Would it be possible for me to have a reading, please

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Would it be possible for me to have a reading, please

Post by lunarcraft » Mon May 28, 2007 2:43 pm

I would really like a numerology reading.  My details are:

Birth name:  Sarah Broad

Current name:  Sarah Bavin

Date of Birth:  26 June 1958

Many thanks and Brightest Blessings


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Re: Would it be possible for me to have a reading, please

Post by joker » Mon May 28, 2007 8:04 pm

lunarcraft wrote:I would really like a numerology reading.  My details are:

Birth name:  Sarah Broad

Current name:  Sarah Bavin

Date of Birth:  26 June 1958

Many thanks and Brightest Blessings

reading for  Sarah  

1 (10/1, 19/1)

The Life Path 1 suggests that you entered this plane with skills allowing you to become a leader type rather easily. Your nature is charged with individualistic desires, a demand for independence, and the need for personal attainment. Many of our military generals, corporate leaders, and political leaders are men and women having the Life Path 1. When you display positive 1 traits your mind is capable of significant creative inspiration, and it possesses the enthusiasm and drive to accomplish a great deal. You are very good at getting the ball rolling; initiating new projects is your forte. You are at your best when confronted with obstacles and challenges, as you combat these with strength and daring. This is both the physical and inner varieties of strength. With this strength comes utter determination and the capability to lead. As a natural leader you have a flair for taking charge of any situation. You have a tendency to do this, even if, at times, it is not appropriate for you to do so.

Highly original, you may have talents as an inventor or innovator of some sort. In any work that you choose, your independent attitude can show through. You have very strong personal needs and desires, and you feel it is always necessary to follow your own convictions. You tire of routine and highly detailed tasks rather quickly.

You are ambitious and assertive in promoting yourself. Although you may hide the fact for social reasons, you can be self-centered and demand to have your way in many circumstances. That said, for the most part, you are considered very good company, friendly, good-natured, and a wonderful conversationalist. People like you and are drawn to you. It is a good thing they are, because you are very sensitive to disapproval and you don't handle it very well.

There are several ways that the negative side of the 1 can show up. The 1 always has the potential for greatness as a leader, but they may fail as a follower. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to follow for a while before you are allowed to lead and this can be a difficult time. When the 1 Life Path person is not fully developed and expressing the negative side of this number, the demeanor may appear very dependent rather than independent, particularly in the early years. If you are expressing this negative trait of the number 1, you are likely to be very dissatisfied with your circumstances, and long for self-sufficiency. This might be defined as the weak or dependent side of the negative 1 Life Path. On the strong side of this negative curve, the 1 energy can become too self-serving, selfish and egotistical. Avoid being too bossy and demanding.

6 (6, 15/6, 24/6, 33/6, 42/6, 51/6)

The number 6 Destiny suggests that the direction of growth in your lifetime will be toward a greater sense of responsibility, love, and balance. Development in life must make you more helpful, conscientious, and capable of rectifying and balancing any sort of inharmonious situation. You must be a person very much inclined to give help and comfort to those in need. You have a natural penchant for working with the old, the young, the sick, or the underprivileged.

As the saying goes, charity begins at home, and the home is where you must be a special person. The qualities of the 6 make the finest and most concerned parent, and one who is often deeply involved in domestic activities. Openness and honesty is apparent in your approach to all relationships, particularly close family relationship. A happy home life is the goal of Destiny 6, and if you live up to the promises of this number, you will reap this reward most likely with some degree of luxury and grace.

Although you may have considerable creative and artistic talents, the chances are that you will devote yourself to an occupation that shows concern for the betterment of the home and of the community at large. The destiny of the 6 is often a career in medicine, welfare work, education, dealing in the arts, furniture, decorating, landscaping, home construction, religious endeavors, or scientific fields.

The positive side of the number 6 suggests that you are very loving, friendly, and appreciative of others. You have a depth of understanding that produces much sympathetic, kindness, and generosity.

If there is an excess of the number 6 in your makeup, you may exhibit some of the negative traits associated with this number. This can include stubbornness, self-righteousness, or dominance. There may be a tendency for you to be too exacting and demanding of yourself, too. In this regard, you may at times sacrifice yourself (or your loved ones) for the welfare of others. Many with the Destiny of the number 6 worry much too much. In some cases, the over zealous 6 has difficulty distinguishing helping from interfering.

With a 9 Soul Urge, you are happiest when you can do something to benefit humanity. You have a strong desire to make a difference in the world. Living life fully and helping where you can produces a sense of fulfillment.

Persona 6 You appear to be proper and refined, a modest, self-sacrificing giver. You seem to appear when you are most needed and then you disappear without a thought of receiving anything in return. Animals and children of all ages are drawn to your loving-kindness, as are the "strays" of any breed, including human. all the best  :)  :smt004

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Post by lunarcraft » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:28 pm

Many thanks for the reading - it is scarily accurate and contains a great deal of information that I will read in more detail later.

Very enlightening.  Thank you once again.

Brightest Blessings


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Post by Sorrow » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:40 pm

Sarah Broad

26. jun 1958

         * Expression Number
         * Desire Number
         * Intimate Number
         * Heredity Number
         * Number of letters in your full name
         * Birthday Vibration
         * Inclusion
         * Relational Numerology
         * Cornerstone
         * Erotic behaviour
         * Life Path
         * 3 Cycles of your life
         * Personal Year

Your personal numerological study

Numerology is spreading more and more quickly and more and more widely. It responds to the need that we all have to get to know ourselves better, to know in which directions it is more advantageous to orientate ourselves. In a word, to know a little better who we are and how to situate ourselves in a more appropriate way faced with our environment, our life and the lives of others.

The simplicity of the information that Numerology needs ; date of birth, surname and all Christian names (at birth); makes this science particularly practical and precise, giving us a surprising approach to the functioning of the human.

