Would be grateful for a reading

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Would be grateful for a reading

Post by Suzyn » Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:52 pm

Hi to all you lovely people giving time to do readings, and to those getting readings done it is intriguing.

I dont know anything about numerology, where do I start and how do I apply it to my life?

I've always felt that nine is a lucky number for me - could anyone tell me if that is likely

My name is Susan Lockett and my date of Birth is 18/o8/72

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More info

Post by Suzyn » Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:59 pm

Having looked at other posts I realise I should have added middle name - it Elizabeth.


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Post by Suzyn » Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:03 pm

How to you work out compatibility between people by their numbers which numbers in a reading would tell you this and which numbers complement each other or work against each other - or does it not matter a jot!

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Post by Suzyn » Fri May 11, 2007 8:36 pm

I'm happy to do a Tarot reading or a crystal casting in return!

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Post by Sialei » Sat May 12, 2007 9:47 am

Date of Birth: August 18, 1972

Your LifePath Number is: 9

This is one of the most important numbers. Sometimes it is also called the Life Direction Number. This represents who you are at birth. It gives a broad outline of the various good and bad opportunities, struggles that you may have to face throughout your life.

People with number 9 are generous, loving and have an inborn drive to serve the humankind. You are reliable, trustworthy and honorable. You tend to be quite sensitive, and have a soft corner for the whole world. This may not be very good in the long run. You have a high level of energy and hold certain responsibilities. You people have the qualities to become philosophers, writers and leaders. Don't overdo your work and ignore enjoying life.

Your Destiny Number is: 5
This number describes your vibration in the world and the tasks that you must achieve in this lifetime using the name given to you. Destiny / Expression number more correctly reads as what you MUST strive to become with the development of talents you are born with.

You are gifted with multiple talents. You will be endowed with a sense of righteousness and strive towards achieving change and freedom. Your thinking is very progressive.   You must develop your talents in the right direction. The number 5 attains freedom at any cost. You must be the master of adaptability and change. You will be appreciated by one and all for your way of thinking. You are a logical thinker and have a constructive mind. You are good in fields of entertainment, publicity and advertising.
The negative side of the number says that your restless and impatient attitude may keep you from staying with any project for too long. You have a hard time keeping regular office hours and maintaining any sort of a routine. You need to be more flexible to changes.

Your Soul Urge Number is:8
This number tries to close the gap between how you think you are projecting yourself and the way people see you. This will help improve your relationships and let others see the real you.

You have a focused drive to achieve in a material sense and to gain a position of authority and power. Happiness gives you complete independence, a fully established commerce or, at least, a very secure job is essential. Status in society and wealth mean a lot to you. You are a visionary and dream of big undertakings. You need to develop courage to be able to take up huge tasks.

Your InnerDream Number is: 6
As the name suggests this number is associated with your personality or your nature. This signifies your comfort level in relationships and how much of yourself, you are willing to let others know about.

You love your family and relations. You crave the devotion from offspring and a loving spouse. You have dreams of a picture perfect domestic life. You have fine sense of justice and fairness. You are compassionate and will try to maintain harmony. You are generous by nature. You are also reliable and trustworthy.

Your BirthDay Number is: 18
This describes what may happen in your middle years. It also tells you about the various talents you possess.

You can become the corporate leader, as you possess good executive abilities. You are very much the organizer and administrator. You are open-minded, liberal and bighearted, a compassionate person. You are very imaginative and can become the role model to others. Some of your feelings may be expressed, but even more of them are not spoken. You lead a happening life.

Your Challenge Numbers are: 1 8 7 7

This number indicates what you must understand and learn in the various cycles of your life. This represents the challenges you will be facing in the coming future.

First Challenge Number is 1

You are expected to learn to be independent. You need to have confidence in yourself and be truthful. Learn to believe in your self and try to be confident on your judgment. You may often face situations in which trial and error is the only solution. In some tough conditions you may even become tensed and aggressive. This will help you become a perfect individual to face future challenges.

Second Challenge Number is 8

You have the hunger for achieving money and power. You feel this is the ultimate symbol of security and status. You may risk your life isolating yourself from other beautiful parts of life. You must realize the art of spirituality, if you want your life to be peaceful. You need to make the right balance of spiritual and the material world.

Third Challenge Number is 7

Try to attain peace by learning to see the life from spiritual point of view. You do not give importance that doesn't seem to be rational. This may lead to lack of expression of feelings. Learn the true meaning of faith. Don't suppress your inner feelings rather than exploring them. You have the intuitive powers but need to learn to use them to connect to your spiritual self. You may have too much pride.

Fourth Challenge Number is 7

Try to attain peace by learning to see the life from spiritual point of view. You do not give importance that doesn't seem to be rational. This may lead to lack of expression of feelings. Learn the true meaning of faith. Don't suppress your inner feelings rather than exploring them. You have the intuitive powers but need to learn to use them to connect to your spiritual self. You may have too much pride.

