To Enumero123:Request for reading from projenator

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To Enumero123:Request for reading from projenator

Post by projenator » Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:01 am

Hi Enumero123,

I, along with some of my vedic astrologer colleagues have been experimenting with the idea of using palmistry and numerology to sharpen our predictions using processes of elimination. We have successfully used palmistry towards that goal, now we want to get started with numerology. Although I have a fair understanding of the life path number and the birth day number, I'd like to sample a reading from you since you have been highly recommended. I'd appreciate if you can do so at your leisure and also answer follow up questions if any.

My birth details are July 5th 1976. which leads to Life Path number 35/8. Interestingly, I will turn 35 next year.

My full name is Projjwal Ghosh although in the west, I usually use Proj Ghosh since people are more comfortable with that. Thought I should mention both since it might be important.

Thanks and kind regards,


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Post by enumero123 » Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:18 pm

(My birth details are July 5th 1976. which leads to Life Path number 35/8. Interestingly, I will turn 35 next year.)

which of the following holds more view in your mind

in respect to your  8 life path

!....this is called the inheritance 8 because its bears usually inherits money ,power or position  ,and sometimes all three .you have an individualistic ,forceful mind a tremendous vitality  and a sense of what the public needs and how to supply it ;therefore, you make a good executive , business person ,teacher  or researcher .

!! are the researcher ,the scientist ,the natural detective who investigates the unseen mysteries of life ,you desire truth and seek solutions to enigmas . you are intuitive and fond of the occult .you delve into the secret depths of the inner consciousness in pursuit of hidden  knowledge .this relationship to the secret forces of life instills in you a quiet strength and an air of mystery .other see you as a deep individual as indeed you are

will post more when time allows

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Post by projenator » Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:26 pm

enumero123 wrote:(My birth details are July 5th 1976. which leads to Life Path number 35/8. Interestingly, I will turn 35 next year.)

which of the following holds more view in your mind

in respect to your  8 life path

!....this is called the inheritance 8 because its bears usually inherits money ,power or position  ,and sometimes all three .you have an individualistic ,forceful mind a tremendous vitality  and a sense of what the public needs and how to supply it ;therefore, you make a good executive , business person ,teacher  or researcher .

!! are the researcher ,the scientist ,the natural detective who investigates the unseen mysteries of life ,you desire truth and seek solutions to enigmas . you are intuitive and fond of the occult .you delve into the secret depths of the inner consciousness in pursuit of hidden  knowledge .this relationship to the secret forces of life instills in you a quiet strength and an air of mystery .other see you as a deep individual as indeed you are

will post more when time allows
Thanks for replying. The latter very true, the former partially true. I have a sense of what the public needs but I don't necessarily believe in supplying it. For e.g. most will want easy credit but I never believed in handing out loans to anyone and everyone although this is very prevalent in the world in order to boost consumer spending, albeit with its pitfalls as the most recent credit crisis shows.

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three cycles within one

Post by enumero123 » Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:17 pm

life path is a long term cycle  from birth to death    july 5 1976  which in your case reduces to a 8 vibration

in keeping with this life path number how do the view the following

(the past )..... up to the age 29 :  A time to specialize, think deeply, and contemplate the deeper questions of life. Study a subject you enjoy in depth. You are attracted to the fields of science, technology, philosophy, and metaphysics. Become an expert in a specific area. You have excellent intuition and a mind that can penetrate beneath the surface of any subject you commit to. Focus your energies and thoughts. This is a period of inner development. Meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection are means of inner enrichment. Develop wisdom. Relationship may seem burdensome at times because of the desire to spend time alone. There is some resistance to sharing your deeper feelings with others. The inner life is so compelling that you will want to immerse yourself in it. Share the knowledge you accumulate by teaching, counseling, or simply talking to others.

from age 29/ to present    :  A period of rapid progress and much change. You are learning the lesson of freedom. You will travel, move your residence many times, and change jobs. You are footloose. It is a time when you will be free of the burdens of responsibility. You will have a flair for successfully promoting yourself. Your abilities with words will be greatly enhanced. You can learn foreign languages, write, and edit. You will meet many exciting people, visit foreign lands, and encounter many new ideas. Identify yourself with all that is progressive and farsighted in your field. Seek change and take hold of new opportunities.