Numerology uses the psychological symbolism contained in numbers. People have in general, little access to the "hidden face" of themselves, and it is this that the numbers allow you to discover. Numerology serves to draw up your personal geography, but also to show the openings and disturbances which you can expect. It cannot predict your reaction, nor your success or failure, this is your choice. It is up to you whether you decide to get your umbrella out and confront the storm or whether to stay tranquilly at home. This analysis of your surname and firstnames is based on the corresponding letter-number following :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z .

Your numerological study was subject to conscientious work. It has been made especially for you according to the precise rules of Numerology. Generated by the Numerology by Yves Pflieger software. Copyright © Yves Pflieger - swisswriter.com 1999-2006.


Every personality has several facets, and it is false to believe that one can describe a character by only one qualifier. In fact, your personality leans on three major aspects : the Expression Number, the Intimate Number and the Desire Number.
Expression Number

This is the key value in Numerology. This number represents your potential of expression and contact ; it is also the image that you can give to others. You are free to use fully or partially this potential. It is a very important number to grasp the social behaviour of a person, to help her orientate herself in her professional life. When the potential of the Expression Number is not used fully, it's the sign of a certain instability that exists on the level of the Intimate Number. In this case, you must first stabilise and strengthen it's base (the Intimate Number), before being able to develop your natural qualities of expression. Also, the Expression Number allows the analysis of the possibilities of understanding between two people, to evaluate the type of possible relationship between them. This number is calculated by reducing the total of the Numerological values of all the letters of the full name given at birth. To refine this interpretation, it is useful to take the information from the Desire Number into account. In this way a number 1 or 8 Expression Number (naturally hard) will be softened by a Desire Number 2, 6, or 9.

Sarah Broad
11918 29614 = 42 = 6

You have a 6 for Expression Number. Charming, conciliating and responsible personality.

You appear to others as calm, radiating with ease of living. Your personality corresponds with a great capacity for understanding, conciliation, tact and benevolence. You know how to devote yourself to others. Generosity and a sense of responsibility characterises you. You like to please and to help at the same time. Your charm added to a certain magnetism attracts others in a subtle way. You regularly find the means to give assistance and create harmony around yourself. Even if the material rewards are not always up to it, you don't really mind because act from pleasure or may be you unconsciously have the impression of marking points for a future "balance". On the other hand, you can be offended very badly when you are not understood or your offers are not appreciated. Be careful that you are not exploited. All seems very easy and pleasant when people decide to come to see you that some will come to recharge themselves and sometimes even force your hand or manipulate you with praises or compliments (you are quite sensitive).

Family and people close to you play an essential role in your life. In this area you naturally occupy a central place, not necessarily in the hierarchical sense, rather with the image of chief conscious of her engagement and developing harmony and peace all around. You like to create this warm, friendly and welcoming atmosphere which is lacking in modern life. You have a certain respect for others and traditions. You are refined, you like comfort, you refuse aggressiveness and discord. This can lead you to choose the easy and passive route, to let go of too much ground if the conditions allow it. This could injure your efficiency and yield.

This said, you have numerous talents. Your conciliating mind, your sense of responsibility and your timing will be marvellous for arranging transactions and to get two opposing sides to agree. Your qualities allow you to envisage a raised social position as leader. Your style of acting is particular to you : you need to please but also to become enthusiastic to achieve your projects. You like to seize things beyond the limited horizon of habitual mental barriers. Your reasoning is intuitive and logical at the same time. You lean on the two poles of the human mind. Giving intelligent advice to others isn't difficult for you, that's why you must learn curb your natural desire to intervene a bit too often in other peoples affairs. Know how to wait for them to turn to you for guidance and help.

Used positively, this number 6 vibration confers a rare quality, which is knowing how to give for the pleasure of giving. You like to initiate communication, help others on a reciprocal basis (even if the accounts are slightly against you). So don't deprive yourself : receive your numerous friends, lavish luxury, presents, help and affection to all those who are dear to you. Sometimes stand back to evaluate if you are not doing too much and readjust you attitude if necessary. You also have a great sensitivity which can be manifested in the arts (creativity or a marked taste for art, particularly for the plastic aspect and the aesthetic), the areas where the body plays an important role (medicine, relaxation, massage, body-care, hairdressing, dietetics, cooking etc.) or in activities requiring a certain refinement (decoration, dressing, the art of receiving visitors). This sensitivity also explains your ability of empathy and understanding of others, something you use each time you want to harmonise the atmosphere. You feel with a sometimes astonishing refinement all that is fair and all that is not. This explain why you are sometimes indignant and inflexible when you are faced with a flagrant injustice and other times undecided, embarrassed when the errors are shared.

The number 6 vibration is also one of responsibilities. You are capable of assuming a lot and you always give the maximum you can in such a case. All of these qualities in you are appreciated and are very important for the harmony and good running of society. It would be beneficial for all that you have a lot of money and an important social role. However, be careful not to tie yourself up in accepting too many responsibilities or in wanting to satisfy everybody. It would perhaps be wiser to cut down on your engagements and stick to them, rather than starting to fall behind with work or promises and becoming stressed, which is the antithesis of your philosophy of life... Know how to say "no" politely but firmly in order to preserve your own harmony ! In preserving you from interdependent relationships which are too complex you will give your creativity the vital freedom that it needs. All the difficulty for the people with this vibration is due to the fact that kindness, generosity and harmony are generally associated with a form of weakness. You are quite troubled, disturbed when someone "dares" to attack you or not show you respect. Your reaction can become quite illogical in these cases. The problem comes from others and yourself at the same time. The beliefs of the world lead people having more respect for harshness, force, coldness and the apparent success of the "sharks" rather than for the noble hearts. Above all don't let yourself be affected !

Often sensual, you could let yourself be trapped by your taste for good things and your hunger for beauty. Your spontaneity and your young mind give you an air of being a child who sometimes makes one smile and makes you engaging. Even if you are very idealistic and allow great, fragile, magnificent desires to germinate in you, you are not as naive as one would think.

