Help Needed !

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Help Needed !

Post by niirvana » Mon May 21, 2007 7:39 pm

Name : Satchit H Contractor
DOB   : 20-01-1980
TIME   : Between 1740 to 1750 hrs
Place  : SURAT Gujarat INDIA

Nothings is going good in life

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Help needed

Post by s.v.kuppuswamy » Tue May 22, 2007 2:13 am

Dear satchit,
I would like to helpu provided where are the areas u have not been successful.
As a consolation let me tell u that u have brilliant brain power, added your inconsistancy and decision soon as hear from you  I will try your name adjustemnt and a lucky stone which will ward of your unsuccesses.

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Reading Needed

Post by niirvana » Thu May 31, 2007 9:20 am

Namaste Sir,

First Of all thank you very much for the reply,
Sir Nothing In my life seems going well on professional as well as personal front.
I have been doing a job since 1998 after working for so many years, I am not satisfied.
I am trying to start a business, do guide me in the same
I got married in the year 2003, mine was a love marriage, but there is friction between both of us, My wifes name is : Meenal S Contractor&
DOB: 19-06-1980
Sir some astrologers & numerologist have told me that my Sun is Malefic & No. 01 is bad for me, also told me that I will have problems with issue (Child)
Today I suffer from anxiety, lack of confidence, suspicious nature, insecure

Sir, you are requested to plz guide me out of the problem..'

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Post by Sorrow » Thu May 31, 2007 10:12 pm

again c/p from my last post

For reading you need to give:
1. Full name given at birth (write what 'H' stands for also)
2. Name you are currently using
3. Date of birth

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Post by niirvana » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:30 am

Full Name: Satchit Hasmukh Contractor (Hasmukh is Fathers name)
Name Currently Using : Satchit (Friends & People call me)
Full name used In Legal Matters : Satchit H Contractor
Date of Birth 20-01-1980

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Post by Sorrow » Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:19 pm

Here's a full reading:

Satchit Hasmukh Contractor

20. januar 1980

         * Expression Number
         * Desire Number
         * Intimate Number
         * Heredity Number
         * Number of letters in your full name
         * Birthday Vibration
         * Inclusion
         * Relational Numerology
         * Cornerstone
         * Erotic behaviour
         * Life Path
         * 3 Cycles of your life
         * Personal Year

Your personal numerological study

Numerology is spreading more and more quickly and more and more widely. It responds to the need that we all have to get to know ourselves better, to know in which directions it is more advantageous to orientate ourselves. In a word, to know a little better who we are and how to situate ourselves in a more appropriate way faced with our environment, our life and the lives of others.

The simplicity of the information that Numerology needs ; date of birth, surname and all Christian names (at birth); makes this science particularly practical and precise, giving us a surprising approach to the functioning of the human.

Numerology uses the psychological symbolism contained in numbers. People have in general, little access to the "hidden face" of themselves, and it is this that the numbers allow you to discover. Numerology serves to draw up your personal geography, but also to show the openings and disturbances which you can expect. It cannot predict your reaction, nor your success or failure, this is your choice. It is up to you whether you decide to get your umbrella out and confront the storm or whether to stay tranquilly at home. This analysis of your surname and firstnames is based on the corresponding letter-number following :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V W X Y Z .

Your numerological study was subject to conscientious work. It has been made especially for you according to the precise rules of Numerology. Generated by the Numerology by Yves Pflieger software. Copyright © Yves Pflieger - 1999-2006.

Every personality has several facets, and it is false to believe that one can describe a character by only one qualifier. In fact, your personality leans on three major aspects : the Expression Number, the Intimate Number and the Desire Number.
Expression Number

This is the key value in Numerology. This number represents your potential of expression and contact ; it is also the image that you can give to others. You are free to use fully or partially this potential. It is a very important number to grasp the social behaviour of a person, to help her orientate herself in her professional life. When the potential of the Expression Number is not used fully, it's the sign of a certain instability that exists on the level of the Intimate Number. In this case, you must first stabilise and strengthen it's base (the Intimate Number), before being able to develop your natural qualities of expression. Also, the Expression Number allows the analysis of the possibilities of understanding between two people, to evaluate the type of possible relationship between them. This number is calculated by reducing the total of the Numerological values of all the letters of the full name given at birth. To refine this interpretation, it is useful to take the information from the Desire Number into account. In this way a number 1 or 8 Expression Number (naturally hard) will be softened by a Desire Number 2, 6, or 9.

Satchit Hasmukh Contractor
1123892 8114328 3652913269 = 99 = 9

You have a 9 as Expression Number : Altruistic, rich and sensitive personality.

