A reading, insight, guidance will be highly appreciated

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A reading, insight, guidance will be highly appreciated

Post by ThePilgrim » Fri May 13, 2011 2:32 pm

I am running my business from past 5 years. Things have been tough almost all the while. There are times when all hope seems lost, probably current time is such. Motivation is at all time low. Don't know if destiny holds for me to be a struggler all through, or there are bright times in future.

A reading about business prospects and results for next 3 months in specific, and overall in general will be very helpful.

I don't mind harsh and true assessment, infact it is better than sugar-coated false hopes. Atleast, it stirs you up and prepares you harder for the battle ahead.


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Re: A reading, insight, guidance will be highly appreciated

Post by Cascade of Light » Sun May 15, 2011 1:44 pm

ThePilgrim wrote:I am running my business from past 5 years. Things have been tough almost all the while. There are times when all hope seems lost, probably current time is such. Motivation is at all time low. Don't know if destiny holds for me to be a struggler all through, or there are bright times in future.

A reading about business prospects and results for next 3 months in specific, and overall in general will be very helpful.

I don't mind harsh and true assessment, infact it is better than sugar-coated false hopes. Atleast, it stirs you up and prepares you harder for the battle ahead.


Hi I have chosen to use the Tarot Cross and my Medieval deck for your reading :) The cards are place in the form of a cross. +

Centre - You, the centre of the problem, The Hermit
Covers - What covers or surrounds the situation, Force
Crosses - What crosses or causes strife , Death
Above - What your conscious mind thinks, Two of Wands
Below - What lies in your sub-conscious, Ace of Swords
Behind - What is the background, Five of Cups
Before - What lies in front of this situation, Five of Swords

At first glance we have three majors, all in the centre surrounding you, two Swords, one Wand, one Cups and no Pentacles, the suit of finance, so the problem or rather the information this reading is giving does not relate to finances or possessions, more strife and worries and arguments of the spoken word.

Centre - You, the centre of the problem, The Hermit.

You are alone at the moment, making decisions with the aid of a light, you are looking to the past to help you out here, things were alright before so what did you do wrong to cause this situation? You must not beat yourself up, use your inner wisdom to help sort things out in a detached and calm manner, take yourself out of the picture and now look at things without emotion or worry. You may see something completely different.

Covers - What covers or surrounds the situation, Force.

There was a time when you seemed to be able to do anything easily, no force was necessary, no harsh words or threats, things just fell into place when wanted. Now you are feeling threatened and unsure what to do next. Do not allow yourself to be forced into anything, stay strong inside and try not to worry about things that you cannot change, instead, change the things you can.

Crosses - What crosses or causes strife , Death.

Absolute change - deep inside you resent change, you are unwilling to change and you do not want to listen to anything that is being said. You make the decisions and you will choose the next step. But sometimes change is unavoidable, sometimes we have to move on and allow the past to go and look to the future. Change isn't always bad, if we do not change things and keep up to date we can get left behind as the market changes according to demand. Review what it is you are doing and then see where you can easily afffect a change without too much strife. Small changes can be enough to start things rolling better.

Above - What your conscious mind thinks, Two of Wands.

You may feel fearful and think that things are out of hand and that you are losing control. The two Wands in this card are set on fire, they are burning and instead of the figure trying to put them out, he sits weeping whilst he watches the enchanting flames. You know what to do to make things improve but you are held in the past, unwilling to accept what is happening, instead of watching, jump up, move, act.

Below - What lies in your sub-conscious, Ace of Swords.

You sub-conscious mind wants a new start, the Ace shows that deep inside you there is a fierce new champion waiting to emerge. The sword is very sharp and can cut through all the red tape and blocks that may stand in your way, all you need to do is to allow yourself freedom. There is a snake entwined alon the sword which symbolises healing and cleansing, listen to your heart and see what could be possible now.

Behind - What is the background, Five of Cups.

Now is the time to let go of some things, to allow the past memories, emotions and feelings to fade away, only keeping hold of the knowledge learned, allow everything else to go, save this new found energy and use it to increase your vitality and enthusiasm that will help you get out of this. You do not need to draw on the past, instead look to the bright future and draw strength from what you see there.

Before - What lies in front of this situation, Five of Swords.

From the Five of Cups full of emotional worry to the Five of Swords and a future that you cut out and make for yourself. Do not allow yourself to fall into any traps for the unwary, this is not a time to sit still or to rest, now is the time to fight , to take action and to start the change that you want to achieve. With the past behind you take stock of the assets you have, take a long hard look at what you really are doing and then decide. Be determined and critical and cut away that which is not needed, that which does not pay its way or make a profit, turn things around and build on new, fresh ground.