In love, you are considerate, protective and always available for your partner. You are very family minded. Emotional harmony is important for your sexual blossoming. You are rather sensual. When you have found the partner who suits you, you generally stay very united. You hate disagreements, disagreeable remarks so they are rare. However, your Intimate Number will determine your reaction in such a case. Your general balance depends a lot on your sentimental balance, that is why it is in your interest to protect your sensitivity from outside aggression and to make yourself less receptive to negative feelings. With you the heart and the body have their reasons that the rational mind cannot always understood. Luxury, calm and pleasure suits you best. Love is the central pivot of your personality. It allows you to evolve and to shine in the cold world of competition and interpersonal tensions. This is a gift from heaven ! Use it wittingly.
Professional orientation

It is essential for you to find your balance in your activity, the success arriving at this time. The atmosphere where you work is very important. When you have confidence, you work conscientiously without relentlessness. You are sometimes too concerned with the interests of your client or boss. You will be at ease in all jobs related to the arts, the aesthetic, body-care (medicine included) or in relation to luxury products (jewellery, fashion), the professions concerning home decoration or natural arrangements (floral art, landscape gardening) and research linked to health. Also helping others, advising, greeting, conciliation and commerce. In fact this vibration allows you to succeed everywhere, from the moment that you have the impression of being able to carry a plus. Note that the choice of profession does not only depend on the Expression Number. This decision can also be linked to your Life Path, desire Number or Birthday vibration.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 42, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Two of Cups" - love and kindness. A peaceful happiness and a good understanding in couple. 42 like to be surrounded. She is fair, serious, welcoming, open-minded and very generous. Deep friendships. Gentleness, kindness with a discrete charm. Very agreeable. This secondary number is quite favourable for women, in particular young women. Often related to a creative profession. If you feel good about yourself, it is not a good idea to take on more and more responsibilities, to monopolise others or to try to help them at all costs. You would imperil your own balance and happiness. Concentrate on yourself a bit more.
Desire Number

The Desire Number corresponds to your deep motivations, to that which is important to you. It influences you in your choices and decisions even if you are not always conscious of it. This number is related to your deep emotions. Your Expression Number will be strongly tinted or shaded by your Desire Number. This vibration is calculated by reducing the sum of the vowels of your full name given at birth.

Sarah Broad
1 1    61  = 9

You have Desire Number 9. You aspire to a world where there wouldn't be incomprehension, criticism, threat, and any other cause of disharmony or distrust. In other words a more fraternal world. You put a lot of importance on moral values such as compassion, tolerance, altruism, equality and justice. Sensitivity is a major characteristic of your Desire Number. It can be expressed in the arts, by a taste for refined things. It can also mean a search for ideal. You are attracted by all that can open your mind : scientific knowledge, art, travelling, wide open spaces or contact with other cultures, other sensitivities. The accent is put in your consciousness on the necessity to detach yourself progressively from basic instincts and interests too centred in material things in order to be able to elevate yourself, improve yourself and use your mind for more interesting things. To have 9 as your Desire Number is synonymous with vocation, the ideal, humanism and the emotions. You could be motivated by varied activities such as justice, the arts, dance, cookery, fashion, culture, cinema, knowledge, new sciences, writing, teaching on a large scale or actions with a humanitarian character, from the moment that you can use your particular sensitivity. Rather than being concerned with small details, you prefer to have a good overall vision of beings and things, an ideal to follow or to live. Furthermore, you aren't insensitive to the advantages that come with the position of management. You like compliments and recognition. But strangely, it is necessary that you have a certain height, a detachment if you want to be efficient and stay balanced. If you involve yourself too much with the details of your activities, you risk losing your good rhythm, your usual efficiency and get carried away emotionally or even become depressed. The constrains of life in community and certain other harsh realities can upset you or make you lose your efficiency. Your strength will come from your capacity to stay above the scrum and free yourself from the expectation of recognition.
Intimate Number

The Intimate Number, also known as the "the hidden self", is the unconscious base of your personality. It forms a little of the "keep" or the main tower of your castle. Through it you search for strength when you feel the need ; particularly in conflicting situations, each time you must confront an important problem or undertaking, when you are tense, tired or when your primordial interests are threatened. At such a time you will stop using the vibration of your Expression Number in order to lean exclusively on your Intimate Number. It is your way of reacting. The Intimate Number's vibration allows one to know the hidden character of the human being, to reveal the profound needs and to know reactions in cases of tension.

All of your psychological structure rests on the Intimate Number ! Consequently, it is important that it's integrity is preserved from all attacks or the result will be nervousness, anguish and indecision. This number, that becomes significant in adulthood, is calculated by reducing the sum of the consonants of your full name given at birth.

Sarah Broad
1 9 8 29  4 = 33/6

Your Intimate Number is 33. This is an absolutely exceptional base where the vibrations are very strong and particularly subtle. If this is really your case, you will have the profound feeling of having an important mission to assist the human race. 33 is a fair and responsible person, in love with compassion and altruism. She is capable of understanding peoples' needs. This is a person with superior intelligence, educated or self-taught, and who has a global vision of things and a lot of wisdom. The principal characteristic of such an Intimate Number is the respect of life (people and nature). Unconsciously, the 33 needs to help the human being and often guide it. Her interest for humanity is very strong and is often accompanied by the acceptance of personal sacrifice. Usually, the presence of such a vibration will reinforce your qualities of responsibility, harmonisation and protection, which you live at level 6.

Your Intimate Number is 6 coming from the master number 33.

Priority needs of 6 : Harmony, communication, exchange, balance and refinement. A great need to have pacifying and conciliating options respected. Doesn't like pressure or aggressiveness. Renders service spontaneously but doesn't like too many obligations. Doesn't appreciate things or person that lack elegance, cutting remarks, vulgarity, coercion.

This number is the vibration of responsibility, of helping others, justice and family life. Emotional harmony and peace are necessary for your balance, they form the stable base which you need. Your thoughts turn naturally towards others and the needs of loved ones ; you are thoughtful, conciliating, helpful and generally appreciated. This sentiment of duty towards others seems to be an intrinsic part of your nature. Unfortunately, certain people interpret these qualities as a form of weakness, completely inadequate to a cold, hard world and they will attempt to exploit you. Prove them wrong by showing that a noble heart is powerful.