You appear to have a great sensitivity. It is the key of your expression. From there all is possible : dedication, altruism, tolerance, relational sense, artistic possibilities, creativity, culture, inspiration, idealism and a sense of justice. One could describe you as quite calm, optimistic but reserved. Your inner world is rich and often passionate. You are at ease when it's a matter of ideals or big space. You have a good overall vision of things and people. Some 9's will even happen to develop this faculty to anticipate the future. In fact it is quite difficult to describe you because the number 9 vibration possesses the most openings and components. In this way you can be pushed to instruct, to be eager for intellectual and spiritual knowledge and you will be seen as a cultivated individual with open mind and interesting ideas, perhaps even avant-garde. Another aspect of the 9 could push you towards generosity, compassion, helping others and tolerance. This kindness lightly differentiates itself from the one of people with a 2 or 6 for Expression Number by it's more universal, less individual touch. You can express these qualities with close ones or on a bigger scale, such a humanist always putting herself to a noble cause. There you join another aspect of the 9 which concerns ambition, the desire of elevation and openness onto the world and ideas. This, linked to your idealist desires and your verbal ease can give you an undeniable personal brilliance (the 9 is often linked to celebrities). This ascendant and all your other talents allow you to envisage your route with serenity. Generally you unite more or less these tendencies, even if others think that you are more related to one or the other of them. But in all cases, you characterise yourself by your sensitivity (refinement, humanism). It will give you an open mind and pleasure to give pleasure as if you had passed the stage where you need to accumulate possessions or satisfy your ego. Your sensitivity is the origin of your talent in the arts, music or dance, culture, refined cooking, the art of receiving visitors or any other activity necessitating finesse and creativity. A lot of talented artists possess the number 9 vibration.

To be efficient at work, you need to be motivated. You must be passionate about it, almost to create a myth where you find your place, where your curiosity can be satisfied. You need a part of a dream and fantasy, with possibilities of opening beyond the established areas. Freedom is important to you. You don't like limiting, closed and restraining things. Your greatest attribute is the capacity to grasp the general outline, to quickly assimilate the things where others get lost in the details. Your vision is synthetic and human at the same time, which allows you to show certain disfunctionings in a clear way and to be a very good adviser. Your faults at work are : a slight lack of practical sense, little efficiency if you don't believe in what you do, and not always a sharp sense of business. However, your success can come early. Linked to other strong vibrations, the 9 could make you a leader. Your loyalty towards others and the respect for your engagements go towards your qualities. In return you could be influenced by those who know how to pull the right cord. If the finality is contrary to your aspirations and pride, don't let yourself be carried along. Use your sensitivity to grasp your demands better.

The excesses of the 9 proceed from your emotive and generous nature. In first place, a certain credulity but also a tendency for dispersion, disorder and contradictory actions. Don't undertake too many things at the same time. It's better to keep your sense of reality. Try to stay concrete and consistent. It is possible that you could suffer from nervousness, anguish or existential doubt if your inner world is too sensitive. More than anything else, you must protect yourself psychologically from outside aggression under any form. Otherwise you risk finding a deviating path of bitterness and discouragement (to relativise according to your Intimate Number). Your mission is however fundamental : you must become an example for others ! Be positive. Know that the number 9 vibration incites a personal raising, an opening of oneself to others but not really in the form of being fused with a group ! You must keep your autonomy while being altruistic, without which you quickly lose your efficiency.

In love, if the passion, the ideal or the perfectionism that shine in you are excessive, your sentimental life will be difficult without a doubt. So you could have difficulty in finding a partner who measures up to your expectations, or you could be disappointed if she proves to be less ideal than you originally thought. The same if it appears that she doesn't share your vision of life. The problem is perhaps in the fact that you fall in love with an ideal rather than with a person. That's why it is in your interest to be precise and objective in your quest for a partner. Moreover you need love to be proven to you. This reassures you and pushes you to be even more affectionate. Your qualities of devotion and loyalty are otherwise very appreciated.
Professional orientation

You will be at ease in all that concerns human relations, altruistic projects (member of an organisation with a humanitarian goal), travelling, foreign languages. Your privileges areas will be social and medical, personnel management, juridical defence (lawyer), the fight against the great plagues. You are marvellous in all to do with teaching on a great scale (writer, teacher, orator, clergyman), modern technology and the artistic and cultural sectors (music, painting, cinema, theatre). Perhaps also archaeology, the history of civilisations, exploration. Administration, finance and commerce are areas that do not really suit you. You need a minimum of vocation. Note that the choice of profession does not only depend on the Expression Number. This decision can also be linked to your Life Path, Desire Number or Birthday vibration.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 99. A powerful number but very difficult to live with due to it's raised aspirations and it's fluctuations. In it's positive form it brings popularity. Negatively, a tendency for illusions, disappointments and upheavals. Opposition or painful outcomes. It can lead to a misunderstanding with others and sometimes even mockery or trickery on their parts. Possibility of a greater awareness of essential values with spiritual evolution if you learnt from the trials.
Desire Number

The Desire Number corresponds to your deep motivations, to that which is important to you. It influences you in your choices and decisions even if you are not always conscious of it. This number is related to your deep emotions. Your Expression Number will be strongly tinted or shaded by your Desire Number. This vibration is calculated by reducing the sum of the vowels of your full name given at birth.