You are in a situation that you need to face up to, but you also need to do this in a positive manner, things that are wrong need to be put right, things that are negative need to be changed, and things that are no longer needed need to be removed. Change is coming, you already know that, make it the change that You want, so start today and polish that Hermit's lantern to show you the way to a brighter light Good Luck!  :)

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Post by ThePilgrim » Mon May 16, 2011 7:07 pm

Hi Cascade of light
Thanks for such a wonderful insightful effort. Reading it, I felt that I am just listening to myself. But with so many problems/things happening around, vision is blurred a lot.
Any possibility that you can try to provide a more materialistic sort of a reading? Not sure if am able to explain properly. I am probably looking for a bit more direct sort of view, something easier to understand/follow.

Not implying that reading did not help, it has really given me a vision, but probably need a more direct view to ease/simulate my highly tense brain cells atm.

@Cedars .. possible for you to spare some time buddy?

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Post by cedars » Tue May 17, 2011 11:10 am

Hello Pilgrim,

I just happened to see your footnote in your reply to Cassie.

My friend Cassie has given you an in-depth reading and I am sure she will clarify matters for you if you have any points where you are not sure.

You are in good hands.

Best wishes.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue May 17, 2011 11:57 am


I am really sorry that my reading was not what you wanted. Maybe next time you request you could ask for only Cedars to read for you?

If I made the reading any more direct I would be telling you exactly what to do, and that is not what I see my role as, especially not on a public forum. I am here to facilitate the exchange of information. It is up to you what you want to do with it.

The future is still unmade, I have only highlighted the possibilities, it is now up to you to put in the hard work and make the decisions and choices and then follow them through. Both you know, and I know, what is happening. There  is no need for me to be any blunter and put it into written words. Words have their own immense power and right now you have the power to change, and improve and achieve exactly what you want. :)

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Post by TarotModerator » Tue May 17, 2011 5:12 pm

Hello The Pilgrim,

It is unethical nor would it be right for you - as the querent - to request a further reading from someone else once a thorough reading has been given, which I believe is the case here.

Cascade of Light has already given you a reading and any questions you have about the reading should be addressed to her and not someone else.  

This type of behaviour may even jeopardise your chances  for future readings.

You are welcome to Mystic Board and I hope you have a pleasant stay :)

Best wishes.


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Post by ThePilgrim » Tue May 17, 2011 7:43 pm

I understand what you mean to say. And I see that what I did was wrong, though intentions were nothing bad. But yes, I certainly do see your point and completely appreciate it with full heart and soul.
I'll definitely take care in future.

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Post by ThePilgrim » Tue May 17, 2011 8:09 pm

Cascade of Light wrote:Hi,

I am really sorry that my reading was not what you wanted. Maybe next time you request you could ask for only Cedars to read for you?

If I made the reading any more direct I would be telling you exactly what to do, and that is not what I see my role as, especially not on a public forum. I am here to facilitate the exchange of information. It is up to you what you want to do with it.

The future is still unmade, I have only highlighted the possibilities, it is now up to you to put in the hard work and make the decisions and choices and then follow them through. Both you know, and I know, what is happening. There  is no need for me to be any blunter and put it into written words. Words have their own immense power and right now you have the power to change, and improve and achieve exactly what you want. :)
Hi Cascade of Light
Firstly I would like to apologize if anything has hurt your or forums' sentiments in general. It was probably just a release of nervous energy, but yes, a mistake is a mistake, which I did.

Now, back to reading,
I would like to begin by saying again as I said before that it was a very wonderful and probably the truest possible reading. Indeed, it was so true that it magnified my life's current crossroad so much in front of my eyes, that I panicked. I know that the answers and the energy lie within me, and that's what your reading asked me to focus at.
But these are times when you are at such a low ebb, when you cannot differentiate between what is your inner voice and what is your skepticism, what is your wisdom and what is your being fearful. The times when you are unable to hear your own mind and voice.
Ok, being a bit direct, here is the cross-road:

I took a plunge, a risk, chose a path traversed by few a couple of years ago. As a person it has helped me grow a lot. It is at the core of my heart, my deepest and truest desire.
But some bad planning, coupled with probably some bad karma, some bad execution etc - I am today at a position where it all seems to have failed till now (as per the targets and expectations, of mine and everybody else). And I know its not right the way it is going, and "atleast something" needs to be changed.

Every single moment, I am hearing two voices within me, dunno which is true and which is not -

1. I am having a strong feel that there is potential ahead and one part of me says to take the next step, increase risk where necessary, take on the world and challenges with new vigour, forget about the consequences, forget about mistakes made and kick ahead with the same enthusiasm and hopes, that I started the journey with a couple of years ago - and everything will soon fall in place. I am not afraid of my life going in vain even if it does not succeeds and I keep struggling for next 60 years. I am afraid for people around me who depend on me, what if I do not succeed! But sticking to it and moving ahead with full risk and vigor is what I identify my life with.

2. Other half says - stop, change the path, atleast for now. Go for safer option. Care for people who depend on you. Don't take more risk. Dreams are childish. Go with tried and tested route. This will sort everything in my life on materialistic plane, will take care of family and everything else. But this will kill the very purpose of my life! Heart here says - don't be foolish. Stop "spending life" like this. Save for a couple of month/years, go safe and then later see what to do. Be practical!

