Reading Request for Cedars

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Reading Request for Cedars

Post by notes » Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:13 pm

dear cedars

could you please give me a karmic/life purpose reading if you have time?

i would like to know what have i learnt over many lifetimes,what are my strengths and weeknesses ,what are the current obstacles and how to make myself aware of them and work on removing them,what do i need to learn to be able to walk on the path that has been set by divine for me in this life ..i want to know where am i heading next and what is the purpose of this life path that has been chosen for me ?what are the soul lessons i still have to learn?and if i am repeating the old karmic patterns what should i be doing to overcome them so i can progress on soul level in this life . or whatever you can find in this karmic life purpose spread for me i would be glad to recieve it !

i would be grately thankful to you for doing this for me. i have been recovering from old wounds and on a different path that leads to exploring more of myself. i would be happy to recieve some guidance from you in the form of reading if you can do so for me !

thank you so much for your time and energy !

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Post by cedars » Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:09 am

Notes, here are the questions you have asked:
Karmic/Life purpose reading.
What I have learnt over many lifetimes?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
What are the current obstacles and how to make myself aware and work on removing them?
What do I need to learn to be able to walk on the path has been set by the divine for me in this life?
I want to know where I am heading next and what is the purpose of this life path that has been chosen for me?
What are the soul lessons I still have to learn?
And if I am repeating the old karmic patterns what should I be doing to overcome them?
Or, whatever you can find in this karmic life purpose spread for me.
Why all these questions? All these complicated questions? Since I have known you and started giving readings to you, I have noticed your questions are far- fetched and you are always trying to find the answers to the intangible. Whilst it is your prerogative to wish to find out all these answers, but I must stress that the tarot, in my humble opinion, is not the tool to give such answers. More than that, I feel you are further complicating your life by asking these questions and wishing to know all these complex answers. Why?  Why aren’t you more into living the life of here and now rather than looking into what might have been in a past life…? Why can’t you just live life and do your best and enjoy (or not) each day that dawns and learn from it or be grateful for it?

Whatever the Divine has set for you in this lifetime could be or not be an earth-shattering phenomena.  We all follow the life we have and make decisions, then change our decisions; make mistakes and learn from them; take a path and then realise it was the wrong one and then realign ourselves to another one.  You do not have to know the real path of your life? If you were told that the real life path you should follow is to leave everything you have and go to the desert and rescue all lost travellers. Would you do that or would you follow what comes from within as your true desire on what to do in your life?

If you have a calling for something, it will be revealed to you in good time without some reader telling you bang, bang, bang --- this is your life path, go and do it!. And, even then you would not follow it, would you?
Whatever you are going through right now is LIFE!  You are evolving, changing and getting cleansed of the past and getting ready for what is to come. If there was no such cycle in our life, then we would all vegetate. You are going through the Judgement process – as in the case of the Tarot Major Arcana card – and getting rid of the debris, shedding the old skin and building a new one.
What do I need to learn to be able to walk on the path has been set by the divine for me in this life?
No one can answer that except you. And, I’ve got news for you; you may not even be able to find out the answer in one day or a few months… or it may take a lifetime. So, best to live the life that you have rather than ask a million questions because I see that only leading you to ask further and further and further questions and in the process looking for answers which are not really there….

I know it would have been perhaps easier for me to tell you: sorry my friend, I cannot give you such a reading. But having known you now for some time, I am concerned that for each and every step of your life, you seek answers and readings… It has been exactly a month to the day from your last reading.... and I am just wondering if you are actually methodically waiting for the next 30-day set period?

Follow what is within. Follow what your inner voice tells you. If you argue that you do not have such inner voice, then just live life and the answers will be revealed to you. If there are no such answers forthcoming, then this may be the purpose of your life here and now… sometimes we reach our fifties and sixties and then we make a change of direction and wonder: why now? Well, who knows? May be the soul and the mind needed time to evolve to get to that stage. I think you are trying to fast forward your life and find out all the answers: it does not work that way my friend.

I am sure this is not the answer you were looking for and I am sorry for that. But, please, have a look at the questions you have asked above and think for a minute without going too deep and without unravelling every single action, event and cornerstone in your life… what have they taught you and what have you extracted out of them for the next step?

Blessings to you in your journey and have a wonderful Christmas.

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Post by notes » Sun Dec 25, 2011 7:58 pm

dear cedars

thank you so much for showing your genuine concern towards me and putting across something that you found necessary to be conveyed to me. i would like to mention that i wanted to know "if i was going insane because of what has been happening in my life" and your write up out of concern for me did validate that it really is happening and affecting me in every sense possible. i can't say how obliged i am after reading your post . sometimes one difficult situation after another leaves you clueless for what to do with your life. you are right in saying that i shouldn't be asking for too many readings here and i'll keep that in check.... but i truly am glad i asked you for the reading :))

wish you and your family a very merry christmas and cheerful new year !!

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Post by cedars » Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:54 am

Bless you. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year!

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Post by TarotModerator » Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:24 am


How on earth can you say that what Cedars has written validates that you are going INSANE?????

You have to do one of two things, GET TO A Psychiatrist or change the one you have, if you harbor these thoughts!

I hope you had a wonderful X-mas and all the best for the new Year!!  :smt008

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