Satchit Hasmukh Contractor
1   9   1  3    6   1  6  = 27 = 9

You have Desire Number 9. You aspire to a world where there wouldn't be incomprehension, criticism, threat, and any other cause of disharmony or distrust. In other words a more fraternal world. You put a lot of importance on moral values such as compassion, tolerance, altruism, equality and justice. Sensitivity is a major characteristic of your Desire Number. It can be expressed in the arts, by a taste for refined things. It can also mean a search for ideal. You are attracted by all that can open your mind : scientific knowledge, art, travelling, wide open spaces or contact with other cultures, other sensitivities. The accent is put in your consciousness on the necessity to detach yourself progressively from basic instincts and interests too centred in material things in order to be able to elevate yourself, improve yourself and use your mind for more interesting things. To have 9 as your Desire Number is synonymous with vocation, the ideal, humanism and the emotions. You could be motivated by varied activities such as justice, the arts, dance, cookery, fashion, culture, cinema, knowledge, new sciences, writing, teaching on a large scale or actions with a humanitarian character, from the moment that you can use your particular sensitivity. Rather than being concerned with small details, you prefer to have a good overall vision of beings and things, an ideal to follow or to live. Furthermore, you aren't insensitive to the advantages that come with the position of management. You like compliments and recognition. But strangely, it is necessary that you have a certain height, a detachment if you want to be efficient and stay balanced. If you involve yourself too much with the details of your activities, you risk losing your good rhythm, your usual efficiency and get carried away emotionally or even become depressed. The constrains of life in community and certain other harsh realities can upset you or make you lose your efficiency. Your strength will come from your capacity to stay above the scrum and free yourself from the expectation of recognition.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 27, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Ace of Wands" - Creative intelligence and a fertile imagination help you towards success. Good talents for managing or succeeding in undertakings. Open-mindedness, originality and adaptability. You are appreciated. The foreign is favourable for you. In cases of lateness, persevere. Positive philosophy and sometimes spiritual strength. This is the number of spiritual duty which pushes you to evolve, to become detached and more altruistic (2+7=9). Sometimes linked to a new consciousness following the discovery of hypocritical attitudes (or deception) in those around you. Get rid of superiority complex, resentment or intolerance, otherwise quarrels are possible.
Intimate Number

The Intimate Number, also known as the "the hidden self", is the unconscious base of your personality. It forms a little of the "keep" or the main tower of your castle. Through it you search for strength when you feel the need ; particularly in conflicting situations, each time you must confront an important problem or undertaking, when you are tense, tired or when your primordial interests are threatened. At such a time you will stop using the vibration of your Expression Number in order to lean exclusively on your Intimate Number. It is your way of reacting. The Intimate Number's vibration allows one to know the hidden character of the human being, to reveal the profound needs and to know reactions in cases of tension.

All of your psychological structure rests on the Intimate Number ! Consequently, it is important that it's integrity is preserved from all attacks or the result will be nervousness, anguish and indecision. This number, that becomes significant in adulthood, is calculated by reducing the sum of the consonants of your full name given at birth.

Satchit Hasmukh Contractor
1 238 2 8 14 28 3 529 32 9 = 72 = 9

Your Intimate Number is 9.

Priority needs of 9 : A means to express sensitivity (artistic or humanistic), ideals and ideas. Doesn't appreciate rigour, harshness or coldness. A feeling of elevation is necessary for well-being.

You need to feel that your base is made from humanism, ideal and that your behaviour is not egoistic, scheming or base. The feeling of participating towards making the world better is very important for you. It could be devoting yourself to others, helping them without an ulterior motive, investing you in an ideal (including technological progress if it is beneficial for the world). Your whole structure needs to experience the feeling of elevation and openness in order to be able to express yourself fully (see Expression Number). This latent impression of globalness and the presence of an ideal is necessary if you are to function well. If your ideals are criticised or your principles ridiculed, you will put up a great fight. In general, your mind prefers to be occupied with whole ideas rather than the details. Where others only perceive material aspects, you often glimpse great possibilities and you could be an enlightened rather than authoritarian leader. One could say that your are an idealist, generous, capable of compassion, tolerance and gifted with a great sensitivity.

Although you don't particularly chase after material possessions, you seem to be equipped with a certain luck and generally disposed with a good standard of life, where you can exercise your generosity and natural altruism without having to concern yourself too much with material contingencies. Besides, you don't really like that which demands rigour and exactness (at work or for household), except if it links directly with your ideal. You lean on a base made up of a great sensitivity which you can use in different ways. This quality could be transformed into a real talent in one or more of these domains : music, the arts, writing, fashion, cooking (at a high level), inventions, exploration, new techniques, audio-visual, etc. Your sensitivity can also be expressed through a humanistic vocation. There is a healthy humility in you, perhaps due to your open-mindedness. You will be comfortable in all activities which allow you to reach a feeling of elevation, refinement and moral grandeur. Inertia, heaviness and monotony will be handicaps for you.

However, too much sensitivity also has disadvantages. As long as you haven't acquired the indispensable maturity to overcome the hazards of life, you risk falling into the classic excesses of this vibration. You could easily be manipulated even if you don't recognise it. Your slightly extreme sensitivity can drive you to short-lived periods of apathy, pessimism and depression after phases of liveliness, joy and hectic activities. An excess of naivety and enthusiasm can sometimes lead you to commit some errors of appreciation which make room for a negative vision or give a bad image of yourself. If you are very annoyed or frustrated, you could become envious, vindictive, obstinate, bitter and even anarchistic. Egoism, pride and rejection of others are also possible excesses of the Intimate Number 9. These attitudes can be corrections following an openness or excessive generosity which don't bring the expected fruits. You help others willingly with the condition that you can preserve your identity, your elevated feeling and that you harvest a minimum of respect.