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Re: three cycles within one

Post by projenator » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:14 am

enumero123 wrote:life path is a long term cycle  from birth to death    july 5 1976  which in your case reduces to a 8 vibration

in keeping with this life path number how do the view the following

(the past )..... up to the age 29 :  A time to specialize, think deeply, and contemplate the deeper questions of life. Study a subject you enjoy in depth. You are attracted to the fields of science, technology, philosophy, and metaphysics. Become an expert in a specific area. You have excellent intuition and a mind that can penetrate beneath the surface of any subject you commit to. Focus your energies and thoughts. This is a period of inner development. Meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection are means of inner enrichment. Develop wisdom. Relationship may seem burdensome at times because of the desire to spend time alone. There is some resistance to sharing your deeper feelings with others.
My college education was in Computer Science and I specialized in science at high school as well. Later I went to grad school for my MS in computer science and finally business and I should say I was done with formal university education by age of 29 and a couple months before my 30th birthday. I migrated to the US at the age of 25 for grad school and I went to college in a different city far from my home town, so I have been travelling and living in different places since 19.  Most find me wise and mature compared to my age, hence most of my friends whose maturity and thinking process I can mirror are in their forties or fifties. I find most of my age and below pretty frivolous in their lifestyle living in the ebbs and flows of mainstream culture wiling away their time in peer groups until reality strikes.

The inner life is so compelling that you will want to immerse yourself in it. Share the knowledge you accumulate by teaching, counseling, or simply talking to others.
This did not happen until 32.

from age 29/ to present    :  A period of rapid progress and much change.
You are learning the lesson of freedom. You will travel, move your residence many times, and change jobs.
You are footloose. It is a time when you will be free of the burdens of responsibility.
Not true after 32. My dad expired then and with my mom's health deteriorating by the day, my responsibilities, especially towards the household have increased manifold. I don't see most of my peers doing the kind of stuff I am doing for e.g supervising house repairs etc.

You will have a flair for successfully promoting yourself. Your abilities with words will be greatly enhanced. You can learn foreign languages, write, and edit. You will meet many exciting people, visit foreign lands, and encounter many new ideas. Identify yourself with all that is progressive and farsighted in your field. Seek change and take hold of new opportunities.

Not sure of self promotion but yes, i have been writing a lot more recently and closely following the changes happening in the world around 2012 both from an economics as well as astrological perspective. While the destruction of the world come 2012 is a hoax but there are changes to be seen for sure, many vedic astrologers are hinting towards a steep decline of the western consumerist culture and lifestyle and rise of spiritual consciousness.

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Post by enumero123 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:54 pm

(While the destruction of the world come 2012 is a hoax but there are changes to be seen for sure, many vedic astrologers are hinting towards a steep decline of the western consumerist culture and lifestyle and rise of spiritual consciousness.) yes i agree with you  

so from  your date of birth  july 5 1978 ...7./5/5   7+5+5= 17/8  !! are the researcher ,the scientist ,the natural detective who investigates the unseen mysteries of life ,you desire truth and seek solutions to enigmas . you are intuitive and fond of the occult .you delve into the secret depths of the inner consciousness in pursuit of hidden  knowledge .this relationship to the secret forces of life instills in you a quiet strength and an air of mystery .other see you as a deep individual as indeed you are

your three period cycles   early middle later 7-5-5  

first 7 vibration
A time to specialize, think deeply, and contemplate the deeper questions of life. Study a subject you enjoy in depth. You are attracted to the fields of science, technology, philosophy, and metaphysics. Become an expert in a specific area. You have excellent intuition and a mind that can penetrate beneath the surface of any subject you commit to. Focus your energies and thoughts. This is a period of inner development. Meditation, contemplation, and self-reflection are means of inner enrichment. Develop wisdom. Relationship may seem burdensome at times because of the desire to spend time alone. There is some resistance to sharing your deeper feelings with others. The inner life is so compelling that you will want to immerse yourself in it. Share the knowledge you accumulate by teaching, counseling, or simply talking to others.