When you concentrate on yourself, you will have the reflex to take your responsibilities, to assume them with uprightness and conscientiousness. You could make an excellent leader. People will find you to be warm an human, a refuge for those who need assistance, advice or attention. You feel the intimate need to establish harmony around you and if you don't succeed, you can become destabilised. Don't accept all engagement so easily (material and moral) because an excess of responsibilities will make you lose your efficiency. You are sometimes lead to lie because you don't know how to say "no" to those who want your help. The sense of duty, justice and the search for harmony constitute your favourite areas. Friends are very important for you and you are particularly sensitive to the approval and praise that others give you. Often, you believe that you know what is best for others and you want to intervene even if you are not invited to do so. Beware ! It is not always adequate. Your balance and happiness are a result of a better acceptance of yourself and others. Don't try to take the misery of the world onto your shoulders, think also of your own well-being. Your health can suffer if you make such a mistake.

You force yourself to live according to the conventions of society, but you know how to modify your attitude when it's a matter of responding to an immediate need, more particularly if it's a matter of going to the aid of someone. Be careful not to get involved in interdependent relationships which are too complex, because this could impede your freedom ! Although particularly sensitive to the atmosphere of places and people, you can sometimes become suspicious or on the contrary credulous when faced with a new interlocutor. Beware ! When you feel aggressed or that your emotional base is threatened, you could become completely illogical. You find rejection of your natural helpfulness difficult. If your approach is assimilated to an interested attitude or if you discover that people try to exploit you, you feel offended and show those around you an indignant and dismissing attitude for quite a long time. You must also take care of the atmosphere. The negative feelings that surround you can sometimes make you melancholic, discouraged and cut into your energy.

Faced with conflicts, your Intimate Number has an almost chivalrous strategy. In order to safeguard this harmony that please you so much, your natural reflex is to take the sting out of the conflict even if you have to loose some grounds or some of your advantages. You show your moral principals, adopt a civilised and conciliating behaviour to bring your adversary to see reason. You are ready to forgive a lot. This strategy is efficient as long as the protagonists are civilised and also convinced of the worth of co-operation. What happens with the others ? You wait patiently until your tolerance limit is exceeded and then become astonishingly inflexible because you think that the attitude of your adversary presents a danger for the community. But how do you know where is the limit of tolerable ? You don't have a precise idea. This fuzzy image allows everyone with sufficient craftiness to manipulate you at leisure, being careful not to step over certain limits.

In love, your profound base is sentimental, idealistic, considerate and protective. Emotional harmony is necessary for your sexual growth. Your general balance depends a large part on your sentimental balance and the harmony around you. Discord and battlefields displease you greatly. You rarely make offensive remarks. You are sincerely capable of affection and sacrifice. When doubt enters a relationship, you can become possessive, jealous, vindictive or reject the one you love. You are very attracted by beauty and you are sensual. You need luxury, comfort and pleasure. You were made for family life. Every day, the pleasure of giving assistance and being generous finds an echo in your heart. You like to give pleasure by lavishing help, presents and affection. Know also, how to receive. Once you have found the ideal companion (your desire for perfection sometimes makes the choice difficult), the home can become a source of joy for all those who enter it.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from the master number 33 - the helpful guide. Master number of creation, communication and emotional control. It is often the number of the attentive master, guide (family, political or religious). It is the Kennedy's Heredity Number for example.. It is the symbol of altruism, wisdom and evolution, but very few people are able to live fully and harmoniously at such a level. It is more frequently assimilated with number 6 (harmony, responsibilities, love). The 33 is also synonymous with creativity, prosperity and protection and it can get a lot of benefit from it's successes. Sometimes success in literature and communication. Accompanied by love, fertility and often the desire to help others. This secondary number is also linked to medicine, healing and advice giving. Sometimes there is a sense of sacrifice. Be careful, in it's negative form, this vibration could give you the desire to use your influence to direct others towards dubious goals (unscrupulous leaders manipulating the people emotionally). Sometimes deep-rooted or suppressed emotional problems.
Heredity Number

This number reveals the passive part of your possibilities of expression which are common to all the members of your family. It forms the socio-cultural heritage of your family. The interpretation of this family vibration must be approached in a wide sense, because it only possesses a minor impact on the personality. It is calculated from all of the letters of your surname at birth. The secondary number can sometimes give some additional information.

29614 = 22/4

You have a heredity number 4. This is impregnated with the idea of order, seriousness, honesty and work. Your family could be relatively modest or very traditionalist and you have inherited the thrifty and stable side.
The number of letters in your full name

It is the number of letters making up your first names and surname, at birth. It gives a supplementary influence, although secondary, on your life. In a way it is the aura that your name gives off. If you must chose the name of your child (or your enterprise) don't forget to take it into account ! Also if the length of your first name(s) is longer than your surname, it will favour the affirmation of your individuality. If it is the other way around, the influence of family heritage could be more prominent.

You have 10 letters in your full name. An aura of attraction. This vibration gives self-confidence, assurance. Aptitude to manage. It helps in achieving projects, suggests a renewal of life style. Great desire to succeed. Favourable to finances, but in the long term after some moments of uncertainty or a change of course.
Birthday Vibration

The Birthday Vibration is rich in information. It is not the fruit of chance. This day impregnates us with it's influence, a little like the well-known astrological signs. The astrologers teach us that the Birthday Vibration number exercises it's impact mainly during the second cycle of Saturn of the individual, which means between the ages of 30 and 60 (it constitutes the productive Cycle in Numerology). This number of birth is in relation with the productive register. In a way it is your active force in the area of achievements, the resolution of problems or in social and professional relationships.