Your Personal Year is: 8
This number describes the pattern of the particular year. Each year you work through one of the nine Personal Years that define your experiences in life. It is concurrent with the calendar year.

Focus on those tasks, which you are mostly, associated with. After the introspection done in the previous year, concentrate now on the nuances of the outer world and explore what you have been working toward during the last seven years. Some issues, career, and worldly accomplishments come to the forefront. Patience is required to organize everything and a step-by-step progress phase will happen.

Your Personal Day is:7
What you think, imagine and do during the day sets the platform and example for the days to come. It is wise to pay close attention to the energy and purpose of the Personal Day.

Maintaining cool is the key to this day. Do your best to stay calm and balanced during the day. Avoid getting upset, confused or frustrated.

Your Personal Month Number is: 4
The Personal Month number describes what your lessons are during the course of the month, the trends and particular influences that are affecting you personally.

Pay attention to legal, property and financial matters. Organize your work and stick to it. Be cautious, patient and methodical in everything that you do. So planning is very important this month.

Your Current LifePath Period Number is: 2
This number describes the general influences on the life of a person. The first cycle helps you know yourself better and come to terms with your surroundings. The second cycle helps you understand your true self and develop your creative talents. The third cycle is the blooming period with more self-expression and complete understanding.

During this period you will develop feelings for social well-being. Patience, love and devotion are the goals of this particular 9 period. Serving for the humankind and the poor, will give you immense satisfaction. This work of yours will bring grand personal rewards, as well. You may even be associated with big welfare cause. You will be ready to sacrifice yourself to fulfill others' needs.

Life Path Period 1 from age 0 - 27 is 8

The first Life Path Period begins at birth (early years). This is the development phase. It continues till young adulthood. This first period includes the learning and experiences period, which will lay the foundation for the next life path period.

Life Path Period 2 from age 28 - 54 is 9

The second Life Path Period is our most productive time of life and spans till middle age. During this period, the main influence is felt on the family life, career and other day-to-day activities. We grow with our experiences preparing us for the final life path period.

Life Path Period 3 from age 55 on is 1

The third Life Path Period is a time for introspection. This period builds upon what you learnt in the first two cycles. This is time to get over all differences and lead a calm and peaceful life.

Your Maturity Number is: 5
The Maturity Number describes your underlying wishes, desires, and goals for your later years. It gives you a definite direction in life and what an individual may contribute back to the universe with your unique expressions, creations, and knowledge cultivated from this life.

You will discover your true goal of life, as you mature. You will become dynamic and dashing as nothing can stop you in the future. Communication skills, creativity will be unleashed. Don't lose your patience, as work may slow down a bit. You may develop new interests. Don't waste your energy on multiple ventures.
Many 5s in your chart indicates lack of concentration.
And less 5s indicates that you will take up new challenges and may adapt some positive changes in the later part of your life.

Your Essence Number is: 4
This particular number indicates the possibilities that may arise during a specific time period. Your essence number uses the letters in your name, to understand the different influences you may face.

This is the ideal time to lay down very strong foundation for the future. Maintain discipline and your hard work, as both will be tested. The hard work put in this year will give results in the coming future. Be careful to judge different moments and challenges, which you may come across. You have to be organized and disciplined to achieve success. Think practically before starting any new venture. Do not spend without reason.

Your Planes of Expression is towards Emotional

Your Personal Aspects:
Mental Ability 28 - Average
Physical Ability 14 - Weak
Emotional Ability 42 - Strong
Intuitive Ability 14 - Average

Plane of expression: Physical (body):
Physical Plane of Expression tells how you react and can adjust to the physical world around you. This is related with our 5 senses (touch, taste, and smell). Basically it explains your material strengths and weaknesses.

Planes of expression: Mental (mind):
Mental Plane of Expression describes your thought process and how your mind works in different situations. It helps you to know about and understand how things work logically. It also helps you express yourselves while learning, thinking and problem solving.

Plane of Expression: Emotional (heart):
Your heart rules your emotional senses. This plane of expression helps you realize your sensitivity. You approach your life principally reacting to certain situations. Basically it explores your EQ (emotional quotient) and inner perceptive.

Plane of Expression: Intuitive (spirit):
This plane reveals how sensitive you are about your inner self. You utilize intuitive gifts at your best. It helps you to know your level of spirituality and understanding. The Intuitive Plane of Expression reveals your level of sensitive understanding.

Pinnacle Phases

Pinnacles represent moments in your life in which you understand the goals you have to achieve and the features you need to integrate into your character to achieve them. You can prepare yourself for the future by knowing your pinnacle numbers. The different cycles are for different periods of your life.