second 5 vibration
A period of rapid progress and much change. You are learning the lesson of freedom. You will travel, move your residence many times, and change jobs. You are footloose. It is a time when you will be free of the burdens of responsibility. You will have a flair for successfully promoting yourself. Your abilities with words will be greatly enhanced. You can learn foreign languages, write, and edit. You will meet many exciting people, visit foreign lands, and encounter many new ideas. Identify yourself with all that is progressive and farsighted in your field. Seek change and take hold of new opportunities.

third same as the second

A period of rapid progress and much change. You are learning the lesson of freedom. You will travel, move your residence many times, and change jobs. You are footloose. It is a time when you will be free of the burdens of responsibility. You will have a flair for successfully promoting yourself. Your abilities with words will be greatly enhanced. You can learn foreign languages, write, and edit. You will meet many exciting people, visit foreign lands, and encounter many new ideas. Identify yourself with all that is progressive and farsighted in your field. Seek change and take hold of new opportunities.

your four Challenge cycles coming from your date of birth are as follows

2-0-2-2   two being your main challenge
challenge number 2
You are overly sensitive and too aware of other peoples' expectations. You suppress yourself to avoid feeling conspicuous. You can be overwhelmed by self-consciousness. You fear gossip about you. As a result, you become inhibited. All of this results in a suppression of your own individuality and uniqueness. You yearn to blend into the crowd.

You let your own feelings and emotions play too big a role. Your hypersensitivity causes fear, timidity and lack of self-confidence. And you experience unnecessary fear and emotional turmoil.

Little things seem disproportionately difficult to overcome and sometimes have a paralyzing effect. Jealousy can cause much pain and misunderstanding.

These negative aspects of the challenge actually spring in part from positive characteristics you possess, especially your acute awareness and intuition. You are an antennae for other peoples feelings; you know before a word is spoken how they feel.

You lack the inner strength to maintain your own center, and try to conform to the prevailing emotional atmosphere.

This challenge makes you understanding and compassionate; you have an enormous empathy for the inner turmoil of others and can do much good for people with emotional problems.

challenge number 0 (The Second Challenge usually lasts until the age of about 35 to 55/60.)

This is a less demanding challenge. Growth is allowed to take place without one particularly serious obstacle. This does not mean that there will not be challenges on your path, but there is no single and consistent challenge during this period.

You are being challenged to stay faithful and focused on your highest ideals.

There is an opportunity to go deeper within yourself, and discover the inner being that is you.

as i was looking at your challenges i came across the following in my reading . focusing in the 2 as a challenge number  


this is a challenge to the individuals personal sensitivity ,perceptions and susceptibility. It stems from too much or too little attention to the challenge holders feelings and emotional reactions early in life . The female usually the mother, is too responsive ,too self involved . Or absent because of illness, divorce  or death .

The father may have been the gentle, receptive parent and played the female role,which might have thrown the child off balance .as a  result , the tot becomes an adult without understanding how little to respect or to give in intimate relationships.

As infants these thin skinned children internalize their feelings .to hold the receptive authority figures concentration , they may have allergies or colic or refuse to eat . Chronic or trivial physical problems plague them .they are nervously energetic or too serene .they are mommys little helper or they require consistent assistance .

As preschoolers they may have easygoing dispositions and seem happy to have quiet conversations with secret friend  or they are little hellions ,busily collecting little things ,sharing secrets ,and being generally inconsiderate they are too peaceful or create household tensions. As the child grows older, if his cooperation is reciprocated by manipulations ,conspiracy or hardheartness -or he is given unreasonable praise fro keeping out of everyones way he feels hurt ….

it is difficult for children with the challenge of the two to grow to maturity trusting themselves  .they do not recognize their uniqueness or imagine how to live or work alone .such children are often indecisive due to their talent for seeing every detail on both sides of the coin .twos miss seeing the forest  while dissecting each tree leaf. In their desire to do the right thing. they do not miss a trick but often lose the bridge game .

