reading request for cedars

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reading request for cedars

Post by deeanne333 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:26 pm


I hope it is not too much to ask for a reading? Thanking you ahead of time. I recently met a guy I liked. It didn't work out. I'm feeling ok but taking one day @ a time. Not sure if I should just stay alone vs entertain any invites to go out on a date (received one today. Any advice through any means you prefer would be most welcome/appreciated.

Thx again

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Post by cedars » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:12 am

Hello Deeanne33
I hope it is not too much to ask for a reading? Thanking you ahead of time. I recently met a guy I liked. It didn't work out. I'm feeling ok but taking one day @ a time. Not sure if I should just stay alone vs entertain any invites to go out on a date (received one today. Any advice through any means you prefer would be most welcome/appreciated.

Thx again
I am sorry it did not work out with this guy, but, as they say, plenty of fish in the sea. Of course you should take the invite of another date!  Why should you sit at home and brood over the other guy? Please, get yourself out to the world and enjoy whether it is with friends, a new date, and, although easier said than done, try not to have any expectations about the new people or situations you find yourself in. Just take it one day at a time.

I will do a three card reading for and ask: What is the best advice or course of action for Deeanne at this current phase in her life?

Deck: Rider Waite.

Five of Wands. Four of Cups. Strength.
The V of Wands is showing us disagreements, arguments, differences of opinion where we see five wands being raised  and five people trying to get a word in edgeways . The five wands or the five people depicted in this card is not indicative of the number of people in your life; it is just the number Five itself which in the tarot refers to some form of strife and disagreements.
Following the V of Wands, we have the IV of Cups which shows a man sitting under a tree, arms folded against his chest, looking at three cups in front of him whilst ignoring the fourth cup being offered with a hand through the clouds. He is feeling despondent, feeling sorry for himself, disappointed at the turn of events and somewhat in a state of depression. He is even refusing to look at what may be out there for him and just staring at the three cups in front of him.  I feel this reflects the situation you are in right now where you may still be thinking what you had or might have had and ignoring another offer or offers coming up to you. Do you want to sit under that tree and feel sorry for yourself? I did not think so :)

Strength: is a major Arcana card where a woman dressed in white with flowers adorning her robe and a wreath on her head with the symbol of eternity, is taming the lion with her gentle persuasion skills and with the power of her mind. This is the strength within which is not a demonstrative strength but one which we have tucked inside and can stand up on our own with the sheer power of that strength of character that makes us who we are. Being a Major Arcana card, Strength is coming your way and you shall enjoy its beneficial influence to move on and ahead in your life.
I hope this brief reading resonated with you and I wish you all the very best.



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