In love, there is again this need to be open, the search for an ideal. Your profound base can make you fall passionately in love, but your quest for the ideal can mask the reality from you, which will emerge sooner or later. Then you risk being disappointed. You look for sympathy and proof of love from the one that you love and you know how to be generous in return. You appreciate non-conformist people who see far. You quest of the absolute can be a handicap for your sentimental happiness. Be less demanding.

Hidden Root Number : For your information, this number stems from 72, which in the Tarot cards, symbolises "Four of Pentacles". Material success thanks to work and personal merit. Determination, intelligence and coherence allow you to find success, little by little. Stability of acquisitions, financial security and fruitful long-term speculation. Beware : it's prudence that must guide you, excessive risk taking or stubbornness are advised against with this vibration. Moreover, luck will not forget 71, allowing some welcome improvements. Riches, presents (you give and receive) and a certain popularity.
Heredity Number

This number reveals the passive part of your possibilities of expression which are common to all the members of your family. It forms the socio-cultural heritage of your family. The interpretation of this family vibration must be approached in a wide sense, because it only possesses a minor impact on the personality. It is calculated from all of the letters of your surname at birth. The secondary number can sometimes give some additional information.

3652913269 = 46 = 1

You have a heredity number 1. This is impregnated with the idea of ambition, courage and confidence, owing to a strong father figure, an important family inheritance or a family of leaders. The masculine aspect dominates.
The number of letters in your full name

It is the number of letters making up your first names and surname, at birth. It gives a supplementary influence, although secondary, on your life. In a way it is the aura that your name gives off. If you must chose the name of your child (or your enterprise) don't forget to take it into account ! Also if the length of your first name(s) is longer than your surname, it will favour the affirmation of your individuality. If it is the other way around, the influence of family heritage could be more prominent.

You have 24 letters in your full name. Love and the family are the most important. Sense of responsibility. Important feminine support on the path to sentimental growth and for professional success. Good professional status. Secondarily, be on guard for dangers with this number if you are too carefree. For minimum security, perhaps make sure that there are two airbags in your next car.
Birthday Vibration

The Birthday Vibration is rich in information. It is not the fruit of chance. This day impregnates us with it's influence, a little like the well-known astrological signs. The astrologers teach us that the Birthday Vibration number exercises it's impact mainly during the second cycle of Saturn of the individual, which means between the ages of 30 and 60 (it constitutes the productive Cycle in Numerology). This number of birth is in relation with the productive register. In a way it is your active force in the area of achievements, the resolution of problems or in social and professional relationships.

You were born a 20. The vibration of this number brings sensitivity, tenderness, imagination, artistic taste, the desire to collaborate, courteousness, the sense of friendship and an invitation to marriage. Sociable, diplomatic and malleable, you are a very good assistant, the one who will see things through, covering every detail. In a way you are the ideal right arm. All these aptitudes allow you to work and collaborate efficiently with others, in this way contributing to your own success (in compensation for your efforts). If you opt for individual activities, you can be characterised by a certain modesty, that one can interpret as reserve or a form of respect for others. You are sensitive, intuitive and gifted with imagination, but you could put these qualities into practice more. If you have other number 2 or 6 vibrations, your receptivity could be double edged because you become too malleable and listen to others too much to the point of forgetting yourself. Lived negatively, this number can lead to hyper-sensitivity, a lack of energy, tenacity and hesitations. You could have the tendency to become depressed too easily.
Birthday Present

Only those who have a two figured birthday's will have this present in as much as ease in their life.

Your birthday present is the number 2. It is intuition, sensitivity and diplomacy.

The Inclusion or Star of Venus calculates the number of times letters occur with the value 1, then 2 etc. The ratings of the occurrences are placed from left to right and from high to low. In this way the first space contains the number of occurrences of letters with the value of 1 (A, J, S) from your full name, while the last space contains the number of occurrences of letters with the value of 9 (I, R). Each one of these numbers carries certain precisions concerning your character traits. Remember that the Inclusion only constitutes a complement of the principal study of the Intimate Number, the Expression Number and the Desire Number.
Satchit Hasmukh Contractor
5 5 4
1 1 2
- 3 3

5 letters in your Inclusion 1 (A, J, S, é, è, ê, ç) : You assert yourself by your versatility, your hunger for freedom, your passions and your new ideas. The presence of a lot of constraints and inert surroundings can block your desires and initiatives.

5 letters in your Inclusion 2 (B, K, T, ö) : The sensitivity of the 2 is very alive. Intuition can benefit from that. Your capacity for co-operation is stimulated by a strong adaptability. You like to collaborate with a lot of people and you do it in an intelligent, diversified way but unfortunately not always in a sustained manner.

4 letters in your Inclusion 3 (C, L, U, ù, û) : Expression and natural creativity find their optimal expression in concrete and serious activities. You need method to be able to externalise yourself well, and tangible proof to strengthen the image of competence, creativity and spontaneity that you like to give.

1 letter in your Inclusion 4 (D, M, V) : Practical sense and achievement are manifested with a strong connotation of independence and sureness. You like to work alone, you have confidence in your capacities and you could be tempted to push others on this serious and progressive path. Your actions are creative, dynamic and sometimes tinted with impatience.