You were born a 26. The vibration of this day confers a need for power and prosperity but also security. Although ambitious and capable of combativity, you prefer to use diplomacy and persuasion rather than force to obtain what you want. This vibration allows you to acquire a good social position as well as the power for negotiation, transactions and the capacity to strike up contacts. Well organised, conscientious and confident, you like to take responsibility. Very motivated by prestige and prosperity, your success is probable and often comes about through profitable associations. Generous with your friends and family, you are attracted by the arts and beauty, and you believe that traditional values are very important. In general, you are pleasant and optimistic from the moment that your affective environment is stable and harmonious. Lived negatively, this number can lead you to pretentiousness, complacency and the frantic search for power at the expense of other human values.

Famous people born on a day 26 : François Mitterrand, Bernard Tapie.
Birthday Present

Only those who have a two figured birthday's will have this present in as much as ease in their life.

Your birthday present is the number 4. It is stability, balance, the taste for work and steady progression.

The Inclusion or Star of Venus calculates the number of times letters occur with the value 1, then 2 etc. The ratings of the occurrences are placed from left to right and from high to low. In this way the first space contains the number of occurrences of letters with the value of 1 (A, J, S) from your full name, while the last space contains the number of occurrences of letters with the value of 9 (I, R). Each one of these numbers carries certain precisions concerning your character traits. Remember that the Inclusion only constitutes a complement of the principal study of the Intimate Number, the Expression Number and the Desire Number.
Sarah Broad
4 1 -
1 - 1
- 1 2

4 letters in your Inclusion 1 (A, J, S, é, è, ê, ç) : You assert yourself by your serious qualities, organisation ability, perseverance and through your concrete achievements. The absence of a serious and precise goal can check your initiative.

1 letter in your Inclusion 2 (B, K, T, ö) : Your capacity for co-operation, your sensitivity and your intuition (or imagination) is lived in an independent way and even asserted. You take the initiative to make friends, co-operate, be kind with others. You act with confidence in these areas.

1 letter in your Inclusion 4 (D, M, V) : Practical sense and achievement are manifested with a strong connotation of independence and sureness. You like to work alone, you have confidence in your capacities and you could be tempted to push others on this serious and progressive path. Your actions are creative, dynamic and sometimes tinted with impatience.

1 letter in your Inclusion 6 (F, O, X, ô, ä) : Your sense of duty and responsibilities, your taste for harmony and aestheticism manifest themselves in an independent and creative way. You assert yourself with sureness in these areas and you take the initiative to appease conflicts or promote new ideas. You are a good head of the family.

1 letter in your Inclusion 8 (H, Q, Z, ü) : You could benefit from a characteristic inner force and a great power for action in order to confront the real and overcome obstacles of all sorts. This desire to succeed is a real motor which encourages you to take things head on and advance. You want to succeed while counting essentially on yourself (strong need of independence) free to guide others on this route afterwards. This energy and impetuousness demands an apprenticeship of the sense of measure so that you don't get dragged along by your own impulsiveness and sometimes your intolerance. Your efficiency and mastery will be great when you have learnt to keep your balance. It is in your interest to associate yourself with someone who will help you to finish that which you know so well how to begin.

2 letters in your Inclusion 9 (I, R, à , â, ï) : Your altruism and influence find their expression in co-operation and the desire to help or comfort others. A great sensitivity, kindness and generosity are shown by you. You use your open mind and refinement in the idea of exchange and communication above all. Even if your kindness is natural, you don't necessarily take the initiative to go to the aid of others. You often need agreement or the request of the other person, because you are easily hurt if your offers are refused. Probable artistic sensitivity.
Relational Numerology

In comparing your Expression Number with that of another person, Numerology can describe the social and overall understanding that you can have with this person. The comparison of the Intimate Numbers gives an idea of the chances of understanding in the case of a long-term union or association engaging concrete activities while the Desire Number covers the compatibility of profound aspirations between the two people.
Understanding of your Expression number 6.

6 and 1 : Excellent agreement with a certain complicity in the relationships. However, the authority of the 1 must not suffocate the 6.

6 and 2 : This is a harmonious relationship. A positive family atmosphere. The love favours stability. Furthermore, excellent relationships in friendship or work. Each one knows how to make concessions. But watch out for hesitation and excessive emotions especially when concerning the concrete or making deals.

6 and 3 : Sentimental understanding, harmony, shared tastes (aesthetic, the arts and creativity), perfectionism. Both are sociable.

6 and 4 : Pleasant relationships, warm and constructive, but no surprises. Lasting feelings. Good sense. Shared taste for everything to do with the house and responsibilities.

6 and 5 : A sometimes strained relationship, but positive with time provided that the 5 quietens down. Then the relationship is pleasant and advantageous.

6 and 6 : Search for harmony in all areas between two conciliating people. Sometimes little rivalries, because each one wants to be in charge. Also be careful of too much sensitivity and a tendency to accept too many obligations.

6 and 7 : Average agreement, can be disturbed by doubt and hesitation. The 7 remains an enigma for the 6 and the union cannot be as complete as the wish of the 6. For when there is amorous agreement, the 6 must have spiritual objectives.

6 and 8 : Positive agreement and great possibility of blossoming in the creative and constructive areas. More delicate in love.

6 and 9 : Powerful attraction ; the 6 admires the 9 ; the 9 is seduced by the 6. Sensuality tinted by mystery. Excellent understanding in all areas. Altruism but emotionally fragile.

6 and 11 : Very good agreement. The inspiration of the 11 can only seduce the 6 ; the aesthetic and refined side of the 6 pleases the subtlety and intelligence of the 11.

The first letter of your first name is known as the Cornerstone in Numerology. It is the first stone of your edifice. On it, the first years of your existence are built, as well as the rest of your life and character. The Cornerstone tells of your aptitudes, your attitudes faced with different experiences. This letter constitutes a foundation element useful to know.