First Pinnacle from age 0-28 years is 8

This signifies the period when you will want to achieve success, fame and wealth. Generally you are powerful and successful. You are confident, competitive and prefer to be independent. Most of your concerns involve money and learning of the power that comes with its proper manipulation. Material success, status, money and luxury make all the difference to you. Your ultimate goal is to lead a significant life in the society. You need to remain balanced.

Second Pinnacle from age 36-44 is 1

This signifies the period when you will be aiming for independence. You want your individuality to be accepted and your ideas and achievements to be recognized. You have to rely on only your strength, as you may not receive any support from family. Responsibilities will be fulfilled if you're allowed to lead. You need to put in effort to achieve success and rewards.

Third Pinnacle from age 37-45 is 9

This signifies the period when you will get into loving and satisfying relationships. You are kind and compassionate. You are creative and have a lot of artistic talents. You are aristocratic and noble. You would love to be a person people count on for support and advice. You have an excellent taste. You may be sensitive and emotional. You are in control of yourself no matter what happens. You would love to do a lot for humanity. This is a good time for financial progress.

Fourth Pinnacle from age 46 & beyond is 9

This signifies the period when you will get into loving and satisfying relationships. You are kind and compassionate. You are creative and have a lot of artistic talents. You are aristocratic and noble. You would love to be a person people count on for support and advice. You have an excellent taste. You may be sensitive and emotional. You are in control of yourself no matter what happens. You would love to do a lot for humanity. This is a good time for financial progress.

Your Hidden Passion Number is:5
The Hidden Passion Number unleashes the special talents and strengths that seem to stand out from our personalities. This number has the power to make your life and enable you to express your sleeping talents.

Adventure is the passion, says the number! You want to travel and try new things. You're curious and posses good spirit. Change is the only thing constant in your life. You are highly resourceful and unconventional. You may be a wanderer and no relationship may be very in-depth.

Your Karmic Lesson Number is:  4 7

Karmic Lessons are areas that you are presently weak in, and that you must look into and work on in this life. There can be more than one Karmic Lesson for a person.

This shows an earlier battle against being disorganized and more methodical. Necessary work was avoided, and left to other people to shoulder the burden. Wealth, luxury and being pampered in previous lives also contribute to this. In this lifetime, the individual will discover you can accomplish nothing without starting at zero, and working carefully, slowly and with a detailed plan.
In this life span, there will be steady opportunities to restore panic with faith, and a conviction in the power of your spirituality. The opportunities come through failure, loneliness and a form of isolation. You will constantly be pushed back upon your own resources. You will be forced to distinguish between the material and spiritual worlds. You also need to be disciplined and concentrate on one task at a time.

Your Balance Number is: 9
The Balance Number describes how you react to life's challenges. It motivates us to handle life's challenges at best. So the Balance number reveals your strengths in emotional or turbulent times.

Use your empathetic nature to understand and deal with problems. Compassion and patience is needed to solve conflicts. Any thing can be achieved with love. Learn to relate to people and their problems instead of being aloof.

Your Subconscious Self Number is: 7
This number shows how you deal and respond in sudden situations. The Subconscious Self reflects the confidence you have in your personal power and competence, as well as the part of your nature that needs to be strengthened.

You are well-balanced person. You are quite capable of handling life's challenges. In times of trouble you retreat within yourself. People may find you to be indifferent and aloof. Your analytical mind will find an answer for all problems.

Your L/E Bridge Number is: 4
This number answers the 'whom' in you.  The L/E Bridge Number helps you understand yourself and close the gap with the path you are taking in your life. It helps you change the factors that are stopping you from leading a happy and prosperous life.

You have to be fast with the world. Do not delay things or keep putting them off. You may need to become more practical, hard working and reliable to achieve anything in this life. You will have to be firm and persistent in order to attain bliss and fulfillment.

Your H/P Bridge Number is: 2
This number tries to close the gap between how you think you are projecting yourself and the way people see you. This will help improve your relationships and let others see the real you.

Use your potentials to influence others with gentle nature. Don't try to finish things quickly or in a hurry, let it take time. Try to be sensitive to the wants and expectations of others. Maintain good relations.

Your Rational Thought Number is: 2
The Rational thought Number reveals your particular way of thinking. This number describes your logical ability and the lays a map of the way your mind works.

You are a very careful thinker, finding solutions to problems that best suit everyone. You prefer to interact with others, thinking and creating together before coming to a final decision. You may be a dreamer but have strong intuitive powers. Others may easily influence you.

MB Numerology

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Post by Suzyn » Tue May 15, 2007 10:48 pm

Thanks for taking the time.

The number nine has been quite prominant in my life, House numbers phone numbers most often in the form of 27.  

Are their numbers that are more compatibal with each other or have negative effect in each other within my reading?

Thanks again much appreciated!


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