowing very much!

This might be a bit annoying...and pushing it...but it couldn't be a mature/improved version of the guy I'm inlove with? This is a different person?  Is there any indication that he will be in the medical field as well, like a doctor, nurse etc?

About the baby girl...I am glad to know that there is a possibility of me having a kid. I am very afraid of giving birth, but I know my mom will be very happy if I give her a new grandbaby - and she likes a half-white grandbaby :P I'd prefer a boy, because girls are too fragile...but I will love her with all my heart when she arrives. :)

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Post by Youdah » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:56 pm

You are not in love with him, Antigone.  You are obsessed with him because he represents something you need.  This may be hard to hear, but you are calling to him because he reflects your own beliefs about yourself.  He treats you like dirt, because you believe you are no better than dirt.  He lies and deceives you (I told you this in another reading) while he chases after other women.  When you begin to realize how precious you are, how good you are, and how many accomplishments you have, such jerks will not be attractive to you anymore, thank goodness!  Get away from him...and realize that he is only a reflection of your need to be "punished" and humiliated because you don't believe  yourself worthy!  You deserve much better than this.  You are a very kind, loving, and caring person.  So hardworking!  So willing to give of yourself to others!  Can't you see this in yourself?  Does such a loving person DESERVE such treatment from a man?  I don't think so.  I think a person of your caliber deserves a man who loves you and doesn't USE you, someone who helps you through life, someone you can depend upon to take up the load when you are weary and tired.  Stop chasing after such as him!  Please!

Leave your heart open to the man who gives YOU as much as you are willing to give HIM...and that is not the person you are "in love" with now.

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Post by Antigone » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:43 pm

It kind of contradicts the Horary chart though, because it said he also loves me, right? I mean great affection between us?

But you are right. I deserve better treatment than this. My guy friend told me, he is just being a guy, and I'm not there. I'm so far. And that I should just go with the flow. But it's difficult.

You are so right, Youdah.

The man for me, is there any indication in the chart what his profession will be? Is he also in the same profession?

And another thing, can you look in the chart when I will possibly go back to the US?

Thank you so so much for the help. You are a blessing here in the forum, and a big help to all of us.

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Post by Youdah » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:09 am

You take part of the Horary chart reading, but do not read it all.  I also said that someone would change their mind.  I hoped you would see the kind of man he is, but he could change his mind, too.

Your guy friend is not being a friend...he is protecting the male fallacy that it is alright for men to wander around with their pants down.  Expect better values and morals.

From what I recall, in your natal, the he had the characteristics of an Aries.


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Post by Antigone » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:30 am

Yeah it says there somebody will change mind, and it seemed like it's me.

I guess you are right. I am probably just obsessed. Somebody told me this is a characteristic of me, I want what I want, no matter if it's good for me or not, that is beside the point?

And then I crash and burn, and wonder what happened.

I've been thinking about this lately. Is this just because of my tendency for obstinacy? I even went to the point I was thinking of praying to God for Him to give him to me. And I promise I will love him with all my heart, I will be the best wife anyone can ever be, etc etc. But yeah, what if God has better plans for me?

He just rocks my world so much.

My friend said it's because I took his marriage proposal seriously when it probably wasn't. I don't know why I'm like this. I can't even look at other men! mean, loyalty is a good thing to have, and he should be so lucky, but he doesn't deserve this loyalty.

Thanks Youdah. And also, can I ask again, if its in the chart when it's likely for me to be back in the US? I wish to know when more likely so I can plan my future better. I'm torn between preparing and taking the US Medical Licensure exam after my local boards, or just go straight into residency here in my country first.

Thanks very much. Blessed be.

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Post by Youdah » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:04 am

In astrology, there is an asteroid called Chiron.  When I do a reading, I always look at this first.  It is the most important thing to the person.  Chiron always tells me where that person is going to put most of their energy, time, and effort.  It also tells me where they are going to have problems...because Chiron represents the part of us that is trying to heal.  It is like the entire body and mind is focused on the one thing, so it can heal it and finally have its heart desire.

Your Chiron is in the 7th house.  This means that you put most of your energy, time, and effort into marriage.  If you aren't yet married, you will spend all your time trying to get married.  After you get married, you will spend most of your effort ON the marriage.  This is what is most important to you.  The sign of your Chiron is Aries, so you will leap before you look!  I am trying to stop that, so you won't leap first and regret in leisure.  Your 7th House also intercepts Taurus.  This means that you can have a very nice home and relationship.  After you get over the leaping, you can get more "down to earth" and have all the abundance that you wish....but you've got to get your feet on the earth, first, or you will not have these things!

When I know what's most important, I can look at the rest of the chart and see how to make it happen, and why it hasn't happened yet, and how to get that person to the thing that is most important to them.

For you, I have already said this.  You can get married to anyone.  You have opportunities.  If you worked at it, you could probably find any old person that would marry you in the next few months and then let you support him while he abused you.  Yet, I think you want the stability, love and happiness that comes from sharing your life with another.  The companionship, friendship, the help, and the love.  This is what I think you want...a true partnership.

To have this, you must become more discriminating so that you choose someone who can meet your expectations, and not give you a lifetime of horror and unhappiness.  You must set your sights higher, so you can have what you want...  You know what I mean.  And, you have to start working on yourself, so that you know your true worth, so that you don't settle for less than you really want.

Think of it as interviewing someone for a job.  And measure very carefully, because this is a lifelong decision.  make sure the person is the one who can really give you what you want...not just pull the heart strings a little when he is trying to romance you....but someone who can go the distance.

So stop leaping first, get yourself down to earth and more practical, work on your self-esteem, and then all will happen in its good time, to give you all the happiness and abundance (no poverty) that you are hoping for!


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Post by Antigone » Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:40 am

Youdah wrote:  This means that you can have a very nice home and relationship.  After you get over the leaping, you can get more "down to earth" and have all the abundance that you wish....but you've got to get your feet on the earth, first, or you will not have these things!

So stop leaping first, get yourself down to earth and more practical, work on your self-esteem, and then all will happen in its good time, to give you all the happiness and abundance (no poverty) that you are hoping for!
What did you mean by leaping and getting more "down to earth"?

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Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:33 pm

I forget sometimes!  When a chart doesn't have a lot of fixed, cardinal and/or earth signs, the person has difficulty understanding what others feel and do automatically!  You are such a person because you don't understand "getting down to earth."

Getting down to earth is to pay attention to the practical side of things.  It is not enough to daydream about love and all the glorious emotions and must also spend time thinking about the realities of love...changing baby diapers, getting tired and annoyed with the person, sharing the bathroom, doing the laundry, balancing the checkbook, having a friend to confide in with you are down, having the flu and cleaning up the mess afterwards, etc.  Can the love survive this?????  Is it someone you wish to do this for, and will they do it for you???

Answering your PM, NO!  You are definitely NOT being too picky!  All the things you need, should be in the relationship...matching income, matching intellect, etc.  If anything, you need to raise your standards, as I have said earlier.

Luck and happiness...

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Post by Antigone » Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:46 pm

Actually it's more like I pay too much attention to educational background, etc. I always get attracted to highly-educated, accomplished men. Is there any indication in the chart that I will end up with such?

And also - do you have an idea when I will be back in the US?

Thank you so much Youdah. :)

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