Letter S. This letter is spontaneous, flexible as well as superior, knowledgeable and sometimes wise. It corresponds to sentiments, emotions and mobility. Graphically, S is unstable on it's base while being very open towards the inner world and the past on the left side (S has a good memory) and towards others, the outside world (opening on the right hand side). The emotional intermediate zone is characterised by a slope which makes S a bit elusive in this area. Emotive, S wavers and can live these sentiments and emotions like waves on the incoming and outgoing tides, waves that can overwhelm her. That's why S must learn not to expose herself too much or expect too much from others because she could easily be disappointed and hurt. However, S, the 19th letter, also knows how to recover and shine (the sun after the emotive storm). S will regularly be transformed and improve. S has all the qualities of independence, autonomy, will power, commandment and warmth, which will allow her to have a position where she can shine and be recognised by everyone. S incarnates a raised ideal and knows how to give a creative dynamism. S likes to progress. Although ambitious, S stays preoccupied by the impact of her actions and behaviour on others. Looking for the fair balance between taking others into account and caring of herself, S is a wave who can pass from highs to lows. S will sometimes need to express her independence and individuality in an abrupt fashion, then, after the revolt, will let herself be invaded by emotions and sentiments and will no longer exist for herself. S's faculties of analysing situations clearly and objectively are then handicapped by her affective reactions. These changed of attitude can give her a bizarre behaviour pattern. In fact, S has the mind of a chief, but will show a certain reserve or guilt in using it. S must develop her originality in order to channel this sensitivity and imagination which is too full. S could steer herself towards fashion or stylism, generally possessing this type of talent. On the other hand, S has a sense of business and finance (intuitive), which is linked to her sense of helping others out. In fact S is an ideal candidate for a high responsibility position.
Erotic behaviour

The horoscope used in China and Thailand functions according to a 12 year cycle. Strictly speaking this isn't Numerology but it can give you a new and interesting approach to your erotic behaviour. Be aware: This sign starts the first of January and not in February (from January 20th till February 19th) as the chinese horoscope. This choice is due to a possible higher sensibility of Westerner people to their own system of calendar. Also, in discovering the intimate personality of the person that you love and desire, you will understand better how to satisfy her most secret desires. The general advice that you are given in this text will help you to guide yourself better in reflection that you will do either alone or with your partner.

According to this horoscope, you were born during the year of the Dog. Here is a description of your erotic behaviour.

The female "Dog" is a natural dreamer. Her reserve and her discretion make us think that she is timid. In fact, she turns more inward than outward. In general she is a beautiful plant which doesn't shed it's leaves easily. Her simple modesty which she preserves from the beginning to the end of her life, doesn't stop her when the moment comes to devote herself to pleasure. In giving and receiving pleasure. She can get carried away very quickly and totally, because in spite of appearances her sexuality is distinctly superior to the average. She must love her partner and not have doubts about his thoughts or frankness, otherwise she will rear up, be hurt in her heart and there is a risk of serious rebellion. She can become ferocious (verbally and sometimes physically) and enclose herself in her ivory tower, refusing all sexuality during quite a long period. But one can easily avoid this happening in always showing her the respect and tenderness that she deserves. Love her, be generous with her, because her generosity is great too and her need to give and please are some of her great qualities.
Life Path

Your Life Path which is the reduced sum of your date of birth, gives an important indication on the type of events that you will be regularly confronted with, throughout your life. It isn't possible to skip school, the events always catch up with you, that's why in general one naturally adopts a style compatible with one's Life Path rather than going against the current. Numerology allows you to understand the nature of your route and the events likely to stimulate you. This will allow you to have the power to adopt the attitude that permits you to sail serenely on the sea of your life without capsizing or getting shaken about. A well-informed man is worth two.

Note : The Life Path does not necessarily indicate the way in which you react when faced with the different situations in your life. In effect, your reaction is mostly based on your assets that are your Intimate number, Expression number and Desire number. The style that one can detect across the Life Path (and possibly your Destiny Number) defines rather your overall behaviour on the route that waits for you than your daily attitude (the character defined by your full name).

26+6+1958 = 1990 = 1 (10)

You have a Life Path Number 1. The route of conquerors, individuals and eccentrics.

It corresponds to the itinerary of those who are made for action and whose most important accomplishments are individual and original. In your life, it will be necessary for you to have courage, confidence in yourself, authority, a mind for independence or undertakings and a lot of determination. You will regularly be confronted with situations or obstacles that give you the opportunity to use and master this type of power ; the aim being to learn to reach success counting essentially on yourself. It is a destiny generally quite lucky. It incites worthiness, merit, conquering, innovating but also the acceptance of the consequences of your own decisions. With this Life Path you generally advance quickly and it is better no to try to force things too often because you may lose your pace or rhythm. A life rich in new developments during which you will be brought to develop self-assertion, a certain boldness and sometimes pride or a rebellious spirit. Perhaps it will help you to motivate others and draw them into your ways. You must take your destiny in hand, open the track and persevere !

Famous people with a Life Path 1 : Yves Saint-Laurent, Alain Prost, Sean Connery, Tom Cruise, Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin, Henri Ford, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Napoleon Bonaparte.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 10, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "The Wheel of Fortune" - a new start. It symbolises cycles, periodicity, the laws of cause and effect, the possibility to bring a part of the future under control by understanding better the past and the present (in other words, real causes). It is the number of change with it's uncertainties and the chance of success. Possibility of evolution and perfecting yourself through passed experiences. Rebirth through understanding. Foretell a renewal of everyday life, new horizons. However, acquisitions are not always definitive. Well mastered, it is the number of luck, reason and dynamism. It has a certain favouritism. Symbolise a progress with material success probably after a change of course and some obstacle to overcome.
The 3 Cycles of your life

