request to cedars

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request to cedars

Post by notes » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:59 am

hi cedars

could you please give me a reading as how my love life would be in coming future ..??

it would be much appreciated as always .... !


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Post by cedars » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:50 am

Dear Notes

If you would allow me to comment that you have just had a reading on the 15th of June - albeit about a different situation - but I am beginning to see a trend here about being dependent on readings in every aspect of your life and that does not make me comfortable to rise to the occasoin.

Site rules suggest one reading every 30 days but I would like to  reiterate  here to you and to others that picking a new or a different topic every 30 days leads to some form of dependency on readings. I do not feel comfortable with this.

With affection to you,

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Post by notes » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:54 pm

hi cedars

first of all i apologise for asking for another reading before 30 days . i was under the impression that 30 days are over already . i didn't really have any intention to break the forum rules.

secondly and very humbly i would like to state that i haven't been asking for readings consistently as has been written in the post . yes i have had readings in the past with a gap of 2 months or even 6 months that too just because i had so much going on at the time in various areas mentioned thereof. and more importantly, sometimes people don't really know how to phrase their questions so they get to have the insights for the things they want to know about . sometimes it is just so confusing to know what one should be asking for when so much happenes at the same time and that too for long periods of time. this is the major reason in my opinion that makes them come again for another reading (ofcourse not always) . this is a great platform and i myself am of the opinion that one should not abuse it by getting all dependent on it . it's been a while since i asked for a love reading on this forum but i would delete my post if it makes me seem repetitive in my requests and you are not comfortable reading for the same.

thanks for being patient with me
i hope you are enjoying your time

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Post by cedars » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:40 pm

My dear Notes,

It is not a matter of being impatient at all. I was simply thinking of you where I sensed a reliance on readings. I wouldn't want this to happen to you or to anyone else. In the past I have made my message clear to people who kept asking for reading after reading - every time they were faced with a new issue.... The very notion that people 'relied' on readings was disturbing for me (I am not referring to you here).

I will still be happy to give you a reading in a few days' time, if you still want me to.

If I forget, please do remind me via PM :)

Best wishes and I am sorry if my comments sounded insensitive.


p.s. if you want me to do the reading for you - or leave it open to anyone else - please let me know (without too much detail) if you are currently seeing someone; about to date someone or is there a potential of someone on the horizon?

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Post by notes » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:22 pm

hi cedars
please don't think that it came across as an insensitive post to me . rather i have always found you to be very genuine in making your point and quite articulate when sending the message across . i just wanted to make my point clear for the reasons people come here and make requests and what makes them sometimes come for more. i have a great respect for you as a person as well as a great clairaudient and for the way you deal with the requests on the board and write your comments. you are one of those people for me who leave others with a good feeling about themselves always and i adore you for that (believe me) .

if you can read , i would like to have a reading whenever you have time to do so. i just wanted to know how it looks in the area of love for me for next 6 months or so. there is no person as such around currently .

thanks for being kind and patient

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Post by cedars » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:01 pm

It will be my pleasure and privilege to do so notes.
Thank you for your kind words and surely I do not deserve what you have said about me >

I will post your reading here as soon as I can.

Best wishes .

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Post by notes » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:11 am

thanks cedars
i'll wait to hear from you again .

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Post by cedars » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:22 am

Dear Notes

As I tried to connect with your energies, I got a vision of a gentle lady both in physique and in character that lives life on the quiet lane. She is not too demanding and sees the good in everyone else around her. She is happy with her material belongings, no matter how little or simple they are. I get the feeling that she would like some more; some passion or excitement in her life, but she is not pushy and does not force the natural course of events. I feel your parents have had an influence in building your character and personality and this gentleness – I am almost tempted to use the word timidity – has been part of your upbringing. I get the feeling that you are happy in your own skin and in your own company. You would not go out of your way to join the party and yet in your own way you are not a hermit either.

All that I am getting about you is yourself and not too many others around you. Sometimes I get drawn to connect with a seeker before picking the cards and this is what I have sensed about you so far.

I will now refer to the cards. I am using the Rider Waite deck.

I asked the very same question as you did in your posting: How does it look for notes in the area of love and romance for the coming six months?

Energies and actions of the Past that may or may not have a bearing on the Present.
IV of Wands. V of Wands.

