Requesting Cedars - Can I Have a Reading Please ?

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Requesting Cedars - Can I Have a Reading Please ?

Post by notes » Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:19 am

hi cedars

hope you are doing great in your world and enjoying good health .

though i have a feeling that i am in a growth phase and something has started manifesting itself strongly in my life.and to understand it i need guidance , a support in terms of what to do next and how( about this particular strange state of mind i am in) .

if you could tell something regarding the same it would bring some clarity to my wandering mind.

thanks a lot for your time

Last edited by notes on Fri Sep 09, 2011 2:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cedars » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:32 pm

Hello notes

Okay. This happens to us when the timing is right. With some people it happens and then it goes. With some it happens and they look into it and it develops into something.  People have such experiences, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient at certain phases in their life. They can either develop it or ignore it.
changing and i felt a strong need to have that person in my life. i have no clue why am i having these experiences . it seems something is pushing the situation to change my direction of life.
We usually don’t have a clue, but it is some form of spiritual development which is being offered to you. It is a known fact that such phenomena or experiences come to us after we have been through certain traumatic phase in our life. As to why? My simplistic answer would be: hardship teaches us; hardship makes us ‘see’ things in their true light; hardship ‘opens our eyes’; hardship makes us more mature.... and so on and so forth. Nothing can be forced against our free will; you can take it or leave it. So, please stop panicking.

You do not say what kind of clairvoyant experiences you are having. Are you seeing spirit or people on this side of life whilst they are not near you? Whatever the form or shape of your clairvoyance, is not all that important. If you want this and are not in any way threatened by it, just go with the flow and start asking questions, not the kind,  “Oh, why is this happening to me?” But questions such as study, read, keep a journal of your experiences; go to your local spiritualist church and see where these experiences lead you to. The teacher or the mentor will show up when the student is ready. At the rate you are panicking now, I don’t feel it will show up within your own time frame.
i feel the need to have a mentor in my life. i am here to request if you can read for me and tell whether i will see that person in my life soon (as i feel within) ? or i need to get out of this feeling and start thinking otherwise (that it won't happen ever) ?
You know very well not to ask that question of the cards, notes. Why are you panicking? Who knows if you will see that person soon in your life? Who knows if you should turn your back to these new phenomena in your life.
if you could tell something regarding the same it would bring some clarity to my wandering mind.
Clarity will come to you when you calm down and stop asking and wanting to know all the answers in one day. I cannot give a reading on such grounds because it just does not work in the way I view these things.

If you want to embrace this new phenomenon, embrace it with an open mind and with study, participate in development circles, visit spiritualist churches.......and soon you will know if this is for you and the path you should take.

Let us know how you get on.
Last edited by cedars on Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cedars » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:32 pm

Hello notes

Okay. This happens to us when the timing is right. With some people it happens and then it goes. With some it happens and they look into it and it develops into something.  People have such experiences, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient at certain phases in their life. They can either develop it or ignore it.
changing and i felt a strong need to have that person in my life. i have no clue why am i having these experiences . it seems something is pushing the situation to change my direction of life.
We usually don’t have a clue, but it is some form of spiritual development which is being offered to you. It is a known fact that such phenomena or experiences come to us after we have been through certain traumatic phase in our life. As to why? My simplistic answer would be: hardship teaches us; hardship makes us ‘see’ things in their true light; hardship ‘opens our eyes’; hardship makes us more mature.... and so on and so forth. Nothing can be forced against our free will; you can take it or leave it. So, please stop panicking.

You do not say what kind of clairvoyant experiences you are having. Are you seeing spirit or people on this side of life whilst they are not near you? Whatever the form or shape of your clairvoyance, is not all that important. If you want this and are not in any way threatened by it, just go with the flow and start asking questions, not the kind,  “Oh, why is this happening to me?” But questions such as study, read, keep a journal of your experiences; go to your local spiritualist church and see where these experiences lead you to. The teacher or the mentor will show up when the student is read. At the rate you are panicking now, I don’t feel it will show up within your own time frame.
i feel the need to have a mentor in my life. i am here to request if you can read for me and tell whether i will see that person in my life soon (as i feel within) ? or i need to get out of this feeling and start thinking otherwise (that it won't happen ever) ?
You know very well not to ask that question of the cards, notes. Why are you panicking? Who knows if you will see that person soon in your life? Who knows if you should turn your back to these new phenomena in your life.
if you could tell something regarding the same it would bring some clarity to my wandering mind.
Clarity will come to you when you calm down and stop asking and wanting to know all the answers in one day. I cannot give a reading on such grounds because it just does not work in the way I view these things.

If you want to embrace this new phenomenon, embrace it with an open mind and with study, participate in development circles, visit spiritualist churches.......and soon you will know if this is for you and the path you should take.

Let us know how you get on.

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Post by notes » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:46 am

hi cedars

i have pm'd u my response .
could it be possible to have a general reading instead to have an understanding of "what is going on around me" and what i should be working on to take care of things around me in a balanced manner ?

many thanks to you

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Post by cedars » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:07 am

Hello notes

Sorry for my late reply. I was busy with other stuff.
I have read everything you have said both in the public forum and via PM. I still don’t think you need a reading, but I am well-aware people don’t like such answers.
I will, therefore, give you a three-card reading based on the Major Arcana only as what you are asking or going through is not of a mundane topic.
Question: What does notes need to know about what is going on around her spiritually?

The Lovers. The Emperor. The Fool.

Looking at these three cards, I feel there is like a competition of some sorts between your conscious and unconscious mind as to which direction to take and what to make of the situation (and I dare say phenomena) around you. The logical and the intuitive side of you cannot reconcile or see why this is happening and why it is happening now? I don’t feel you should bother too much in the question as to why or why now and this rigid or realistic approach of the Emperor is to put your feet firm on the ground. Instead of the why’s and the who’s and the if’s, the approach I feel the Emperor is showing you is one of organised  and methodical understanding of the these new phenomena going on in your life and start handling them one by one. As to the style and the technique of how you handle this is up to you, but the Emperor is still reminding me that be organised about it and don’t go on a tangent by questioning every little new experience. Take it in and be ready to face the new experiences, like the Fool, and sometimes without questioning why are you doing it? The Fool starts a journey on a whim, on intuition and without guidance from anyone. He follows his sense of adventure not knowing whether he will succeed or not. In your situation, everything new that you are sensing within you has the potential to be discovered or just left there and not to be nurtured. The choice is still yours notes: do you follow the logical guidance of the Emperor or do you just let things happen and see where this all leads to? My feeling is a bit of both. Keep your mind open for the new experiences for different people experience such phenomena quite differently from the other. Accept your own development with a sense of logic as much as adventure.

I hope this made some sense to you.

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Post by notes » Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:58 pm

hi cedars

thanks a lot for reading for me and it does make sense and i hope i am able to do what you have suggested in your post .

many thanks again for your useful insight .


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Post by cedars » Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:14 pm

You are welcome my dear. All the best to you and many blessings.

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