Can I get a reading also?

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Can I get a reading also?

Post by sunshinez » Mon Apr 03, 2006 6:41 pm

Hi there,

I currently am a student of BSIT. I also work as a freelancer. I want to pursue a career in Graphic Design and Multimedia. I want a reading abt my professional life and also abt family.


19th Jan 1987

not sure (7:55 - 8 am) Monday

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where were you born?

Post by marbeh13 » Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:03 pm

hi ssunshinez --

ur birth place is needed before we can erect ur chart

marbeh :smt020

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hi sunshinez

Post by marbeh13 » Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:21 am

Hi Sunshine –

Since we do not know when or where you were born, we do not know the location of your Moon, nor the Sign of your Ascendant.  It is as if we can only see one-third of you, peeking out at us behind a screen (probably a gorgeous Japenese screen, with flying Cranes on it), and you are grinning wickedly.  But, having said that, you are most definitely an Artist and a talented one!  And since you have already discovered your inborn gift, we both know you will run with this, and not let anything stop you.  So, what else could you possibly need to know?

FIRST, your Venus, your creativity (and ability to love and to express love via Art) is conjunct to Saturn, which represents your power to focus and to discriminate.  And it is this focus and discrimination which gives FORM to our lives; therefore, this Venus-Saturn contact is said to be “The Mark of the Artist’.  YOU can create Beauty through form, and already know how to make your images (Venus) CONNECT to other people.  Therefore, they are able to make a real connection to beauty in life – and will love your work.  

And THINK about this, Sunshine – both planets are in Sagittarius, so you will always ‘shoot high’ in life, in love, in your social relationships, and in art.  You are, in this sense, very absorbed in the Social Whole – so your idealism will shine out from inside your art.  I am saying this badly, but your art will express a positive universality, and this will make it attractive to many people.  

Jupiter, the planet of expansiveness and generosity and openness rules Sagittarius, but (from what we now know of your chart) seems to have nothing but challenging aspects (squares) – which are always a ‘call to action’.  I won’t go into this further, except to say that it is good you have this inner goad to keep you honest and to keep you pressing for solutions.

Your Sun in conjunct to Mercury and your Sun is in Capricorn.  So, you really know how to make the most of both Saturn and Mars.  Having said that, your Sun is also conjunct the cusp of Aquarius, so you intuitively know all about this latter sign, especially since your Mercury is in Aquarius.  The Sun represents the principle of self-integration, or how you will actually ‘put it all together’ and Mercury is how you think and communicate.  So, the conjunction says these two work powerfully together.  Conclusion: you are smart AND your generally know what you are doing and why.   This all is quite a gift.

Aquarius, is an AIR sign, which means FORM, and so you are able to see what it is that gives FORM to all of LIFE.  So, no matter which branch of Art interests you, YOU can see inside it, and make it all work for yourself.  The ancient Alchemists said that Aquarius was the sign of solve and coagula – meaning the ability to analyze a form, and then dissolve it into its INNER parts, and then coagulate (deposit out) a new form.  Stay with me here, Sunshine, because this means you can see INSIDE of forms, and express – in a new way, what is trying to get out.  What a wondekrful gift for an artist!

Your Venus is trine to Mars, so there is a harmonious connection between your Creativity (Venus) and the Emergence and Generation of a seed idea (Mars).  This connection between Venus and Mars also makes you attractive to men.

Your Pluto and Mars are both powerfully placed, the first in Scorpio and the second in Aries.  They are the co-rulers of both signs.  You have the ability to ‘see energy’, but you will have to work hard to develop this (the 145 degree aspect is slight challenging).  So, as you grow older, your abilities as an artist should only get better and better.  IT WILL BE ALMOST AS IF YOU ARE SEEING INTO LIFE ITSELF.  I know of no better way to say this.

Finally (finally?) we do not know where your Moon is located.  But I will guess that it will emerge as the handle on your entire chart.

AND, all of the above will NOT unfold instantly (you are only 19 after all), but I have listed as faithfully as I can what is in your chart.  It is up to you to bring it all out.  AND, this is a PROCESS Sunshine.  It requires time and maturity.  But, since you already know you are an artist, it must be pleasing to see what the future might hold for you.

So, if you have questions, please include your birth place, and WHY you think your birth time is around 8:00 AM


marbeh  :smt020

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Post by sunshinez » Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:55 am

My birth place is ABUDHABI UAE.
I am bot sure abt the minute of the time of my birth. Its btw 7:55 am and 8 am.

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Post by sunshinez » Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:59 am

Hey thanks MARBEH.. I confirmed my birth time ffrom my birth certificate.. Its 7:55 am ..

I managed to understand quiet a lot from the reading above.. but can I get it in a more simplified term? I mean a lil technical one? :)

Well I have a passionf or graphic designing and am working hard to get professional at it.. I hope this reading turn out true one day :)

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Hi Sunshinez

Post by marbeh13 » Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:55 pm

Hi Sunshine –  :)

You had NO questions about my reading, which gives me little to go on if I were to try to clarify some points.  I really think you will find

Vedic Astrology more to your liking.  It is based upon the Compulsion of the Stars Compel and therefore believes it is possible to

Predict what a person will do.  This approach will give you the nice short and concise answers you seem to prefer.    

Western Astrology is based upon the cycles of an individual’s unfoldment.  It looks at your natal chart in terms of your potential, but this

still leaves it up  to each individual to reach their potential.  For example, some people learn at an early age that they want to be a great

tennis player – or a great pianist, and they start in childhood and devote their entire lives to practice and achievement.  Others, however,

seem unaware they have a natural talent, and live out their lives never discovering their potential, and so it lies there, undeveloped.

You, however, seem to know what you want and what you are, and your chart backs this up: you were indeed born with ‘the Mark of an

Artist’,  And now it is up to you to make that dream come true.

So, what is it that makes any artist into a most excellent one?  

My reading looked at your maximum potential in exactly those terms: WHAT ARE THE GIFTS OF INSIGHT, and understanding, and

the social skills, coupled with creativity, that MAKE an excellent artist?  

But, potentials are in the future, so I was trying to summarize your entire life which is still ahead of you.  Obviously, that is not a simple
task, nor is it merely some sort of a ‘game’.

Well.  Good luck in your chosen career.  I think you will do very well indeed.

marbeh  :smt020

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Post by sunshinez » Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:40 am

Thanks a lot Marbeh.. I guess I understood your reading now..

Thanks once again.. I do work hard but from now one I'll try to work harder.

Keep Smiling :)

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Post by marbeh13 » Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:29 pm

hi  :)

I wasn't moralizing, and I am sorry you read it that way.

Some wise person once remarked on how truely difficult it is to communicate between people.  He (or she) meant that quite often the other does not hear what you say, but only what they THINK you are saying.

Anyway -- have a good life.

marbeh  :smt020

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Post by sunshinez » Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:36 am

well marbeh can u give me some insight abt my personal life? i.e family realtions etc

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