Could I get a numerology reading please

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Could I get a numerology reading please

Post by erratiqirl83 » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:55 pm

This is me:

1:name edited
2:name edited (though often the **** falls of the chart because it is too long or people only hear the *** because they don't expect such a long name.)
3: 25/06/1983

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numerology reading

Post by werasx » Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:36 pm

Hello everyone Im new to this and I would luv It someone could
could give me a numerology reading thank you I think you need
my b-day 12-04-1971 thank you

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Post by reichild » Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:28 pm

Hi erratiqirl83
are you known as Erika or  Jasmijn (as a short name) ??

also is ********* youre sirname (last name) or just V******??

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Post by erratiqirl83 » Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:35 pm

I'm known as Jasmijn
and "v*******" is my last name as it was my father's.

Hope that helps.

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Your numerology short-chart

Post by reichild » Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:48 am


Birth data:

June 25, 1983

Birth name: name
Short name: name
Birth date: June 25, 1983  
Your Life Path is 16/7
Your Expression is 34/7
Your Heart's Desire is 16/7

Your Life Path is 16/7  
   Jasmijn, you are the searcher and the seeker of the truth.
   You have a clear and compelling sense of yourself as a spiritual being. As a
result, your life path is devoted to investigations into the unknown, and finding the
answers to the mysteries of life.
   You are well-equipped to handle your task. You possess a fine mind; you are
an analytical thinker, capable of great concentration and theoretical insight. You
enjoy research, and putting the pieces of an intellectual puzzle together. Once
you have enough pieces in place, you are capable of highly creative insight and
practical solutions to problems.
   You enjoy your solitude and prefer to work alone. Jasmijn, you need time to
contemplate your ideas without the intrusion of other people's thoughts. You are a
lone wolf, a person who lives by his own ideas and methods. As a result, close
associations are difficult for you to form and keep, especially marriage. You need
your space and privacy, which, when violated, can cause you great frustration
and irritation.
   When your life is balanced, however, you are both charming and attractive. You
can be the life of a party, and enjoy performing before an audience. You enjoy
displaying your wit and knowledge, which makes you attractive to others,
especially the opposite sex.
   But you have distinct limits. While you are generous in social situations,
sharing your attention and energy freely, you are keenly aware of the need to
"come off stage" and return to the solitude of your lair. You associate peace with
the unobtrusive privacy of your world. Therefore, intimacy is difficult for you,
because you guard your inner world like a mother lion does her cubs.
   All this privacy and aloneness can cause isolation and loneliness, however.
You can be aware of emptiness in your life, a part of you that yearns for company
and close companionship that may be unsatisfied.
   If isolation is brought to the extreme, you can become cynical and suspicious.
You can develop hidden, selfish motives, which people may sense and may
cause them discomfort around you. You must guard against becoming too
withdrawn and independent, thus shutting out the love of others and keeping you
from experiencing the true joy of friendship and close companionship.
   Jasmijn, you must especially watch out for selfishness and egocentricity,
thinking of yourself as the center of the universe, the only person who really
matters. Social contact gives you perspective on yourself and on life, while too
much isolation can make you too narrow and even shut off from the rest of the
   Secretly, you may feel jealous of the easy relationships formed by others; you may perceive others as less inhibited than you, or more free to express
themselves. You may harshly criticize yourself for not being more gregarious,
powerful, or capable of greater leadership.
   Your challenge in life is to maintain your independence without feeling isolated
or ineffectual. You must hold fast to your unique view on the world, while at the
same time being open to others and the knowledge they have to offer.
   With your abilities to learn, analyze, seek out answers to life's important
questions, you have the potential for enormous growth and success in life. By the
time you reach middle age, you will radiate refinement and wisdom.
   Pythagoras loved the seven for its great spiritual potential.