1 letter in your Inclusion 5 (E, N, W, î, ë) : Your versatility, your vivacious mind, your ability to adapt and your need for freedom manifested themselves in a spontaneous, dynamic, original and sometimes provocative way. But the desire doesn't always persist until the results are gained, if the venture is long and exacting.

2 letters in your Inclusion 6 (F, O, X, ô, ä) : Your sense of responsibilities and your emotiveness mean that you become very involved in your relationships. Your choice leans in favour of gentleness and harmony. Your capacity for affection makes you a warm partner. On the other hand, you find it difficult to make decisions when there are contradictory interests at stake. So as not to offend your partner (or friends) and to preserve the peace, you could have the tendency to accept compromises made at your expense.

3 letters in your Inclusion 8 (H, Q, Z, ü) : Your skill and inner force can be seen in action and creativity. You have the desire and the means to succeed and shine ; the desire to express your confidence, your mastery and your power of action. You could get involved in communication (all kind of media). You have a lot of enthusiasm in your undertakings, but also a tendency to over-estimate yourself or spread yourself a bit thinly. That is why you must cultivate the sense of measure and efficiency, to enable you to achieve that which your undertake.

3 letters in your Inclusion 9 (I, R, à , â, ï) : You altruism, influence and open-mindedness are used spontaneously and are expressed through your need to communicate your joy of living. You take the initiative to help others, to comfort them and bring them your creativity. The manner of communication plays a big role in these cases. Your ideals, although intelligent, lack a little clarity and realism. A tendency to spread yourself too thinly. Probably a great creativity.
Relational Numerology

In comparing your Expression Number with that of another person, Numerology can describe the social and overall understanding that you can have with this person. The comparison of the Intimate Numbers gives an idea of the chances of understanding in the case of a long-term union or association engaging concrete activities while the Desire Number covers the compatibility of profound aspirations between the two people.
Understanding of your Expression number 9.

9 and 1 : the characters are quite different and it can be source of tension, even confrontation from time to time. If the 1 dominates it can lead to a failure or split in the sentimental area. On the other hand, if the 9 dominates excessively, the 1 will feel oppressed. It can only work if each one makes concessions and understand the specific needs of the partner.

9 and 2 : Often disagreement. A lot of tension and emotions because the two don't vibrate on the same level. Balance in the relationship is difficult to find.

9 and 3 : Total agreement, shared ambitious achievements, love and understanding. Open-mindedness. Avoid fickleness.

9 and 4 : Agreement in perpetual evolution, but only favourable for developed people. The best combination is that where the 9 dominates and stimulates the 4 in bringing her a bit more openness. If it is too emotional, the 9 risks becoming suffocated by the rhythm and way of life of the 4.

9 and 5 : Difficult to meet. Clashing relationships, tendency of egoism in each one. A lot of concessions need to be made to reach an understanding. Possibility of a good agreement only if the 9 is a great traveller like the 5 or if there is great versatility on both side.

9 and 6 : Powerful attraction ; the 6 admires the 9 ; the 9 is seduced by the 6. Sensuality tinted by mystery. Excellent understanding in all areas. Altruism but emotionally fragile.

9 and 7 : Quite a positive relationship despite the different characters. The agreement is more favourable to friendship than love. Very good agreement on the intellectual and spiritual level especially if there is an altruistic objective, a shared ideal. It is the energy of the 9 that must dominate and benefit from the openings of the 7 and not the other way around. Less good for achievement.

9 and 8 : As long as the 8 is obsessed by it's objectives (materialism), it will not be of any interest to the 9. Once the goals are reached, the 8 will certainly like to open itself up to altruism and ideals as the 9 does. In this case : deep understanding (intuitive, imaginative, sentimental and creative).

9 and 9 : Two idealists. If it's a matter of two evolved people sharing the same ideal, then the agreement is marvellous with a lot of understanding and intuition. Otherwise dreaming, illusions, instability, upheaval and even confrontation.

9 and 11 : Dynamic and positive agreement. The association being able to bring social success and recognition.

The first letter of your first name is known as the Cornerstone in Numerology. It is the first stone of your edifice. On it, the first years of your existence are built, as well as the rest of your life and character. The Cornerstone tells of your aptitudes, your attitudes faced with different experiences. This letter constitutes a foundation element useful to know.

Letter S. This letter is spontaneous, flexible as well as superior, knowledgeable and sometimes wise. It corresponds to sentiments, emotions and mobility. Graphically, S is unstable on it's base while being very open towards the inner world and the past on the left side (S has a good memory) and towards others, the outside world (opening on the right hand side). The emotional intermediate zone is characterised by a slope which makes S a bit elusive in this area. Emotive, S wavers and can live these sentiments and emotions like waves on the incoming and outgoing tides, waves that can overwhelm her. That's why S must learn not to expose herself too much or expect too much from others because she could easily be disappointed and hurt. However, S, the 19th letter, also knows how to recover and shine (the sun after the emotive storm). S will regularly be transformed and improve. S has all the qualities of independence, autonomy, will power, commandment and warmth, which will allow her to have a position where she can shine and be recognised by everyone. S incarnates a raised ideal and knows how to give a creative dynamism. S likes to progress. Although ambitious, S stays preoccupied by the impact of her actions and behaviour on others. Looking for the fair balance between taking others into account and caring of herself, S is a wave who can pass from highs to lows. S will sometimes need to express her independence and individuality in an abrupt fashion, then, after the revolt, will let herself be invaded by emotions and sentiments and will no longer exist for herself. S's faculties of analysing situations clearly and objectively are then handicapped by her affective reactions. These changed of attitude can give her a bizarre behaviour pattern. In fact, S has the mind of a chief, but will show a certain reserve or guilt in using it. S must develop her originality in order to channel this sensitivity and imagination which is too full. S could steer herself towards fashion or stylism, generally possessing this type of talent. On the other hand, S has a sense of business and finance (intuitive), which is linked to her sense of helping others out. In fact S is an ideal candidate for a high responsibility position.
Erotic behaviour