In Numerology, the life is divided into 3 Cycles (formative, productive, harvest). Each corresponds to the vibration of a particular number and will give a general orientation of a rather psychological nature during the period where it takes place. A Cycle tells us about our tastes, our priorities or centres of interest, as it were, for the orientation of our personality and projects during this period. These tastes of course change with the appearance of a new life Cycle. We consider that the Yang (masculine) vibration of this Cycle is more outstanding for an individual than that of the Pinnacle (Yin-feminine) which doesn't concern ideas or inclinations but the concrete aspects. Each of these three Cycles corresponds approximately to 365 lunar months, in other words 28 years and 4 months. The third Cycle or harvest Cycle will last until the end of your lifetime. The passage from one Cycle to the next happens progressively. A certain acclimatization is necessary. One could say that a Cycle isn't really in place until the beginning of the Personal Year Number 1 which is the closest to the start of a Cycle. The formative Cycle (the 1st) corresponds to the reduced number of the month of birth, the 2nd Cycle called productive, corresponds to the reduced number of the day of birth, the harvest Cycle (3rd), corresponds to the reduced number of the year of birth.
Formative cycle of year 1958 - 1984

You are in formative Cycle 6. A start of life marked by the family and the harmony. Lived well, this number 6 vibration augurs an agreeable, pleasant and warm youth. You will privilege emotional and affective security, conciliation, activities in relation to the body, well-being, aesthetics and interior decoration. There will be a more rapid maturity of sensitivity, the sense of aesthetics, diplomacy and charm in your personality. You will want to be responsible, to appear mature and balanced. If this period is lived excessively, it is possible that you will be confronted very early and perhaps despite yourself with duties and obligations (in general imposed by your mother) which will be a bit out of proportion for your age. All these hard facts would not absolutely colour your youth as your natural carefree behavior and rising individuality would urge you to. During this sometimes restrictive Cycle, it will probably be necessary for you to often help others and learn to create harmony and conciliation around you. These same vibrations can incite you to marry quite early or make you leave the family environment if it is too heavy to support. Besides, it would be better if your family avoided loading too much and too early your shoulders with strict principles and obligations. This would be unproductive. It is necessary to allow time for your psychology to reach maturity and favour the development of your aesthetic sensitivity (talent or probable artistic orientation) all this while leaving your rising sense of tenderness (fairness, kindness) to grow naturally.
The excesses to avoid in this Cycle are :

A tendency to take pleasure in a blurred personal talent allowing a running away from responsibilities felt as stifling (dream takes place over reality). In this case there will be later a risk of indecision, a need to cling psychologically to someone and this is not a good preparation for adult life !

The possibility of a certain reaction based on harshness (construction of a personal armour) faced with an environment which is too demanding, too serious, hampering the harmonious growth of your personality, notably on the level of human warmth and harmony.
Productive cycle of year 1985 - 2020

You are in productive Cycle 8. A great period where you will have a marked attraction for dynamism, competition, power, organisation, social success and above all achievement and financial profits. A certain aggressiveness, ardour, recklessness and the search for challenges will mark these years. You don't only invest yourself physically. On the psychological side, this period of management and decision taking will be just as intense. This Cycle can lead very far those who are able to manage all the power of this vibration. The lesson here is discernment, balance, the happy medium in order to progress, to enrich oneself without breaks or risks of climbing high and falling far, frequent with this number. It is up to you to use this powerful vibration intelligently, to raise and then establish your social or professional position, to master your environment well and to grow. Generosity is another of the keys to a well-lived Cycle 8 : earn, " take " a lot of money where you can find it and reinject it to the people of goodwill who need it. Thus you will play the key role of a cardiac pump in the cycle of economic exchange in which you participate. Prove your discernment, your lucidity and also concentrate on the spiritual side of things, on human values to assure an inner balance for yourself.

Your ambition, your search for efficiency, your desire to go quickly and sometimes your hardness during this Cycle could bring some disturbances on the emotional and sentimental level normally more demanding in flexibility and conciliation. The 8 is often linked to certain difficulties in expressing feelings. Not that they are absent, on the contrary, but they are held back (perhaps due to fright of passing for weak or to lose self-control) and sometimes you can no longer do it and it is the surging of passion. Sexually, you will want to dominate, to conquer, to keep your mastery of the area. Without a doubt, you will be more aggressive in this field. Also learn to receive better the love that can be given to you freely.

The lesson of this Cycle consists in initiating yourself into combativeness, conquests, great achievements and the good management of money in view of experimenting with skill the balance between success on the concrete areas and blossoming onto spiritual, humane fields. That is your real challenge. In this quest, don't neglect co-operation, friendliness (an interdependence exists between people) and flexibility. Be careful not to let yourself get tricked by mirages of materialism, power or on the social level. Don't get carried away by mistaken appearances. Know how to keep your head. Never cry " victory " too soon... and don't forget to relax regularly.
Harvest cycle of year 2021

You are in harvest Cycle 5. Your centres of interest will be related to freedom, variety and vitality. Don't be surprised by this carefree but expansive period which opens itself to you. This period will be dotted with a lot of moves and changes. You don't grow weary from criss-crossing the country and discovering new things. Fortunately you are disposed with a new energetic spirit. Make the most of leisure that present themselves to you during this pleasant period still rich in possibilities of growth to satisfy your more pronounced taste (during this Cycle) concerning exploration and the experimentation of new ideas or activities. However, be careful that your more marked need for personal freedom doesn't push you towards egoism and a lack of respect for the freedom and needs of others. Show your flexibility.

26. jun 1958: Year 2007
Personal Year Number

The Personal Year Number constitutes one of the major vibrations that you will be confronted with during the course of your life. Numerology calculates your Personal Year Number by adding (vertically) your date and month of birth to the current year. In reducing this number we will end up with a figure between 1 and 9. Each year is thus individualised and it is interesting to know this basic element in order to understand the dominant vibration which will always accompany you during this period and in order to help you to chose the best course of action. It is necessary, nevertheless, to keep in mind that dominant vibration does not signify fate or destiny. The explanation of a Personal Year Number is only concerned with the trends that you are going to experience and it gives an indication of how you are likely to react faced with these influences. Free-will is not denied, but the simple fact is, our decision making can be more judicious when we have got a bit of information beforehand.

