Two elevens in my birthdate

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Post by firetopaz » Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:37 pm

my birth name is Lori Ann Ross

My name now is Lori Ann Basili

Funny, when I was a child I was always hiding behind behind my mothers skirt.  Could not talk to anyone unless I had to.  I was extremely shy, though most people would not describe me that way now...I talk to everyone everywhere...but I know that there are still aspects of that shy little girl.  I talk to people, but miss my mothers skirt.

You hit it on the head when you mentioned will power....I can be very lazy when it comes to bettering myself financially and that is the current issue I am working on.  I put the burden of our finances on my husband and noticed how much the pressure is getting to him.  He works unbeleivably hard and I know I could, and should,  be trying harder to carry more of this weight in our relationship.  I have been focusing on this more, meditating on the  issue daily, to understand my relationship with money so I can take positive steps to improve our financial situation.  Tomorrow I plan to put in applications  to find a better paying job.  It's way past over due. I am aware of this weakness and have made a point to put more energy into it.  Your insight is much appreciated.  I need to not give up....and to stop procrastinating

I am very happy now living in the woods in a rural area...but I do get oppressed living in the city....I feel more free to be who and what I am without having to face the ugliness of city life...the smells...too many people...the litter...i guess it could be considered mundane....and I strongly dislike it.  LOL...I do have definate ideas on what I like and dislike.

I thank you for your help...I find your insight extremely helpful..and you are helping  me so much to face my weaknesses.  If it wasn't for your support I would have put off looking for a new job for who knows how long.

Bless you all!

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:20 am

Lori Ann Ross  NO's-1(55,19),7(43,25,7),4(22,13),6(33,6),  8(98,  44,26) TOTAL LET:11 1-3,2-0,3-1,4-0,5-2,6-2,7-0,8-0,9-3(p2m3e3i3)
Lori Ann Basili  no's-9(63,18),7(43,25,7),8(35,8)  ,1(28,10),7(106,43,25) TOTAL LET:13 1-3,2-1,3-2,4-0,5-2,6-1,7-0,8-0,9-4(p2m3e4i4)
the common factors for both old & new name are 1,4 & 8.This denotes the desire for money & status.Due to your idealistic views you find it difficult in earning money.You need to develop practical approach.Your present destiny number 9 coupled with 7 can give you opportunities in scientific or research oriented lines.This can also be guided into psychic fields too when you bring 11 into picture.The 1,4 & 8 gives the skills in managing money.But here you need to struck the balance between material & spiritual fields otherwise you may land into confusion and may not be able to get productive income for your efforts.Here the giving & unselfishness of 9 is conflicting with the desire for material things,individuality of 8 & 1 numbers.If one finely sets the tune here then life can be happy.So the diplomatic talents  are required.1 challenge is demanding to be assertive & have to develop will to start the work.This number has been reinforced by coming in one of the major numbers i.e destiny in your old name.So which is telling that you have to develop the characters of individuality,will power,assertiveness etc.Once you develop it,then you are automatically get attracted towards leadership positions.This 1 have some how helped in your life to overcome the shyness in your life.But to really succeed in life the points above regarding 1 has to be developed.You can opt for healing,psychic,research,scientific,teaching professional jobs.Your temperament is showing more in emotional & intuitive fields.So you may opt for teaching,healing or psychic fields as professions.I wish you good luck.

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:21 am

what I take it that you are telling me is that i have a hard time balancing my want..or need for money with my spiritual ideals?  I have been known to give away my last $ to someone in need...somehow I manage.  I do tend to take charge wherever I work....and not to get paid for it...I think I get what you are saying.  You gave me a lot of food for thought.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:32 am

Firetopaz..perhaps it is your perception of money that is holding you back.

Repeat:  I am money magnet.  Money flows to me with ease & grace.  Money comes to be to support myself, and leaves to support others.

Money isn't bad, neither is the need or want for it, and having less or being poor isn't necessarily 'spiritual'.  Understand?  I think you may tip the balance out of your favor when you give away your last dollar to help someone in need.  There is nothing wrong with wanting material wants, needs & comforts.

Honor & Integrity.  I take care of myself FIRST without harming you; then I can take care of you without harming me.  Sometimes it isn't necessarily right to give away your last dollar.  You may be 'harming' another, by taking away the lesson they are supposed to learn by not having it.

Also, why take charge at work, if you don't get paid for it?  That is a form of harming you.  It is your superior's responsibility to take charge.  I'm sure you day will come when you are the one in charge, however ;)

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Post by NAAANEE » Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:59 am

kgirlsmomma's advice holds good in your case.Because of 2 shyness you are inhibiting yourself to ask for payment for what you work.But your 1 challenge & 1 destiny is demanding you to be assertive.
The perception of how we should look at money is rightly said by kgirlsmomma.I feel their advice is a remedy for your problem & also a road to prosperity.

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