The horoscope used in China and Thailand functions according to a 12 year cycle. Strictly speaking this isn't Numerology but it can give you a new and interesting approach to your erotic behaviour. Be aware: This sign starts the first of January and not in February (from January 20th till February 19th) as the chinese horoscope. This choice is due to a possible higher sensibility of Westerner people to their own system of calendar. Also, in discovering the intimate personality of the person that you love and desire, you will understand better how to satisfy her most secret desires. The general advice that you are given in this text will help you to guide yourself better in reflection that you will do either alone or with your partner.

According to this horoscope, you were born during the year of the Monkey. Here is a description of your erotic behaviour.

The female "Monkey" has needs which are very close to the way of life of the male "Monkey". She has artistic flair, which she practices professionally or simply has a sensitivity towards such discipline. Her universe is very feminine. The very romantic atmosphere of her preferred place helps her to feel at ease when welcoming a man with whom she wishes to be tender, thoughtful but also very present. Prolonged caressing and kissing are necessary for this warm woman. She will be ready to love deeply the one who can transform her by calm and thoughtfulness pleasure. And if after these lines, you haven't understood that you must not manhandle the women of this sign, it would be better for you to look elsewhere. In effect, due to the smallest error she can easily take refuge in her rich inner world which helps her to live. The access to her most secret place will close until the day when this sleeping beauty meets again a kind and clever prince. Then, she will be particularly loving and sexually active towards the one who gives her confidence and knows how to show love and respect to her. Blossomed and happy, she will be loving, tender, passionate, and all things considered, particularly gentle and talented.
Life Path

Your Life Path which is the reduced sum of your date of birth, gives an important indication on the type of events that you will be regularly confronted with, throughout your life. It isn't possible to skip school, the events always catch up with you, that's why in general one naturally adopts a style compatible with one's Life Path rather than going against the current. Numerology allows you to understand the nature of your route and the events likely to stimulate you. This will allow you to have the power to adopt the attitude that permits you to sail serenely on the sea of your life without capsizing or getting shaken about. A well-informed man is worth two.

Note : The Life Path does not necessarily indicate the way in which you react when faced with the different situations in your life. In effect, your reaction is mostly based on your assets that are your Intimate number, Expression number and Desire number. The style that one can detect across the Life Path (and possibly your Destiny Number) defines rather your overall behaviour on the route that waits for you than your daily attitude (the character defined by your full name).

20+1+1980 = 2001 = 3 (03)

You have a Life Path Number 3. The route of creative, happy and rather extrovert persons.

By your date of birth, you have chosen to know the route of the experience of the joy to live, the blooming of your faculties of expression and personal creativity. The most outstanding events for you will concern creations, art, verbal or written communication, sales, the media, the people you meet, friendships, beauty, leisure activities, sport and generally the social and love life. On this number 3 path, the human being has been called to express her freshness, creativity, interior riches, capacity to communicate, but if possible without diverting from authenticity or overstepping the mark. It is highly advisable not to take too seriously the hypocritical games or roles linked to social events. Keep your good sense, your naturalness. A destiny generally under the sign of luck, intelligence, contacts and sometimes talent. This itinerary offers you the opportunity to succeed quickly and even brilliantly if you avoid spreading yourself too thinly and giving in to the easy route. Above all, it is essential not to imagine that your life is a comfortable organised voyage, requiring no special effort on your part. You could well be confronted with difficulties testing your spontaneity, your creativity and your capacity to express yourself or to create a good mood. If you win this battle, your life will be original, illuminating and agreeable.

Famous people with a Life Path 3 : Yannick Noah, Victor Hugo, Richard Anderson (Mac Gyver the actor), John Wayne, Madonna, David Bowie, Enrico Caruso and Maria Callas (the most famous opera singer), Alfred Hitchcock (his inclination for thriller in his creativity came from his Day of Birth vibration, 13).
The 3 Cycles of your life

In Numerology, the life is divided into 3 Cycles (formative, productive, harvest). Each corresponds to the vibration of a particular number and will give a general orientation of a rather psychological nature during the period where it takes place. A Cycle tells us about our tastes, our priorities or centres of interest, as it were, for the orientation of our personality and projects during this period. These tastes of course change with the appearance of a new life Cycle. We consider that the Yang (masculine) vibration of this Cycle is more outstanding for an individual than that of the Pinnacle (Yin-feminine) which doesn't concern ideas or inclinations but the concrete aspects. Each of these three Cycles corresponds approximately to 365 lunar months, in other words 28 years and 4 months. The third Cycle or harvest Cycle will last until the end of your lifetime. The passage from one Cycle to the next happens progressively. A certain acclimatization is necessary. One could say that a Cycle isn't really in place until the beginning of the Personal Year Number 1 which is the closest to the start of a Cycle. The formative Cycle (the 1st) corresponds to the reduced number of the month of birth, the 2nd Cycle called productive, corresponds to the reduced number of the day of birth, the harvest Cycle (3rd), corresponds to the reduced number of the year of birth.
Formative cycle of year 1980 - 2004

