Please help with natal chart reading !!

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Please help with natal chart reading !!

Post by xian » Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:57 pm

Respected Astrologers,

Request for brief reading of my brother chart .

DOB : 5/Dec/79
Time : 7:00 AM
Place: 75 E 34' (Longitude)
         32 N 19' (Latitude)

I would especially like to know about  his future career and marriage (when will it happen and with a younger or older woman).

Thanks in advance.

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where are all good astrologers hiding !!

Post by xian » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:36 pm

Just wondering where are all good astrologers. Common guys please post your reply.
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Post by Mary_Quite_Contrary » Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:52 am

Wow.  The first thing I see is that  that your chart is empty from the 2nd to the 6th house.  That hemisphere of the chart is the "home" or "personal" hemisphere.  Where was have empty places or open places in the chart represent two things.  First, they're areas where we feel less comfortable (or less interest), and they're also areas where we need to "move into" ... or learn about ... areas to push ourselves.  I suspect your primary interests are in the outer/public world, less with home life, family/siblings, employees, etc.

That said, you DO have one "light" (the sun) in the first house, so that suggests that, whatever your feelings about home and family, you do have a strong sense of SELF.  Although I should add with Neptune there too, AND conjunt the sun, you probably project (and may even feel) a certain "dreamy" quality in your selfhood.  And with your moon in the corresponding 7th house, that suggests you find emotional comfort/fulfillment in close relationships.  (These CAN be marriage but aren't restricted to that.  A really close friendship also qualifies.)

Jupiter and Mars and also conjunct in Virgo in the 9th, which is interesting because Jupiter is usually seen as the greater "beatific" (lucky planet) and Mars as the lesser "malefic" (unlucky/malevolent planet).  But really, it's about learning to UTILIZE the energy of those planets.  A chart without a good Mars will like "umph" or ambition.  A chart without a good Saturn will lack stability and order.  These aren't the "bad guys" of the Zodiac.  And a conjunction between expansive, happy Jupiter and ambitious, strong Mars in VIRGO, the earth sign of intellect and discipline and IN Jupiter's own house (9th) is a GREAT placement, I think.  Jupiter loves thought, learning, travel, expanding the mind.  It's the planet of the "open parachute" mind.  ("Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they're open.")  Add the energetic Mars to that and it adds umph, but Virgo helps to add earthy pragmatic stability.  So I'd say you have a wonderful conjunction there!

A couple other things I notice is the number of squares and oppositions, but also some strong trines.  Squares are tension, oppositions represent a see-saw aspect (when one planet is "on," the other is "off," or they don't seem to work together).  Trines are "easy" and sometimes called "lucky" aspects.  With Venus trining Mars and Jupiter, I'd bet you have both some sex appeal, and an overall pleasant, happy personality.

But the squares and oppositions may sometimes add frustrations.  Now, like the so-called "malefics," these are not "bad" aspects so much as a "challenge."  They often give us more struggle earlier in life.  Once we're past 30, we've usually learned how to handle these struggles.  But in some individuals, they don't learn how to manage them, so they can become our Achilles' Heel.  In this way, the Jupiter and Mars square to your sun might be the biggest thing to learn to manage.  A Sun-Mars square can indicate a short fuse, temper wise.  Sun-Jupiter squares can indicate bad choices (usually springing from undue enthusiasm or generosity ... not bad in themselves, just bad when not well-managed).  The fact the Sun is in Jupiter's sign (Sagittarius) both aids this, and makes it rougher.  Jupiter is in pragmatic (even shy) Virgo struggling with the more enthusiastic (but not always careful) Sun in Sagittarius.  So if you can learn to let the sun lean on the strong Virgo Jupiter, it will help keep you from flying off the handle. :-)

Last the opposition between Moon and Venus and Moon and Neptune could indicate a similar problem with managing emotions (Moon) versus imagination (Neptune) and charm/beauty (Venus).  Moon-Venus oppositions can be hard because you may sometimes feel that your emotions are out of sync with your sense of aesthetics, as strange as that might sound on the surface.

Hope this helps!

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