Twos must feel used or abused before taking a stand to get what they want . Carefully primed in youth to be aware of every raised eyebrow , as prudent adults they may think that standing out in a crowd is ungentlemanly  or unladylike .be cause of a lack of openness and misunderstood subtleties in childhood
,they assume  that an unobtrusive attitude , meticulousness , and championing leadership will give them power behind the throne. When pushed to extremes   ,2s manipulate others after doing things that they are not proud of they are never given as much credit as they think they deserve .its a no win situation .

For the most part  challenge  2 holders take themselves too seriously they turn everyday personal problems or projects into overwhelming  tasks. Twos spend too much time and energy contemplating or picking lint out of there navels .they have black or white perceptions of friendship ,love and confidentiality .they give all and expect that everyone will be sensitive to their desires.

Correspondingly ,challenge 2 holders wait and watch to find a need and aim to fill it at any cost. yet often they lack the confidence to depend upon honest relationships ,and they  question their desirability . As companions ,they make dishmops out of themselves to maintain intimacy. Further,  their self-depreciating behavior may lead to the emotional and physical  drains that result in debilitating   depression .twos often lack the energy to get out of bed after endless nights of petty thoughts they lose sight of major issues

number 2 challenge holders expect too much self sacrifice from themselves and loved ones . If a parent played the martyr the example has been set for these children to overdo. As adults ,2s often place themselves at another's  disposal. Once having done this and experiencing  discomfort, they will go to any extreme to avoid the same experience .they than retreat and refuse to give up anything for another .it is difficult for 2 challenge holders to realize that they are not the only ones ever touched by sorrow loneliness or discomfort .they are very self-absorbed .
In there gentle subservient ,quiet way 2s will create problems for other's . their need for attention will cause them to  about petty issues, which often instigates family or community dis harmony .they are very considerate -often taking action before being asked or after being told to leave things alone. twos provoke people ironically , usually the people from whom they fear rejection .number 2 will try unnecessarily to do or say the right thing – to avoid confrontations or to gain approval from the people who intimidate them. They aim to provide little niceties that they imagine will be praised and appreciated, too often ,however, these acts go unnoticed or create problems .

How do 2 challenge holders let down defenses ,break habits, and shred distorted childhood impressions? First they must remember that the universe does that revolve around them,their sensitivities .or their emotional relationships .their defensiveness, surprisingly, establishes  habits that place their personal feelings above the rights of others .until sensitive 2s realize that suspicion, mistrust, and nervousness give everyone around them heebie -jeebies, too they will confronted with real or fancied personal slights, chronic problems that slow their ambitions, and a touch of masochism .

The number 2 challenge may swing from one of the following lowing extremes to another until it is recognized and new habits are initiated that stabilize the sensitivity of the challenge holder

too sweet or to bitter
too personal or too impersonal
too open or too closed
too grudging or too grateful
too helpless or too helpful
too considerate or too rude
too honest or two faced
too forgiving or too mean
too hurt or too untouched
too dependent or too alone
too soft or too hard
too discontent or too loving

challenges can affect physical as well as mental health .body chemistry changes when individuals are stressed ,and when we do not know what is good for us , our minds trigger anxious, angry, or frustrated habits .when we are mean to ourselves we get sick. ones attitude   sends the brain a message , and the brain tells the body to scream for help.

To get attention for their dis-ease. Often people get sick or form negative habits numerologists believe that illness and wellness depend upon attitude ,and challenges indicate the attitudes that result from needy feelings.

when we do not feel needy, we feel well and balanced and do not crave attention from others essentially .if the personality challenges are balanced .the body chemistry is in balance , too ,and therefore there is little chance of mental or physical dis-ease .

challenge  numbers indicate the ways people subconsciously punish themselves for not being consciously good to themselves .
The following list of dis-ease and negative habits relate to the challenge of the number 2

athletes foot, birth defects, bladder problems ,burns ,circulatory problems ,constipation,diabetes, fevers foot problems , hair loss,liver spots ,menopause problems ,multiple sclerosis ,nerves, premature aging,restless leg syndrome,sciatica ,shaky hands .throat problems, tonsillitis ,tuberculosis ,urinary tract infections.