We have two fire elements as the energies or actions of your past which may have an impact on your present. Sometimes the past stays in the past, but its effects invariably move into our present too.
We have two conflicting situations here. One refers to a possible home situation where there has been either some hard work around a project and the fruits of this project (or joint efforts) have been enjoyed by all. It seems almost like a celebration of efforts coming into fruition; like the approval of a mortgage loan, or putting the foundations of new roots and hence having a thanksgiving session with friends and family. Whether as a result of that or in the process, there has also been a feud of some sort; opinions being aired out in the open; voices being raised and in a way I sense the celebrations or that said project has led to some form of disagreements amongst certain members. It feels like an exchange of opinions or different opinions in a group of people. Disagreements and differences in opinion are good to be aired as long as they are done objectively with a view to rectify a situation.

Energies and thoughts and actions of the Present.

VI of Wands. The Hierophant.

We seem to go in a numerical sequence with the Wands and we are still in the area of the Fire element.
It feels as though the arguments and the discussions have paid their dividends and you seem to have come out of it triumphantly, as this leader in the VI of Wands riding on his horse and being applauded by his admirers – the return of the victorious from the battlefield, so to speak. Five was the strife and Six is the gradual transformation from that to the calm and starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Next to it we have a major Arcana card – The Hierophant – who stands for tried and tested values; learning a few lessons from our experiences and also conforming to what the society expects from us. The Hierophant is our spiritual leader on the earthly plane. He guides us and also teaches us certain lessons that we need to learn to keep things practical and adherence to what has worked for us. He is like the mentor to whom we go for guidance; that indirect realisation showing us to stick to what we believe in and stay true to our beliefs and personal values.

Energies/ thoughts/ actions yet to come.
The Moon. The Lovers. Wheel of Fortune.

We have three major Arcana cards for the things to come for the future.
At some stage in the future, there could be an element of doubt as to what is happening or what might be going on around you. That is the Moon for you. You may start wondering who to believe in and whose word to take to be the truth. The Moon could be a phase in your future where you may be having doubts about everything around you. But, it is also an intuitive phase within you where despite what appearances may tell, you may feel differently about things deep within. This phase, hopefully, should not last for too long as doubts  hit us most when we cannot see clearly in the hours of the dark for when the sun comes up and all things become clearer to the eyes and the mind.
The next two cards in the future are quite exciting: The Lovers indicates a strong feeling towards something you believe in and you give your devotion to it with all your heart. It is a strong tendency towards a new love in your life, whether it is on a romantic scale or on a different level towards a new found awakening which takes over your life. Combined with that the Wheel of Fortune heralds changes in your fortunes, a turning point, and a total shift in your life presenting you with new opportunities thus changing the course of your life.
I am not surprised the Moon would confuse you and put your mind in certain doubts on the events coming about in the near future.
Now, we need some guidance – if you like a divine guidance - and a message from the Tarot.

Message from the Tarot.
Death & Ace of Wands.

We are still marching ahead with the Majors, notes. The Death card heralds changes and not to be confused with the physical death. I get the feeling that the serenity of your present life may need a total overhaul to bring about the changes that are necessary for you to turn a new leaf, a new page in your life to start afresh.  Change can be daunting and sometimes we try and avoid them, but it will be necessary if you are to embrace what the Wheel of Fortune may have in store for you.
Ace of Wands, once again, we have new beginnings here in the area of passion, creativity, new ideas and PASSION itself towards something new coming into your life. The Death card and the gift of the Ace of Wands tell me only one thing: that a change is necessary to greet the new beginnings in your future to come.

By how much this reading resonated with you on the love and romance front, I do not know my dear notes. If the Lovers card is the big love that is coming into your life in the future, then so be it. If it is the choices you need to make in order to greet what the Wheel of Fortune has to offer you, then again, so be it. Sometimes we are not given all the answers to our questions in a reading; sometimes the answers we get are a lot more pressing than what we think is lacking in our life.
Please make of this reading what you will.   Do not be afraid of the messages and if you should need to make changes in your life (Death) then the new energy and passion promised by the Ace of Wands will aid you in your steps.

Best wishes.


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Post by notes » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:59 am

wow ... i must say that everything you have mentioned about all that has happened in the past  and about present as well is accurate . a lot has happened in the recent past that has left me wondering what next ..??
i am very unhappy about few aspects of my life and want them to change for myself. but i was under the impression that all was over already and i need to move on with what i have today and work on it  . you have given me a lot to think about . it is relatively quite calm at present as compared to how it used to be before in my life .... but had no idea that there is more to come yet ... i am actually surprised  !!!!

many thanks for the reading .


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Post by cedars » Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:32 am

You are welcome. Life is a never ending cycle and change...
Enjoy the ride :)


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