You are in formative Cycle 1. This vibration is powerful and allows the quick development of your personal abilities. It will help you to structure your personality in a harmonious way. If you don't come across any major obstacles you will quickly learn to assert yourself, to be individual (in the family environment and then the social), in all cases you will be attracted by these notions or all activities demanding ambition, rather original ideas and willpower. Success is frequent in such a Cycle. During this period, your desire and enthusiasm must not be hindered. Your personality is in effect, still fragile. All who help you to become conscious of your personal assets, all who encourage you to express yourself with originality and creativity will be welcome. It is judicious to make sure that those around you don't behave in a tyrannical manner or try to suppress your initiatives. The number 1 vibration doesn't allow itself to be subdued and it would only provoke a rebellion on your part.

It is preferable to encourage yourself in the way of independence, self-confidence in helping yourself to keep a good rhythm and not to fall into the excesses which are pride, harshness, impatience or egoism. When you understand that you can be strong, autonomous and nevertheless deal with others in a friendly and useful way, the balance is reached.
Productive cycle of year 2005 - 2040

You are in productive Cycle 2. A period where one privileges marriage, the home, friendships, diplomacy, associations and co-operation. During this Cycle, you will not be especially pushed to put yourself forward or to take quick decisions, but you will be very much at ease at work or in activities necessitating the talents of co-operation (tact, flexibility, imagination, creativity, a sense of detail...) or aid (medical, secretarial...). You will have the desire to communicate, to express your feelings or to become involved in a group. Others count a lot to your eyes in this Cycle orientated towards the union. It is a favourable period to the emotions and to all that they can favour : inspiration, subtlety, human warmth, gentleness, friendship, helpfulness but also emotional fragility, apathy, anxiety. Whatever happens you will go with it (you are ready to arrange everything, to follow the events and you easily accept strokes of fate). Your progress will seem slow, sometimes irregular and in all cases dependent on surroundings and circumstances. You like to give, you know how to receive. Sexually you prefer to opt for gentleness. The sense of sharing and welcoming will be important to you during this Cycle. Be careful of the drifting which consists in clinging a bit too firmly onto others or their ideas, to the point of becoming " sticky " because it will end up by you being rejected or exploited. If on the other hand, the rest of your analysis indicates strong characteristics of independence, this period may be more difficult for you ; it will require effort in the area of co-operation and conciliation (for the good progression of the Cycle). Reassure yourself that one can collaborate very well without losing one's individuality !
Harvest cycle of year 2041

You are in harvest Cycle 9. A Cycle of ideal, inner peace and openness to others presents itself to you. A favourable period for research, reading or teaching. You have the desire to share your knowledge with others. A certain idealism marks this period. Your passions go in the direction of helping others, altruism, justice, spirituality or more simply the human sciences (sociology, history, genealogy or ecology...). You could know a certain notoriety. You will be attracted to travelling, even to far-off lands in order to complete your culture. If you are not yet accustomed to this vibration, you are advised to leave new ideals to germinate in yourself and to show your open-mindedness. Don't be afraid to advance towards the unknown, to give yourself goals. Let yourself be pleasently surprised by the possibilities of growth during this Cycle. Illuminate your intimate expression, give more meaning to your life, let yourself be charmed by the joys of altruism. The only excesses which you must be careful of are getting emotionally excited (excess of passions) and sometimes a lack of lucidity faced with the world that surrounds you. Keep your balance and make the most of your privileged Cycle.

20. januar 1980: Year 2007
Personal Year Number

The Personal Year Number constitutes one of the major vibrations that you will be confronted with during the course of your life. Numerology calculates your Personal Year Number by adding (vertically) your date and month of birth to the current year. In reducing this number we will end up with a figure between 1 and 9. Each year is thus individualised and it is interesting to know this basic element in order to understand the dominant vibration which will always accompany you during this period and in order to help you to chose the best course of action. It is necessary, nevertheless, to keep in mind that dominant vibration does not signify fate or destiny. The explanation of a Personal Year Number is only concerned with the trends that you are going to experience and it gives an indication of how you are likely to react faced with these influences. Free-will is not denied, but the simple fact is, our decision making can be more judicious when we have got a bit of information beforehand.

The Personal Year Numbers 1, 5 and 9, indicate huge changes, indeed the biggest faced with yet ; 4 and 8 are associated with the most evident material and financial difficulties ; as for big losses (theft, trials, friends), they will attach themselves to the numbers 7 and 8. The vibrations 7 and 9 can be linked to periods of inner tension and emotional problems. Personal Year 1, 3 and 5, are in general the most positive numbers. One's love-life can benefit quite well with the positive vibrations of 2, 5 and 6. Without a doubt, your best times are during the years which have a compatible vibration with one of your four principal numbers (Desire Number, Expression Number, Intimate Number and Birthday vibration). To arrive at a good interpretation of your Personal Year Number, it is necessary to look at your present life Cycle (i.e. phase of life and mental orientations) and your Pinnacles (concrete achievements). To complete the interpretation, certain minor elements can also be considered such as Astrological Houses, Passing Letters of the name, Year Essence or Transit.

