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Post by donnyboy » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:36 am

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:21 am

Hey Donnyboy,

Is this the post which you lost?

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Post by donnyboy » Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:27 am

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by donnyboy » Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:15 am

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Youdah » Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:24 pm

Career and relationships are two sides of the same coin.  One is how you project yourself into the career, the other how you project yourself with your most intimate relationships.  The side of the coin is you alone.  

When someone tells me that they have a lifelong problem with something, there is usually only one place to look: at your Karma and what you've brought into this life from the past.  The area where you are going to have to concentrate most to find a balance is personal wealth and possessions with the partnerships and things that belong to others that you may share or have responsibility for.  There can be a tendency to belief that you are unsuccessful no matter how successful you are, or aren't.  It isn't about reality, but what you feel about it that's the issue.  For that reason, it's important to always be strictly honorable with your own finances and those of others, and to pay particular attention to reality, not what you fear inside.

The problems with communication are coming from Chiron, a comet that is in Gemini.  It is placed conjunct the Midheaven, which rules your public image with speech and communication.  It isn't that you are actually cold, but that you loath to show your feelings.  When they are never shown, others will believe that they aren't there...that you have none.  Loosen up a little, observe other people how they show their emotions in small doses, and begin to let some of your own emotions show.  The tendency for you is to show none, or too much...one extreme to the other.  Find a midpoint in how your express your emotions.  Stop relying on the "lone wolf" concept, because we both know that it's a smoke screen for you to hide behind so you don't have to face your discomfort and terror in being close to others.  You're going to have to take the risk sooner or later, so why not now?  Yes, you'll get hurt.  Everyone does.  Then we have to learn how to heal our pain, just like you will have to do.  

You have venus and Mars both conjunct the ascendant in Virgo.  This makes for a difficult combination.  As far as relationships, no one ever seems like they will live up to your ideals.  You're right.  You ideals are based upon a person who couldn't exist in reality.  Try being a little more realistic about your true needs and wants.  Balance the assertive nature of Mars with the softnest of Venus, the iron hand with a velvet glove.  Always be ready to be tender with your love, it will go far since the Mars will show first in your lovemaking.

You are very idealistic when it comes to the home you plan for.  And you're equally optimistic that you'll obtain it someday.  Yes, you will.

The bottom line here is that the problems that you imagine in yourself are nothing more than fears.  Yes, fears can be pretty scary stuff to deal with, but that's how you'll conquer the problems you are seeing that are repetitive in your life.  JUMP into life, dear friend, you'll find the water isn't all that cold, and I promise that you won't drown because you already know how to swim.

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Post by donnyboy » Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:30 pm

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Youdah » Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:06 pm

Hi!  I am glad to clarify.  It is my fault if I have not spoken clearly.  Sometimes you feel that  no matter how hard you work, you aren't successful.  But, you will always feel this way because the way you see your success is coming from inside you, and doesn't necessarily mean that you are unsuccessful in others' eyes.  The way for you to be sure of yourself is to be mindful of doing your best especially when doing things for others.  Since this is a karmic issue, do not ever be tempted to do less, cheat, or fail to do what is fair and just.  But you need not worry or fear that your best isn't good enough.  This can be in area of employment, or in marriage or in business.  In many ways you have care of other people's interests through life in these areas.  But after you have done your best, do not further worry because you have already done your best, so there is no longer a reason to worry that you haven't done enough.  Your best is good enough.  Through this you will feel accomplishment and have success.

Unhappy home life and beginnings have a way of causing many troubles through life, as you know.  Again, it is important for you to know that what you feel inside isn't necessarily reality now.  In unhappy situations, you can learn ways of coping to protect yourself, but those ways of coping are no longer useful in your life now.  All people do not behave in the ways that you saw when you were a child.  But those are times as a child when you learned how to survive emotionally (and perhaps in other ways, too).  So you can continue to protect yourself in the old ways even when you are no longer in the same situation, because you fear all people and situations will cause you the same harm.  Unfortunately, when you continue to act in the old ways to protect yourself, you draw people and situations to you that repeat the same unhappiness.  But, it isn't true any longer, though.  So you must change how you see things and how you react to situations and people based on what is NOW, instead of unconsciously and unmindfully continuing to act as you did many years ago.  Those protecting ways no longer serve you, so they must be discarded.  Again, this is a karmic issue.  (This is why I am talking about it more, so hopefully you can move on.)  You must leave those old things behind you, and heal from them.  It is by being true to your own heart and spirit that you can break free.  Protecting yourself so you won't be hurt causes you to be hurt.  Risk being hurt, so you won't be hurt.  

