Youdah pls help - confused and guilty

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Youdah pls help - confused and guilty

Post by cartoon123 » Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:42 pm

Hi Youdah,

I am really confused regarding my feelings for my co-worker at this point of time.I am happily married to another person and so is he. We met 3 years ago and I was instantly attracted but as I was married  , I just ignored my feelings.

Since the last few days though I am unable to deal with it and am not even able to sleep. I feel I am a horrible person to even think these thoughts and its very unlike me , but I dont seem to have any control.

Is this just a passing phase and will I get back to normal asap? Pls help me deal with this.

Any revelation is very much appreciated..

Last edited by cartoon123 on Thu May 28, 2009 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Youdah » Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:33 pm

I'm way behind in doing readings, because I'm spending a lot of time with the astrology class (in the Mystic Academy at this website).  I will say, though, that your instincts and principles are already telling you that this isn't right for you.  Some people may be able to handle an affair.  You cannot.  Hence, the guilt.  Even if you two really loved each other, the guilt will eventually kill the relationship.  This can't survive.  This won't work.  Get out now, before you tear apart two families.  Please don't say "I don't have any control."  That's a cop-out, and a lie you're telling yourself to justify what you're doing.  You most certainly have control over yourself.  So, do the right thing, and walk away.  If it is meant to be, the relationship can return to you in circumstances that won't hurt so many other people.  Until then, walk away.


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