To balance the challenge of the 2 and bring out as a talent

the first step  to balancing the challenge is to feel comfortable about saying I need kindness ignore past insults or pessimism ,forgive and forget. Always expect the best. Use a gentle manner to assert yourself without going to the extreme of prefacing a request with numerous exaggerated compliments .

If you feel self conscious ,remember that others are wondering what you think of them . We all look for approval, so stop criticizing. The spotlight is not on you all the time .

When you do not have time for yourself because you are slaving for another, remember that supporting, sharing and cooperating does not mean losing your identity .it is admirable to be part of an effort ,but you do not have to do all detail work or handle everyone with kid gloves .keep the peace ,but not at the cost of your sanity.

We all depend upon others to guide us when we are inexperienced ,but if you know what to do .do it .do not wait to be told the obvious or except minute guidelines for everything . people are not waiting for you to make a mistake, nor will they pamper your need for attention, they just wait to get a job done. Take part in a team effort .
Be yourself and recognize that as adaptable, considerate.,Cooperative individuals  you do not have to depend on somebody else for decision making , tranquility or self -esteem

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Post by projenator » Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:10 am

maybe this is totally inaccurate or simply dumb but I vaguely remember having read this, so I thought I will ask you. The year I will turn 35 should be of significance, also July 5th , 2012 when added up gives 8. So I am expecting something significant happening around 2011-2012 or latest 2013. Vedic astrology and palmistry points to this as well, would be interested in knowing the numerological perspective from you. A couple palmists have predicted marriage or at least a relationship forming around that time, is that something indicated numerologically as well ?

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:13 pm

(also July 5th , 2012 when added up gives 8. So I am expecting something significant happening around 2011-2012 or latest 2013. Vedic astrology and palmistry points to this as well, would be interested in knowing the numerological perspective from you. A couple palmists have predicted marriage or at least a relationship forming around that time, is that something indicated numerologically as well ?)   there is a indication of things coming to a head in the next couple years  ,in numerology personal years, cycle every nine years  :bringing  things to a head  

2011 is a 7 personal year: You will experience a strong tendency to spend more time alone, to delve inside and find some answers and to reach a better understanding of yourself. This is not a year for social activities nor is it a year to try and reach goals on a material level. You will find that the necessities of daily life seem to be taken care of by themselves. There is no need to be overly concerned regarding your material needs. Without slacking on your daily duties and responsibilities, you can afford to give more attention to yourself. This is a year for inner growth. It is your spiritual and mental presence that requires attention. Improve the quality of your life, read, contemplate and gain insight in yourself. You are important now. Rest and attend to your health. It is during this year that you strengthen the foundation of your life, after all your success in all matters rests upon the strength of your inner self. There will be many strange and unusual events inspiring you to take a closer look at life and an opportunity is there to experience the joy and beauty of life without any artificial or exterior involvement but purely the growing awareness of yourself. To much concern and desire for material rewards will turn this period of your life into a very bad experience indeed, while a "let go and let god " attitude will make this such a fruitful and pleasant year that you may find yourself wondering what you did to deserve this.

2012 is a 8 personal year :After last year's constant involvement with yourself and very possible occasional doubts about the state of your business or career you will find this year to be a relief. Things finally work out. Long postponed checks and promotions come through. You see the light at the end of your financial tunnel and an inner strength and confidence is breaking through. This is your year of harvest and , depending upon the effort you put out in the past seven years , your reward will be equally large. There is a beauty in these cycles we can recognize and understand and in doing so we find ourselves "in the flow" and there is no more need to try and struggle upstream. So this year you will have an opportunity to involve yourself fully in work and material growth and bring home the rewards, at the same time a certain detachment is also necessary, for you and for the experience you have because it is not the reward that brings you happiness but your experience of life, which is why before the rewarding eight year you have had such opportunity for growth during the soul-searching of a seven year. Give in to your ambitions, you will find yourself more clear and focussed and able to pursue and reach your goals. Your power is visible and strong, mental creativity is high, vision and intuition will guide you, and at the same time you are more efficient and focused. There can be loss, serious loss, bankruptcy and failure, because always the rewards are directly proportionate to your effort and motivation, however you know the effort you put out and you know your motivations, so there must be no room for fear and doubt, only for success and winning and this year will undoubtedly turn out to be a very satisfying year.