The Personal Year Numbers 1, 5 and 9, indicate huge changes, indeed the biggest faced with yet ; 4 and 8 are associated with the most evident material and financial difficulties ; as for big losses (theft, trials, friends), they will attach themselves to the numbers 7 and 8. The vibrations 7 and 9 can be linked to periods of inner tension and emotional problems. Personal Year 1, 3 and 5, are in general the most positive numbers. One's love-life can benefit quite well with the positive vibrations of 2, 5 and 6. Without a doubt, your best times are during the years which have a compatible vibration with one of your four principal numbers (Desire Number, Expression Number, Intimate Number and Birthday vibration). To arrive at a good interpretation of your Personal Year Number, it is necessary to look at your present life Cycle (i.e. phase of life and mental orientations) and your Pinnacles (concrete achievements). To complete the interpretation, certain minor elements can also be considered such as Astrological Houses, Passing Letters of the name, Year Essence or Transit.

Your Personal Year Number is 5. Freedom, novelty, expansion.

Summary : Break free. A very varied period, generally positive. Charm and flirts. A year of short term things. Favourable for the finances, travelling and change.

It is a year of pleasures, of change, of liberty in the aim of self-expansion, but also to allow you to learn to use your free-will. In effect, the number 5 symbolises the awareness of one's freedom or possibilities (you begin to use these possibilities with whatever degree of wisdom). This period will be full of life. There can be a number of changes, mutations, an awakening of your personality, travelling, flirting, some meetings and sometimes some unexpected adventures. If you envisage a move, an expansion of your activities or a trip abroad, this is a good year for it. If there were not any significant changes in year number 1, there might be this year. The changes will turn out well if you have lived positively through the four previous years. Otherwise, it is time to adopt a more healthy attitude. In all cases, all the weight carried over the past four years can be removed now.
Professional life

This is a year when new horizons will open up for you. If decisions are taken with care, they will come out onto a profitable future. You will only have to prove how you can adapt and how resourceful you are. This should not pose too many problems because your mind, imagination, intuition and curiosity will be brilliant this year. Use this desire for vivacity to be more flexible than your competitors, to easily adapt to the unexpected (and the unexpected will turn up this year, especially if your Key number is 2 or 6), and do not hesitate to try out the most promising options. You will have luck on your side and money matters are favoured. Increase your personal capital. The more reckless among you should increase your investments or develop your activities. Without a doubt, there will be more moves and contracts than usual. But keep in mind that projects and outcomes can take unexpected directions during this year of big changes. So, try not to be too euphoric or hasty (especially Keys 2, 3, 7 & 9).
Love life

This year is full of short term things, movement and charm. You certainly feel the urge to search for pleasure, in all forms. The routine of last year has no interest for you now, in fact it irritates you. You have the desire to move and to feel as free as the wind. A great need to enjoy the present moment and to become rich with some of the marvellous experiences that life can offer. This period is full of riches of all kinds. Love, sexuality and personal radiance seem to take a more important place for you this year. For some of you, it is the season of new adventures or conquests (often short-lived), an other way to take advantage of this vibration number 5. The year of sensual and sexual searching, the year in which you love to be seductive just for it's own sake. Accordingly, a very strong impulse can push you to run away from smothering situations and fight against those who want to hold you back or block your path. Advice for the partner of someone in a Personal Year Number 5 : to avoid the desire that is in year number 5 people to look elsewhere, put your vivacious side forward, show your coolness and accentuate your eroticism.

However, all this is relative to your Key number (the day and month of birth added together and then reduced to a number between 1 and 9. For example 12 + 9 = 21 = 3).

   * Key 1 : Magnetism, sensuality, fertility. Fickle emotional life.
   * Key 2 : A good period for couples. If your relationship started last year, be careful of the trap of this vibration that push you to excesses or suddenly make you feel tired of your partner. Do not make your partner suffer.
   * Key 3 : Numerous meetings for single people. But if you envisage a shared life, the course will be rough (to start with anyway). Select your partners carefully. Be sure that you both have the same intentions. Couples will have a strong libido. You will want to devote time to your partner.
   * Key 4 : A lot of passion and sensuality.
   * Key 5 : A serious meeting (followed by a marriage, but not before next year) is envisaged before October. Be careful that your slightly "over the top" sensuality does not lead you to make unwise choices. Do not be excessive. A good period for couples until the summer.
   * Key 6 : Single people will be able to bring themselves pleasure (in a limited way), but try not to create illusions. A romantic time for couples.
   * Key 7 : Harmony for those living as part of a couple. The single people who feel at ease have a possible meeting waiting for them, which will be happy and lasting. But you could ruin or disturb it by your desire for freedom and easy pleasures. Be responsible.
   * Key 8 : Passionate year.
   * Key 9 : Love, passion and adventure for single people. A slightly heavy atmosphere for couples. Let yourself breath and get out of the routine.

The rhythm of this year will be strong. Vibration number 5 is going to confront you with new experiences, even temptations. You can make the most of your freedom, but do not be careless and always try to remember the lessons that you have already learnt. Excesses will either be paid for immediately or during year 7. This year can be pleasant and enriching if we act intelligently.

You will be in good shape this year. But be careful if your Key number is 3 or 8 because there is a risk of blows, bumps and sometimes an accident. Think about what you do. Keep calm. Do not put excessive strain on yourself physically. Be cautious when it comes to sex and eating (you will look for pleasure in this area). Check the quality of the food that you eat and do not consume to much sugar.

Watch your irritability, instability, your tendency to be excessive and be on guard for jealousy in others.

We hope that your numerological report cast a new light on your personality and your life, and that it opened you to the benefits of this science. No doubt that by becoming aware of your potential and the dominant currents in your life, you will be able to benefit from this numerological study and improve the quality of your life.

This analysis was generated by "Numerology by Yves Pflieger" software.

Numerology by Yves Pflieger, Copyright © Yves Pflieger 1999-2006

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Wow and many thanks

Post by lunarcraft » Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:35 pm

Sorrow - thank you so much for this reading.  There is lots of detail, which I will read later but on skimming through the information it is uncannily accurate.

Thank you for taking the time to prepare the reading for me - it is much appreciated.

Brightest Blessings


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