Your Personal Year Number is 3. Optimism, creativity, sociability.

Summary : A year of success and creativity. Undertakings, social events, invitations. A second chance to make a new start. Literary or oral expression, selling will be favoured. A year of seduction and flirting. Sometimes birth. Happiness, good luck, but a tendency to over-spend. An excellent year for creativity, new ideas, expression, communication and exchange. The efforts made in year 1 and 2 are rewarded in year 3.

This is the moment to express yourself, using the different means that life has to offer you. You want to be creative, to communicate, to share your ideas and to organise your spare time a bit better. Don't hesitate to expand your exchanges because Year 3 is a period of blossoming and joy to live. This year will help you to liberate yourself and to be a bit less internal (if it was necessary for you). Whatever means you use, make the most of this year because next year will not be as pleasant.
Professional life

You are entering into a period of professional protection and blooming. Literature, the arts, oral expression, the media, public relations and thus commerce and exchanges will be favoured this year. Your mind's vivacity, your creativity and your sense of contact will be stimulated. You can make the most of this by widening your horizons or changing fields. If you feel more at ease in one of the above areas than the others then go with the feeling, because this vibration is going to favour those who externalise their feelings, create or communicate (exchange).

This vibration can be as equally useful when it comes to personal matters. Thus, you could discover that you have got some abilities, increase your confidence and be more radiant. In using completely this vibration, you will see your imagination and good sense of humour take the front stage and others will find you to be charming. Your sensitivity will change, you will see the world differently. Make space for pleasure and joy. Throw away your usual limitations, use your dynamism to do new things, to improve your know-how. This year will also be favourable to the sporty type. In order to be successful this year it will be necessary to avoid superficiality, gossiping about other peoples business and above all ill-considered expenditure. It is your creativity and success that must be given preference. Be careful of what you say or write ; be sure that you will not regret it.
Love life

Full of charm and good sense of humour, the probability of you meeting somebody is quite high. You liven up the party. Therefore, this is a good year for love. It will be a good idea to keep your head, because some of the relationships you find yourself in will be fleeting. You will be quite sensitive to the loss of friendships as well as to people (powerful or not) ignoring you or taking your place on front stage. Year 3 will perhaps see the birth of not only professional openings but also a child.

However, all this is relative to your Key number (the day and month of birth added together and then reduced to a number between 1 and 9. For example 12 + 9 = 21 = 3).

   * Key 1 : A new dimension to the life of a couple (more feelings and more sharing). The beginning and end of the year are favourable for friendly relations for single people, but there will be disappointment around the time of July, August or September.
   * Key 2 : An immense appetite for freedom and joy of living. If you are prepared to allow someone important to enter your emotional life, a meeting will be possible from March to June. This person will bring you a lot and the liaison will be official from the following year.
   * Key 3 : A little too much dispersal and a threat of becoming unstable. Relationships will be a little upsetting. Try to stand back and look at things a bit more objectively.
   * Key 4 : Some emotional tensions and meetings that do not come to anything in the first half of this year. Opt rather for leisure activities and your own well-being. Profit from the other positive aspects of this year.
   * Key 5 : Single people do not really have their mind on love matters. But those who are part of a couple will have the desire to undertake different projects with their partner.
   * Key 6 : Single people who find a partner that gives them the tenderness that they need, will become more fragile emotionally. This relationship does not seem to be permanent. If you live as a couple, your emotions will become fresher and the simplicity of this freshness of attitude will be beneficial to your relationship.
   * Key 7 : Great potential for seduction and dynamism. There will be no serious relationships for single people before July.
   * Key 8 : Disappointments for single people (except that a relationship started last year will become stronger). Concentrate on your personal well-being.
   * Key 9 : You will have a lot of magnetism. But watch out for setbacks (notably in Spring) and excessive enthusiasm. Couples : try not to be too overwhelming because things must change slowly. Single people : a number of friendships but only one will withstand.


This year will be characterised by a lot of dynamism and optimism. If you have the tendency to be a bit greedy, this number 3 vibration could well lead you to be excessive. Also be careful of emotional upsets (depending on your Key number), because emotionally you will be open to diverse problems. This year willingly allows for a change of look with regard to the body and how it is presented.

Certain problems not overcome since the last time that you were in the Personal Year Number 9 can reappear. This is the moment to tackle them from a different angle and at least turn the page. If your Personal Year Number after having been added up vertically reduces to 21, it is generally more positive that if it had reduced to 12.

We hope that your numerological report cast a new light on your personality and your life, and that it opened you to the benefits of this science. No doubt that by becoming aware of your potential and the dominant currents in your life, you will be able to benefit from this numerological study and improve the quality of your life.

This analysis was generated by "Numerology by Yves Pflieger" software.

Numerology by Yves Pflieger, Copyright © Yves Pflieger 1999-2006


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