2013 is a 9 personal year :This is your year to finish up all unfinished business, to clean house and make room for new things. On a material level this is a good time to get rid of unnecessary weight, to give away or sell what you do not need anymore and to pay off old debts. On a spiritual level you will experience a different mode altogether. Your attention should turn to others and their needs, find ways to be of help and give time and energy to worthwhile causes. You must lighten your burden of questions and doubts and the best way to do so is by directing your attention to another direction, away from yourself and you will find yourself becoming lighter and more in touch with your self. This is a time of completion, problems can be solved and over with, strained relationships relax or disappear, the sources of stress in work or business can be better understood and dealt with. Be social and communicative, enjoy music and other arts. Your creativity is higher than usual. There can be some difficulties this year due to your desire to face obstacles and overcome them, decisions have to be taken and your courage and strength may be severely tested several times, this is not going to be an easy year all the time but you will feel relieved and on the brink of a positive breakthrough by the end of this year. This is the end of a nine year epicycle and will you will feel many times the excitement of a new and promising era when optimism is your friend but you will also experience the fear of letting go, however the more you let go the more room there is to be filled during the next epicycle.

to look even deeper into these yearly cycles i  need to confirm your (full name at birth)

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Post by projenator » Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:38 pm

My full name at birth was Projjwal Ghosh

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Post by enumero123 » Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:47 pm

coming from your name at birth age 30 -36

16/7 Essence
This is a period of much self-reflection, analysis, and inner growth. The journey now is inward. You will feel a need to spend more time alone to contemplate your life and those close to you. The questions that pursue you are the fundamental ones of life: Who am I? What I am doing? Why am I doing it?

Your environment or milieu will seem more aggressive than during previous years. This is more a function of your heightened sensitivity and intuition. This will naturally drive you deeper within yourself, causing you to ferret out the important issues that have directed your life to this point.

In order to deal effectively with those around you - especially family members and co-workers - you will have to refine your expression in all respects. Don't push people too hard, lest you damage close friendships unnecessarily. This is not a time for being extroverted or aggressive. This is a time of introversion and deeper self- understanding. Be gentle with yourself and those around you. Think carefully before making important decisions. Be cautious when making major changes.

It is a wonderful time to study and to specialize in one particular field. Your ability to think deeply and clearly is at an all-time high. Indeed, your mind is your best tool. You are attracted to the great books, new realms of study, and higher learning. You have the ability to focus and concentrate. You can penetrate below the surface of subjects, to see the inner workings of yourself, others, and life around you.

Avoid becoming cynical and skeptical. Don't be too intellectual, lest you leave your heart behind. This is a time of deep spiritual and psychological integration. The head and the heart should be working together, not opposing each other.

You will likely discover what you most enjoy doing now. Follow these urges; study areas that you have long neglected but wanted to pursue. The inner-self guides you during this time. Listen carefully to its advice.

from age 36 to 37  your chart indicates some change

2013 your in a nine personal year  

This is your year to finish up all unfinished business, to clean house and make room for new things. On a material level this is a good time to get rid of unnecessary weight, to give away or sell what you do not need anymore and to pay off old debts. On a spiritual level you will experience a different mode altogether. Your attention should turn to others and their needs, find ways to be of help and give time and energy to worthwhile causes. You must lighten your burden of questions and doubts and the best way to do so is by directing your attention to another direction, away from yourself and you will find yourself becoming lighter and more in touch with your self. This is a time of completion, problems can be solved and over with, strained relationships relax or disappear, the sources of stress in work or business can be better understood and dealt with. Be social and communicative, enjoy music and other arts. Your creativity is higher than usual. There can be some difficulties this year due to your desire to face obstacles and overcome them, decisions have to be taken and your courage and strength may be severely tested several times, this is not going to be an easy year all the time but you will feel relieved and on the brink of a positive breakthrough by the end of this year. This is the end of a nine year epicycle and will you will feel many times the excitement of a new and promising era when optimism is your friend but you will also experience the fear of letting go, however the more you let go the more room there is to be filled during the next epicycle.

