New Years Tarot Reading Request from Cedars

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New Years Tarot Reading Request from Cedars

Post by horus1123 » Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:49 pm

Merry Christmas Cedars!

Hope you are enjoying the Holidays...

Well, I know that I got a reading from you a couple months ago; however, things are ever-changing and I would like a Tarot Reading for the New Year in regards to health, career, relationships, and finances. What do you see for me in these areas for the New Year?

Don't scold me (as you sometimes do) for requesting another reading so soon...humor me!

Thank you, and all the best for the New Year!


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Post by cedars » Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:25 pm


Good to see you again. Thank for your Christmas wishes and I do hope you have had a good Christmas yourself. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, I wish you a very happy New Year.
After such a long time being here, you know we can only allow one question in a reading, least of all a 'heath' question. We do not do health readings.

I have never scolded you for requesting readings, but I may have shown concern that you do tend to get too dependent on readings. That’s all.
You must also be aware a reading ‘’for the New Year’’ does not last all the year around. Things change; you change; you make a decision that changes the whole course of a reading. Please take these readings as some form of guidance.

I will do a general reading and will ask a very general question:

What is the outlook and advice available for Horus for the next 3 – 6 months?

Rider Waite deck.

The Present: Knight of Swords.
At present either you are in a constant state of movement, restlessness, going from destination or thought process to the other, or a person around you is behaving in such a reckless manner. If this is a person, I warn you not to take him so lightly, as he can be quite intelligent (and he knows it) but he can also be cocky and self-confident with no sense of modest about it. He may promise things but not necessarily deliver them. He may get up and running with him and possibly not lead you to where he promised. If this person is currently in or around your life, I would suggest that you take what he says and does with a pinch of salt and consider your options before you succumb to his words or ideas.

The Future: Two of Wands. Seven of Swords.

I feel you may need to make a choice about a career situation or an idea that you have which promises good tidings. I feel you have been considering about this (this may not be something new for you) and been toying whether to do it or not and the likelihood of making a choice is on the cards. Wands, the element of Fire, stand for creativity, new ideas, new projects and using your own inner energies – almost like a flame coming out and taking over your whole mind.  However, amidst alongside this the Seven of Swords is a warning that people or someone around you may not be as honest as they pretend to be. You may be forced to cut your losses and go on your own or whatever deceit is going around you, may cause you to be in a situation to run away and avoid any more losses than you care to incur.

Tips and Advice: King of Wands. Death.
Another Fire element in the person of the King of Wands – fire sign of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) would give you a helping hand or have a positive impact in your dealings. This person can be a businessman, a doctor, a lawyer or just a family member. I get the feeling he is outside of your family whose experience and (I am getting the word ‘business’) advice will be of help to you. Then we have a change of situation where things could not stay as they are and total change of chapter will be necessary. The death of an old chapter and the beginning of a new and a fresh one. Death being a major Arcana card, may be induced upon you by the universe because it may be the only way for your highest good.

Obstacles: Four of Swords.

This is the state of lying low and taking some time out to gather your resources and be detached from the environment. Whilst it may be felt necessary to do so, but being under the Obstacles placement, it may be wise to re-think about this state of mind and be aware of what is going on around you without totally detaching yourself from the real world.

The Answer/Summary: Two of Pentacles. The Hierophant.
The answer or the advice is that you may need to bide your time and make do with the resources available to you until such time when things change and your plans (or investments) which may be out there working for you, bring in their dividends. This is not such a bad state to be in, as the man in the Two of Pentacles is tossing about his possibilities in a circle of eight (infinity) and is quite content with that situation. He knows things are brewing on the back burner and sooner or later, they will come into fruition. Alongside this, there is some advice for you to learn from your experiences and perhaps start looking at things around you which are more familiar and get involved with tried-and-tested methods rather than jump into the deep end. The Hierophant is all about convention, lessons learnt and also following the guidance of those older than you, be it someone religious, and elderly in the family or a guru of some sort.

I do hope this resonated with you and you take from it what is relevant for you.

Best wishes.

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Post by scri » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:12 pm

Interesting reading :)

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Post by horus1123 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:09 am

Hello Cedars,

Thank you for the reading. It is a little different than I expected (particularly the Knight and Seven of Swords cards), but otherwise, the reading was dead-on as usual.

Happy 2012!


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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:09 am

Ah.... what we expect does not always come out to be, Horus.
Anyhow, happy 2012.

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