Divi Tarot Card Reading- Has anyone ever had one?

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Divi Tarot Card Reading- Has anyone ever had one?

Post by amethyst3640 » Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:10 pm

Good afternoon,

I recently, got a divitarot card reading (Free Tarot Reading here) and I wanted to know if anyone has ever gotten one done. If so, was any of it true or did it come true (some) of it for you?

Here is what came up for me: My predictions

A friend (woman) will bring you a lot of tenderness and your good relationship with her will deepen more. An event will encourage you to share your inner emotions with her and her support for you will be total. That friendship will be favourable for her also, and she will benefit of it as much as you.

You await something extraordinary. It’s something very important for you. You hope for a major turning point in your life. You want to improve your life, and this, in a radical and splendid way. You don’t expect anything. It’s something very definite. You know exactly what you wish. That can be the hope of a new employment, a new love or anything else which makes you dream a lot. If it’s job, you know exactly which one. If it’s a new love, you know exactly which person it is. You have great hope in that dream and you ardently desire that your wish come true.

You have a love choice to make. It’s a major choice. Be careful not to fall into a trap. That choice seems easy to make, but however you must think of it more. Concretely, your choice is also related to an important monetary issue. Love and money are not on the same side. A person worries a lot about the choice you are about to make.

Beware to the sword of a rival. A person will try to create you serious problems or to bring you considerable troubles. You will have to protect yourself.

A wind of very important changes is to come in your way of perceiving the things which are important to you. You will go through a period of great interior upheavals and you will revise your plans for the future and your moral sense. Your ideas, your thoughts and your ambitions will change, and this, starting from the foundation of your ideology of the human existence and the reasons which have bring you where you are now. So, major changes are to happen following an important questioning that you will make or that somebody else will cause you. You will revalue your priorities and you will reconsider the majority of the aspects of your life. From your current point of view, your future does not seem to promise you what you are really seeking for. It seems that you will have to find and analyze the reasons which justify your aspirations, actions and your relations with others. You will have to be very serious in your questioning, because some people that you love will be part of it.

A woman will try to acquire something that you deserve and that belongs to you. This woman can be recognised by her frivolous mores and her sexual infidelity. Her habits and her actions are most of the time infuriating. Her desperate desire to do anything she can to steal you a property that it’s yours is really surprising and very reckless. You will need to be vigilant against her actions, because she might even succeed in diverting people who are close to you, and this, with an unsuspected hypocrisy. Therefore, you will need to impose yourself, because she has the capacity of harming you if you fail to curb her or if you do not take the decision to stop her quickly and definitively!

A new woman in your entourage has psychological problems. Her problems are following a love ordeal that she has not yet overcome. She is a devoted and organized woman. On the other hand, to be happy and in health, she needs to maintain a close relationship with another person. The loneliness and especially the rejection are very hard things to live for her. She cannot reach a psychic balance if she is not associated with another person, no matter if it’s a man or a woman. She is currently in a social situation that makes her very vulnerable on all aspects of her existence. In addition to being confronted to a fragile emotive health, she must also overcome significant financial problems which were caused by her recent separation. Her distress is so great, that she will accept to join a new man very quickly, and this, without taking time to evaluate all the consequences of her eagerness.

You are grieved by an absence. A person whom you love has fled. He/she found refuge at a friend. There is a dissension between you two. You can almost do nothing to change the situation. That person reproaches you something. In spite of your perseverance, that worries you deeply. Everything point out that you will have to change radically your approach or your attitude towards that person, if you really wish him/her to come back. However, your desire of reconciliation with that being is very ambiguous. Your position is difficult to understand. You are currently experiencing a great hesitation facing that person.

A person will intensify his/her actions to have more intimacy with you. That person has a huge crush on you. He/she is a fan of you and his/her initiatives will be unforeseeable and rather disconcerting. He/she will cause an inner conflict in your mind. He/she will confuse your thoughts. You will even have guilty thoughts because of him/her. He/she will create in you a mixture of desire and culpability. That will appear in your attitude with people that you have daily interactions. You will be found dreamer and strange. Some of your close relations will question you and you will be embarrassed to confide in them. You will keep everything secret, because you won’t know how to manage your feelings and your emotions concerning that situation.

A new friendship is to come with a young woman whom you will meet and who will show a lot of familiarity towards you.

You will discover a great secret. That secret is about a man close to you. That man has done something very bad. What you will learn will have a very significant impact on your relationship with that person. That man will deny a detrimental action which he has committed in the past. He will lie to you and he will challenge you to prove what you will have learned. The action that he committed in the past is so serious, that he will deny all, and this, with an obstinacy that will be very disconcerting, or even threatening. You will consider cutting your bond with that man, and you will be right to do so. Be careful not to let him sow doubt in your mind.

A person seeks to tell you something. It’s a person who is linked to you on the love level, or it’s a person who wishes to reveal you his/her love. That person would like that you share more time with him/her. He/she understands well your situation, but he/she hopes to see you doing more to get closer to him/her. That person wants to see you demonstrate a greater open-mindedness in your relationship with him/her. Even though he/she feels powerless to change things, that person needs you and he/she sincerely wishes to have a private conversation with you.

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:32 am

Hi amethyst3640,

Chances are very slim for us to have had that kind of reading before!

There are so many decks in circulation that it is not surprising in the untold numbers of request, as yours.

We will not be able to tell you, if it will happen or won't. It is entirely up to you if you are going to have what was said. Tarot reading is more a guideline than actual firm predictions.

Blessed be.

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Post by cedars » Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:23 am

Hi Amethyst

Are you suggesting that with certain decks things do come true and with certain others they dont? Are you asking that questionj?

Giving out your whole reading is irrelevant here; means nothing to any one of us except to you.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:21 pm

Divitarot is a machine reading. I got several of the same predictions when I tried it. It is all just for fun, please don't take any of them seriously! They are pre-typed and picked at random for the seeker by software.  These readings can damage your health! They are rubbish.

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Post by cedars » Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:26 pm

Oh, thank you Cassie, I did not realise it was a computer-generated, machine reading..

Then it is a No, No for me!

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Post by amethyst3640 » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:50 pm

Ok thank you

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:30 pm

Hi Cassie,
So nice to bump into you again :smt006, as if we don't!

Shows you, in for a penny, in for a pound. Although we have our Tarot software, we don't use it to do readings. Just better when it's hands-on and done with real intuition and emotions!!

Blessed be.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:12 pm

Hey PW   :smt006

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Post by hikidiki » Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:38 am

I think that tarot card readings help you better understand your past and current state of life they give you some guidance, showing the available paths ahead of you and which one would be best for you to choose. The course of actions that you are going to take depends entirely on you.

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