Essence cycle changes from a 16/7 to a 17/8 for a period of two years
This is a period when business and career affairs dominate your agenda. A major new opportunity will unfold to you and you will have to give yourself to it entirely to make it work. It is a time of progress and much personal power, but the demands of the time are equally large, thus requiring careful planning and attention to detail.

All business matters - including personal economies - will come under sharp scrutiny. You will likely have more money than during previous years, but, conversely, you must be more careful with it.

A new start can be made. You sense the need to grasp it. But you also are aware that it must be treated with great care. Therefore, be astute in all your business dealings. Major mistakes can be made if you are not careful, and they can affect you for some years to come. It a time of cautious use of power. You are being asked to develop wisdom in all your dealings.

Balance - in areas from your mundane affairs to your eminently important relationships - is the key to your success. Keep a tight control on your bookkeeping, while providing strong leadership and gentle guidance to your family or close associates.

It is also a time when old issues - especially debts from the past - surface with a vengeance, making it necessary to pay the piper before further progress can be made. The irony is that while you have greater resources, there are often equally large demands made of you.

This is a time, too, when you will realize that you are a survivor. No matter what difficulties you have experienced in the past, this is a period when you can regain a sense of progress in career matters. You will feel that you are doing important work, and will be richly rewarded for it.

also noted is a  move from a 1 Pinnacle Cycle to a 4 pinnacle cycle
1 cycle
This is a period requiring much independence, courage, resiliency, and initiative. You must bounce back after many difficult experiences. The challenge of this Pinnacle is to gain will power.

There is not a lot of support from others or from family. You must draw from your own strength. You will have to guard against self pity or surrender.

Keep focused on your dreams. This Pinnacle will require an iron will to keep hold of your goals, and also the flexibility to maneuver around difficulties, and bend with the winds of adversity.

This is a period of rapid self-improvement and growth. You will be forced to use every talent and capability you possess. You will need to be resourceful.

You must continually put out effort, but with it comes great reward. Without it, there is no accomplishment nor satisfaction, only a negative attitude toward life.

Be careful not to become too self centered, headstrong or self important. Be strong but flexible. Be open to the counsel of others, but make up your own mind.

The benefit of this Pinnacle number is a strong sense of your individuality and strength. You will know what you are made of. There are many hidden gifts in this period, perhaps the greatest of which is faith.

Your Pinnacle provides you with the characteristics of leadership, boldness, and daring. You will have many unconventional ideas and the skill and courage to make them a reality. Your abilities to manage and organize people and institutions are greatly enhanced. You have vision and confidence in the worth of your dreams.

These characteristics provide great opportunity for success and major accomplishments.
4 cycle
this is a Pinnacle of hard work and many rewards. You have the opportunity to build a foundation that will last. Your abilities as an organizer, manager, or simply the rock of any institution are greatly increased. You are dependable and reliable. Your ability to fulfill responsibilities is likewise enhanced.

As a result of your industry and perseverance, success is well within your reach. It is a step-by-step process in which you build something by small bricks laid one after another.

You will find yourself caring for others in a very material way. Family and in-laws can be burdensome, since you are seen as the cornerstone of the foundation.

Your life is preoccupied with details and responsibilities that must be taken care of. You have set in motion projects that are your children, demanding your constant attention. While there are many rewards, there are also many frustrations. Your sense of your own limits and the consuming nature of details may at times seem overwhelming.

You must remember that things that last require slow growth. You may mistakenly believe that your progress should be faster, or happen with greater ease.

The need for efficiency, orderliness, and methodical systems limit your creativity.

Your challenge is to be flexible and adaptable. Learn to play more and allow yourself to be more spontaneous.

Children born under this Pinnacle will tend to be serious and affected by the financial limitations of their parents. The child may feel the need to leave home early and start a family of his own. He or she must be encouraged to be more farsighted and flexible. The child should avoid jumping into the harsh realities of life too soon.

so in respect to your chart major change will occur during the ages of 36-37

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