   Jasmijn, your 16 Life Path also reflects the presence of a Karmic Debt. The 16
Karmic Debt means destruction of the old and birth of the new. The 16 is about
the fall of the ego, and all that it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing.
All that has been constructed, and all that serves to separate the person from the
source of life is destroyed. Through the 16, reunion with the Great Spirit is
   This can be a painful process, because it usually comes after much ego
inflation. This results in a struggle between the ego and the divine will. Life
presents challenges to your grand plans, which can be resented and struggled
against. It is a lost battle, and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the
collapse that follows. This humility is the key to later success, however, because
you will learn to follow the intimations of a higher reality. In the destruction of the
old, a spiritual rebirth takes place with an entirely new awareness. This rebirth
affects every area of your life. It is a life much the better for the fall.

   Those with the 16 Karmic Debt must be careful of egotism. Very often, those
with the 16 use their highly intuitive and refined intellect to look down upon others,
and view the rest of the world as inferior. This causes acute alienation and
loneliness. In addition, it invites retribution, for the egotist is humbled more harshly
than any other. When the 16 is in one of the core numbers, this process of
destruction and rebirth is a continual cycle that actually serves to bring you into
higher consciousness and closer union with the source of life.

   The 16 Karmic Debt can be a path of progress and great spiritual growth if it is
looked at properly. One develops great faith by placing one's life in the hands of
God. Through such faith, gratitude and peace are firmly established.

   Your Expression number reveals your physical and mental constitution, the
orientation or goal of your life.  Some numerologists refer to this number as the Destiny, because it represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming.  You
work at fulfilling this potential every day of your life.  Thus, the Expression number
reveals your inner goal, the person you aim to be.  
   The Expression number reveals the talents, abilities, and shortcomings that
were with you when you entered your human body.  Your name, and the numbers
derived from it, reveals your development, as well as the talents and issues you
will be working with during this life.
   For those for whom reincarnation is an accepted philosophy, the vibration of
your full name can be seen as the totality of your personal evolution, the
experiences, talents, and wisdom accumulated over many life times.  Every
experience, no matter how great or small, along this evolutionary path has
influenced your development, and brought you to your current state of being.
   The Expression is your being; the Life Path is the major lesson you are
attempting to learn this time around.  Time allows the gradual emergence of your
personality.  By reading the Expression number below, you will come to
understand your basic nature and the abilities and issues inherent in your being.

Your Expression is 34/7  
   Jasmijn, you are gifted with an analytical mind and an enormous appetite for
the answers to life's hidden questions.  You have a strong interest in exploring
scientific matters, philosophy, and even mysticism.  You possess clarity and
persistence in your search for truth.  You can be a great researcher, educator,
and philosopher.
   You are driven by a desire for knowledge and truth.  You must learn to
discriminate between illusion and reality, but you are well equipped for this task.  
Your fine mind offers you insight into the veiled mysteries of life.  You also
possess a considerable amount of perspective.  Somewhere inside you, you are
aware of a peaceful place that you call upon during difficult times.
   Jasmijn, you need time to be by yourself.  Too much social interaction causes
you stress.  You need your privacy and a place that can be shut off from the
hustle and bustle of life.  You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and are
secretive.  Unless your 7 expression is balanced by extrovert characteristics
(usually revealed by the numbers 1, 3, 5, and 8), your introversion may pull you
deeply within yourself, even cutting you off from others.
   You have a strong dislike of the superficial and mundane.  You are often
surprised by the lack of understanding or depth of knowledge of others, many of
whom do not take the search for knowledge as seriously as you do.  This can
cause you to be critical of others, and even cynical about life in general.
   The more cut off from others you become, the more hidden are your motives.  
Once you develop understanding of people and life, your advice and counsel will
be sought by those around you who need your wisdom.

   You love to specialize your knowledge and develop great depth within your field.  
You are a perfectionist.
   You should complete your studies early in life and not be driven too hard by a
desire to be successful.  Let things come at there own pace, be open to
opportunity, but remember your rewards, satisfaction, and contentment come
from a higher source.
   Sevens can be distant and aloof.  When dominated by their darker
characteristics, they can be unfaithful, dishonest, and cruel.  Contemplation,
meditation, and the softer, finer vibrations of life can restore your sense of
harmony and keep you on the path to peace and balance.
   Jasmijn, you have a logical mind.  Your analytical skills cause you to approach
a problem in a detached, surgical kind of way.  Researchers, analysts,
investigators, inventors, technicians, scholars, lawyers, bankers, watchmakers,
priests, philosophers, theologians, and administrators in some scientific or
technical field are among the vocations 7s are drawn to.

