Request your Insight - Cedars

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Request your Insight - Cedars

Post by kasgan » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:49 pm

Hi Cedars,

Firstly, let me thank you for the readings you have done here. Also, just to provide some back ground. I am visiting this forum since last year. I have got a palmistry and picture reading from the forum.

Tarot has fascinated me and would like a tarot reading regarding my finances and financial future.. the reading I recd are more than a month ago, so i guess I would qualify technically.

Hope you would accept my request.

Wish you all the best nevertheless.

Many thanks


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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:17 am

Dear Kasgan,

When I first tried to connect with you, I saw you holding a compass--square and drawing/measuring on a piece of paper. It is as though you are drawing a circle. Whether this is the state of your current job or things to come, I do not know, but you came across as being busy and somehow not enough time for other things. I feel you are under pressure either to meet a deadline or make a success of the job at hand.  I see your head down and get the feeling that there could be other jobs for you, as this seems to either be depressing you or not giving you the job satisfaction that you want.
I get the feeling that despite what you have trained, studied or qualified for, I don’t get the feeling that what you are doing right now turned out to be as you expected. But I also get a sense of determination that as things stand for now, you have to make do with it.

This was my connection with you on an energy level.

Now let us go to the cards. I am using the Rider Waite deck.

What is the outlook for Kasgan’s financial future and how can he improve it?

You now: The Empress.
It seems that at present you are in touch with your feminine-nurturing side and are in touch with your physical/material possessions. The Empress stands for abundance and also being in touch with all that is physical, sensual and sexual. She is the nurturing Mother Nature and she will gives generously to those around her. The Empress also signifies sexuality, new life, conception and a female hormones being high up on the agenda.

Energies and options available to you at present and for the immediate future:
The Fool. Page of Swords. Ace of Swords.

Some powerful cards here and least of all the Fool which indicates new beginnings, a new step albeit slightly on the mysterious side and into the unknown; taking a risk and trying a new direction partly being sure of yourself and partly trying it out to see where it leads to.  Next to it are two air elements, Swords, and with the Page of Swords I get the feeling of a young and impatient energy; mathematical in his calculation of things; assumes knows most of the answers in a teenage self-confident way. This is either a messenger or someone in your life (an adult possibly) with the described energies who may be a catalyst to your movement ahead. With the Ace of Swords, a gift from the universe of personal power, ability to judge and feel strong within yourself, qualities which you will probably need in what comes across to me as the start of something new. All Aces are gifts from the divine and this Ace of Swords is no different; it stands for mental agility, ability to convey your thoughts, the power within which takes birth gradually into your being. This is important for personal development as you may be facing some new beginnings – currently or in the near future to come.

Energies and options available to you for the way forward – near future.
Two of Swords. Queen of Cups. Eight of Pentacles.

I feel may come a stage where you may be at a stalemate or overwrought with the events and will have the tendency of sitting and not moving ahead. Whatever the cause for this state, it is fine to take a break but if and when this break goes for too long you may be sitting like this woman in the card on a stone bench with the sea behind her; she is blindfolded and she has two swords holding across her shoulders. Dont want to see, don’t want to move on. She is almost preventing herself from wanting to know the truth and seeing what is ahead. Most of the time when people are in this situation, they know the answers but either refuse to see or admit or are too scared to look further. This stalemate can be broken by the lifting of the blindfold and putting the obstacle-causing swords down and looking ahead. Accept what is there, and it may not be as bad as you thought, and only then you can move on and forward.
There is a lady, Queen of Cups, a mother figure or a woman in her fifties who may play a part in this or who is there giving you love and understanding. She is water sign, Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio. She may at times be a bit too emotional and over sensitive; she may also possess some psychic qualities and her intuitive guidance and help to you may be what you need.
With the Eight of Pentacles (Earth element) we see you back at work, head down and learning something new, working hard and carving those coins. The process may be a slow one where you may keep working at it, but it is nevertheless a positive step in your career/financial development.

I hope this reading resonated with you. It may have not given you a prophetic answer to your question, but I do hope it gave you some insights to the question you asked.
Best wishes.

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Post by cedars » Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:02 am

HI Kasgan
I am wondering if you have seen your reading yet....

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Post by mindlake » Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:31 pm

just going through the forums right now...
thats a nice work you are doing here cedars.. :)


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Post by cedars » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:03 am

Oh, thank you very much Tarun. So generous of you to say so. Am touched.
Welcome to Mystic Board and enjoy your stay.

Once again, thank you very much for your generosity :)

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THANK YOU - Cedars

Post by kasgan » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:37 am

Hi Cedars,

Please accept my sincere gratitude and thanks.

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Thank you for your insight.

Appreciate it a lot. I guess the reading matches my current situation specially the energy reading. So essentially more effort would be required to come out of the impasse I am facing..

I have one more question if you may like to answer. What is the outcome? say in 5 years from now? Will it become a success?

Guess future would be hard work and learning new trades.

Many thanks again


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Post by cedars » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:02 pm

I have one more question if you may like to answer. What is the outcome? say in 5 years from now? Will it become a success?
It is anybody's guess my friend and, forgive me for saying so, your question is rather far fetched and somewhat premature. No one can predict the future that far ahead and you should not even look for answers five years from now. Why? Why would you take the fun out of  living by wanting to know, assuming someone was able to tell you an outcome five years ahead?

Readings such as this are meant to cover a time span of six months or longer.

I strongly suggest that you do your best and let the Future take care of itself.

All the best to you and thank you for your feedback.

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