When I said "lovemaking" I wasn't necessarily talking about the physical act, but in all matters of romance such as flirting, doing things together, having a get together, etc.  The fire of mars can easily overpower and hide the beauty of venus.  The drive and fiery temperament of mars is easy to see by others.  So do not fear showing your softer emotions such as joy, delight, tenderness, etc. so they will know that you have those feelings also.  If you see a beautiful woman, do not hesitate to tell her, sincerely of course, that you see her as beautiful.  If you feel compassion and tenderness for someone who is hurt, do not hesitate to try to comfort and calm them.  If you are cleaning and fixing your home, do not hesitate to also make it beautiful for yourself.  The yin and the yang.  If you feel anger, also express your love.  If you have worked hard, also take time to enjoy and relax.  The yin and the Yang.  Is that more clear?

Please ask if you have other questions, even about other areas of your life.  I only looked where you said you had a desire to know.

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Post by donnyboy » Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:44 pm

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by donnyboy » Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:00 pm

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Youdah » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:03 pm

I am sorry.  I didn't see that you had additional questions until you reposted.

1.  Anything in the 2nd house has to do with your possessions, how you handle money, your income, etc.  With mercury, it tells that you prefer mental communication rather than manual labor to earn money.  You could also make a living with anything related to speech, communication, travel, etc.  With Pluto also in the 2nd, you could earn money related to archeology, autopsies, ambulances, insurance, coroner, psychology, etc

2.  No aspects to saturn can mean that you will not have many difficulties, except at times they will come all at once and can overwhelm you until you learn the lessons needed (when transiting planets make aspects to natal saturn).  It could also mean that you sometimes lack the discipline needed to accomplish the things you want to do.  Since saturn is in the third house, matters related to this house will be where you usually have problems.  Communications, brothers and sisters, travel, automobiles, rumors, speech, problems with shoulders, etc.

3.  Areas that could interest you related to work are things that are ruled by Aquarius and Pisces.  Hospitals, x-rays or technicians in healthcare, telephones or television, chemistry, astrology, aeronautics and airplanes, photography, radio, religion, writing or imaginative writing (rather than technical writing).  Because there are several options, if you are interested in a particular vocation, I'd be happy to say whether it is suited to your personality.


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Post by donnyboy » Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:49 am

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by donnyboy » Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:23 pm

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Youdah » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:27 pm

I really don't know.  I can't answer that question.

In astrology, everything is "ruled" by a planet and a House.  I have looked through all my reference books to try to figure out the rulership for and entrepreneur.  I can't find any mention of it.  I could make guesses that it could be ruled by Sag and 9th house...but this doesn't seem to fit because it is a commercial and career endeavor and so not a 9th house subject.  But, the 10th house doesn't seem to fit because it would be ones reputation in life...so would only fit after being successful or unsuccessful.  The 6th doesn't seem to fit since the 6th house implies an employer...

I could answer only in the field of investments, but with the idea of entrepreneurship, I am stumped.  :)

So until I know the rulership of entrepreneurship, I couldn't give an accurate answer.  If someone knows the rulership, I would be glad to know...but please state your source, and not give opinions only.

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Post by donnyboy » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:19 pm

Last edited by donnyboy on Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:18 pm

Sorry for the delay.  Sometimes I get behind in questions and readings.  Income related to your business is ruled by the 11th house.  Your moon is in 11th, so this will be a thing that you cannot do dispassionately.  You will throw your heart into it, as well as your mind.  Uranus is opposed the 11th, in the 5th house (house of income) so this will give you sudden ups and downs.  Sometimes it will be difficult to know where your finances stand at all!  I think this is probably true of any stock market or speculative type of financial activity, so this shouldn't be a big difficulty, since it's all part of the game, is it not?  Neptune is also opposed the 11th house, and this could indicate deception in some way...be sure you are always ethical and take care to be sure communication with others is clear and direct so to avoid misunderstandings.  Also take precautions that others aren't deceiving you.  This may not be intentional, but at times will affect your income, nonetheless.  Another way to use the Neptune energy is to consider activities and stocks that are ruled by Neptune, such as healthcare, hospitals, mining and oil, etc.  Capricorn is intercepted in the 5th house, so this is a thing that will affect your reputation in the world, for good and bad!  Yet, with the Uranus, mentioned above, in Sagitarius 5th house, it will be mostly lucky for you.

I hope this helps.

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