Reading Request - Genius Sign in my astrogram?

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Reading Request - Genius Sign in my astrogram?

Post by dheaven » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:37 am

Hi, this is my first post here so i want to  :smt006 everyone. I ended up here after looking all over the net for someone that can answer some questions and help me out a little and is HUMAN (no auto-ripoff-robots) and has lot of experience in the ASTRO-Arts.

Early this year i went to see someone, a lady who claimed to have clairvoyant powers to tell me a little about the future that i have ahead of me since i was really concerned how my life were in that period and not really much have changed by now.

Even if she made some things very clear for me...
One of the things that catch my attention was that she said to me that i have the genius sign (have no idea what that is) and therefor i have the potential to become a genius with lot of faith in God and in the end things will work fine with me. I consider myself to be smart but far from that i am more one of those ADD mind just goes from one thing to another in an endless race in the direction of nowhere.

Another thing that i honestly really didn't wanted to know about cause i made some really bad bad bad decisions cause of it was that somehow i will end up with a huge amount of money. A gift from God.

I would like someone with experience in the field to take a look into my astrogram to see if any of this checks out and also let me know about more relevant/important things that you might find out (if any)

(PS: she was also talking about 5 planets 'something' and that i'm very lucky cause of that)

Thank you alot,
sorry for my bad English

10 Jun 1985, 10:00 PM (close to this hour +/- several minutes)
Bucharest, Romania

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Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:57 pm

I am sorry it has taken so long to answer your question.  I appreciate your patience.

There are many different metaphysical arts.  Each requires a different kind of learning.  Yet each relies on a certain amount of intuition that comes as a result of learning and wisdom.  The element of "intuition" could give many different kinds of readings that could not be duplicated by another, since it comes from the spirit that is received by each individual reader.  Psychics use intuition more strongly than, let's say, an astrologer.  Yet, all use intuition to some extent.  I say this because it would always be difficult to "test" another reader's results or to confirm or deny it since readings are rarely the result of a "mathematical" equation that another could duplicate simply by plugging in the same variables.  I would suggest that if you had specific questions about the reading you had, you should direct them to the person who gave the reading.

I would be happy to do a reading for you based upon my own skills and understanding.  Yet, I decline to do a reading for the purpose of proving or disproving another reader's information to you.


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Post by dheaven » Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:49 pm


I was  away till now, i had a lovely trip and just arrived home and found your post.
Hopping the offer is still on so let me know what i have to do.

Thank you.

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Posts: 654
Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:21 pm

Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:29 pm

As said in private message, if you have a specific question, it should be posted in the Horary astrology reading forum.  If you want an analysis of your natal chart, the request should be posted in the Western or Vedic astrology reading forums.  Since analysis of the natal chart can cause several hours, days, weeks and month of work to an astrologer, please give a specific area of life that you would like to have more information about, so as to not cause enormous time devoted by the astrologer; this is only a courtesy when asking for readings from a "free" website.  Comprehensive readings are available from many fine and established astrologers from their commercial sites, if you wish a comprehensive reading.  With regards...

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