Reading Request for Cedars

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Reading Request for Cedars

Post by summercandy » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:55 pm

Cedars, I understand that many request a reading from you - so please take your time, I am patient and appreciate your guidance.

I have had a lot of changes in my life this coming year: my boyfriend and I will be moving in together and I just lost my Grandmother who was an extremely important person in my life, and overall it has been a difficult year for me thus far.

My question is in the time of the next 6 months will I be facing anymore challenges, and if so, what is the best way to overcome these challenges?

Thank you,


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Post by cedars » Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:28 pm

Hello Summer

I am sorry I have missed your request. Sometimes the site does not show new postings with a tick sign.

Here is your reading, Summer.

Deck used: Robin Wood tarot

The present: you now: Ace of Wands (element Fire)
It looks like you are on the path of a new beginning where new ideas, new passions, creativity are all part of your life. Aces are all about new beginnings which come to us from the Universe. I feel this new beginning has passion in it and the desire to build something new in your life whether it is on the work or personal fronts – or both. This also brings forward new ideas to put into action in projects, proposals, showing your talents and creativity to the world. Overall, this a bright new beginning involving passion, creativity and firing on all cylinders, as the phrase goes.

Positive influences and energies ahead of you which you could use for your own benefit.
Page of Cups. Six of Swords.

Pages are a difficult one to suss out. They stand for a youngster, teenager or a messenger or even an adult with the energies of a young person. Being the suit of cups (Water element) they involve emotions, romance and in general the tender emotions that us humans have been privileged to be endowed with. The page of cups is a new surge of such feelings, almost a teenager’s crush on someone. He/she is a romantic at heart and at the same time could bring a message by way of the word of mouth, visit or some other means. Because they are of a younger energy, sometimes they could be carried away with their expression of their own message or emotions; they could be overwhelming in their innocent teenage style (even when the person involved is an adult). This is not a bad energy surrounding you these coming period and make the most of it whilst being aware that a younger energy may sometimes become overwhelming.
The Six of Swords is the gradual moving on into a more peaceful state of mind after the traumas and pain that have plagued your life recently. You are seen here being guided by an invisible force (guardian) to calmer shores leaving all your troubles behind and ready to embrace and greet a new horizon. It is almost like you are being taken away on a trip (could be an actual one) where you will forget the problems of the past and the a better future to look forward to.

Obstacles you should be aware of in the foreseeable future and try to work around them.
Three of Swords. Four of Wands.

The three of swords is the heartache card of the tarot and that in itself can be an obstacle in different ways. The card is depicted with a heart and three blades (swords) piercing through. There is only room for two in the heart; the third one will pierce, hurt and make the heart bleed. Please be aware of a situation like this and tread carefully. Or, it could also mean that a parting of ways, a failure or a project, conflict of personalities with someone or a partner may cause some heartache.
The four of Wands whilst a happy card which shows celebrations and partying, as it has fallen under the obstacles section of this reading, I would caution you to heed to your sense of moderation and probably not to get too carried away with premature celebrations. Or, too much partying may blind one of the actual truth that lies underneath.

Message from the Tarot.
Queen of  Cups.. Page of Pentacles.

We have two cards here from: Suit of Cups and Suit of Pentacles – Water and Earth element.
The Queen of Cups is an adult, a mother figure, a family member or someone in your life who is loving and extremely emotional. She is very intuitive and has certain psychic qualities too. This could be a person in your life – or coming into your life – who may be almost like a Godmother (the word suddenly sprung to me) to give you a helping hand with her love and in her persona. She can sometimes be over emotional but if this is what you will be in need of, then embrace this person.
Page of Pentacles. Another Page from the suit of Pentacles. This suit deals mainly with our financial and material life. Our physical needs whether it is food, good health and in general financial security. The Page of Pentacles can be a messenger bringing you good tidings about matters of finance; he/she could be an  adviser to you on how to invest your money looking ahead at the future to make it work for you. As it is a young energy, and unlike the Page of Cups, this one has got some strong ideas about how to deal with finances and a very cautious foresight

The above two are the potential of actual people in your life – or coming into your life – as a Message from the Tarot. Until such time that they appear I suspect these descriptions above may not mean much to you. I do hope that whenever they do appear, the bring their positive influence into your life.

I hope the above reading resonated with you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Once again I apologise for my delayed response.

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Post by cedars » Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:24 pm

Hello Summercandy

Although it was delayed, but I hope you have seen your reading :)

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Post by summercandy » Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:09 pm

Hi Cedars!! Thank you so much for the reading. Sorry I got back so late! Where I live there was a huge flooding (Alberta, Canada) and I was without a computer for a while (worse things could have happened) but I'm safe! This reading has given me a lot of insight for the present and the future. I feel like I have been flooding with new ideas, I just need to put them into motion. I'm hoping that the three of swords doesn't have to do with cheating (I've had enough of that in my life) my relationship thus far has been quite healthy so I'm hoping that is not the outcome. And for partying I find that interesting, I used to be quite the partier myself but I have drastically changed my behaviour, hopefully I don't fall into that again. My actual mother is the most emotional and loving person I know, who has been told she has psychic abilities, she is the closest person to my life so I am assuming this is who is meant by this card. I'm pretty good with my finances, but my boyfriend went to school for accounting so he is extremely cautious about his finances, this is probably a good thing since we are moving in with each other!

Thank you so much for the reading Cedars!! You have given me a lot of insight. Have a good day!


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Post by cedars » Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:03 pm

You are most welcome Summer and thank you for your feedback.

I wish you all the best in every avenue of your life :)

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