I do not know what road to follow. Both means letting go something. Both means fighting something. I know for sure that next 2-3 months are very crucial and something needs to be changed - one option of the above 2 needs to be chosen. .

Dear Cascade, this is the situation elaborated and explained. Now, am all ears-heart-and-soul for your guidance.
Reply awaited.
Thanks and apologies once again.

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Post by ThePilgrim » Thu May 19, 2011 6:54 pm

Hi Cascade of Light
You feel that you will be able to find some time this week to think, read and guide on follow-up details I posted here?

Thanks again for your efforts and time. :)

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Post by TarotModerator » Mon May 23, 2011 12:18 pm

Dear Pilgrim

You have already been given one reading by Cascade of Light and it looks to me you are asking in a roundabout way for a second reading with your additional question(s).
My dear one, not much is going to change (if any at all) from the reading already given to you. I see no point in changing or modifying the question in order to get your answers. Your reading by Cascade of Light has been a thorough one and I strongly suggest tha you re-read and obtain the messages there for you.

If you need some light to be added in some areas of your reading, I leave that to Cassie to elaborate at her discretion, should you choose to put forward your question to her, BUT not a second reading, please.

As readers we cannot go back and modify our reading. The messages and the insights that come to us are at that moment. The only thing we would or could probably do is explain to you the cards and their meanings and how they relate to the spread that has been used.
1. I am having a strong feel that there is potential ahead and one part of me says to take the next step, increase risk where necessary, take on the world and challenges with new vigour, forget about the consequences, forget about mistakes made and kick ahead with the same enthusiasm and hopes, that I started the journey with a couple of years ago - and everything will soon fall in place. I am not afraid of my life going in vain even if it does not succeeds and I keep struggling for next 60 years. I am afraid for people around me who depend on me, what if I do not succeed! But sticking to it and moving ahead with full risk and vigor is what I identify my life with.

2. Other half says - stop, change the path, atleast for now. Go for safer option. Care for people who depend on you. Don't take more risk. Dreams are childish. Go with tried and tested route. This will sort everything in my life on materialistic plane, will take care of family and everything else. But this will kill the very purpose of my life! Heart here says - don't be foolish. Stop "spending life" like this. Save for a couple of month/years, go safe and then later see what to do. Be practical!

I do not know what road to follow. Both means letting go something. Both means fighting something. I know for sure that next 2-3 months are very crucial and something needs to be changed - one option of the above 2 needs to be chosen. .
Please review the reading already given to you and the answers may lie in there for you. If you do not see or find the answers, then you cannot pose a second set of questions within a reading already given. Am afraid you will need to wait for the designated 30-day period for your next reading.

Please re-read the Seeker's guidelines on how to format your request for a reading, and also what type of questions not to ask.

Thank you and do enjoy your visits to Mystic Board.


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Post by ThePilgrim » Mon May 23, 2011 10:50 pm

Hi Moderator
Its never pleasing to interact so much with the moderator, as it means that you are doing something wrong ;) lol

But just to clarify my end of the coin, please allow me to mention 2 points in my last post on the forum:
1. The second post of mine that you just quoted was exactly same as the first post, albeit with "inner" details of the matter let out this time.
2. I had no intention to get a 2nd reading. Only intention of elaborating details was to request the dear reader if she can "explain" her existing reading a bit more in the light of details posted. So the only thing asked was a help to "understand" the reading and it ain't that unfair, or is it really? The desire was to get some more kind discussion and dialogue over the existing reading with Cascade of Light, if and when time permits her.

Also, being owner and administrator of more than 5 forum websites myself from past 5 years, breaking a forum rule would my last intention.

@TarotModerator, thanks once again for your time and effort to explain things.

@Cascade of Light, thanks once again for your reading. That has been really help. And am not saying it for formality. The reading you gave pained in front of me the exact situation I am in. :) It is sad that I couldn't have a discussion forward with you, but probably it is not the time.


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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed May 25, 2011 9:58 am

Hi Pilgrim,

Our moderators here take an active part in the forum, they do not just tell people off, they are here to help. So please don't feel uncomfortable. :)

I can see that we are going round and round in circles. Rather than leave you like this, I will pm you with my details and see if we can discuss this in real time so that you are completely happy as I do not like leaving anyone unsatisified, even if this is a free reading.


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Post by TarotModerator » Wed May 25, 2011 10:08 am

Hello Pilgrim

I second what Cassie has said and my comments should not be taken as though you were being 'told off'. Far from it. In fact, I did encourage you to get in touch with Cassie for further clarification and I see that she has already offered you communication to clarify certain aspects of your reading.

No, no :) it should never be an unpleasant experience interacting with Mod's. I/we are here to help you and others.

Please do not be a stranger to the boards. You are welcome to visit us as often as you like and express your thoughts in any forum of your liking. You can also request readings within the one-month designated period between each reading.

Smile :)

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