   Your Heart's Desire is the inner you.  It shows your underlying urge, your true
motivation.  It reveals the general intention behind many of your actions.  
Consequently, it dramatically influences the choices you make in life.  The Heart's
desire is seen as part of the larger picture, called the core numbers, which
includes the Life Path, Expression, Day you were born, and Personality.  But
each points to a different aspect of you.
   The Expression number reveals your talents and abilities, and your general
direction in life.  The Life Path is the central lesson you came into the world to
learn.  The Day you were born is very closely connected to your Life Path.  It
reveals specific talents you possess, which will be helpful to you in dealing with
your Life Path.  The Personality reveals how people tend to see you.  It also
demonstrates what characteristics you are projecting to the world.  The Heart's
Desire demonstrates the identity of the soul that joined the earth -- you, the
spiritual being.

Your Heart's Desire is 16/7  
   Jasmijn, you love knowledge, study, and insight.  You value the gifts of your mind, which you use to great advantage to penetrate the mysteries of life.  You study things in-depth.  You search beneath the surface of things.  You abhor shallow judgments or opinions.
   You have a natural gift for analysis and research.  Once you have grasped the facts of a subject, your creativity and abstract approach lifts your thinking beyond the rudimentary to the philosophical.  You have a theoretical mind, but rather than  indulge in fantasies or idle thought, you prefer to base your theories upon
scientific facts.
   Jasmijn, you enjoy mental and physical puzzles -- figuring them out, taking them apart, and putting them back together.
   Some people may perceive you as cool or aloof.  You are somewhat
introverted; you may feel slightly removed and even a little different.  The fantasy of the hermit or monk engaged in a life of study and meditation appeals to you.
   In relationships, you tend to keep things business-like and impersonal.  You prefer to talk about the facts of a given situation, rather than the cloudier issues of emotions and personal feelings.  You distrust feelings -- both your own and those of others.  The whole emotional realm strikes you as unreliable, and a bit
   Jasmijn, your inability to fully understand the emotional aspect of life is your Achilles heel.  You are so rational that the unpredictability of the heart frightens and surprises you.
   Your challenge is to trust.  You need to share your heart with someone.  This is a courageous step for you, but will result in enormous growth and satisfaction.
  The advice here is to make a true connection with another human being. Without it, you may marry out of convenience or to fulfill social expectations, but it will not lead you out of loneliness.  The more removed you are from people, the more you risk isolation, bitterness, and a cynical attitude toward life.
   This choice represents a true crossroads in your development.  By sharing yourself with others (without compromising your independence and need for privacy) you can cultivate your enormous charm and share your understanding of life.  You are a natural teacher and advisor.  And the wealth of knowledge you will accumulate in life is meant to be shared with others.
   This is not to say that you must compromise on your need for privacy or time spent alone to contemplate life.  These are natural aspects of your personality,
which are essential to your growth.  These characteristics should not be
threatening to your spouse, but must be understood as fundamental to your being.
   Jasmijn, you are blessed with a great reserve of intuition, which can be
cultivated by regular meditation and contemplation.  Your "inner voice" is your
greatest guide and friend.
   You are idealistic and have high expectations for yourself.  Learn to balance
your serious nature with regular doses of fun.
   Your intelligence and cultivation make you charming and distinguished in
appearance.  As you get older and more comfortable with your identity, people are
naturally attracted to you.  They see your wisdom, your deep understanding of life,
and the refinement you radiate.

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Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:17 pm

Post by erratiqirl83 » Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:01 pm

I thought I replied, hmm, guess not.
But I wanted to thank you for the reading, it's a long read, but a lot of it hits home.
I haven't taken the time to really sit down for it, so I read the first part but my attentionspan is very short so I saved the rest for a later time.

Thank you...

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