Reading query for cedars?

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Reading query for cedars?

Post by hatty100 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:22 pm


Your work is very good. Could I ask for a reading if it is not too much bother or work for you?

I am lodging a greivance against two colleagues at work, and am wondering if you can give me some insight as to what the cards showcase in regards to this issue and the next few months from now - phrase this as you like/prefer as I know you don't like to do predictive readings. Whatever you are comfortable with.

Thx so much


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Post by cedars » Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:07 am

Hello Hatty,

Thank you for your kind words about my readings. I do not deserve them, but I am pleased to hear you think so :)

I will be happy to give you a reading with regard to your issue with a spread that will hopefully shed some light on the situation.
The question I have asked is: What are the insights about Hatty’s current issues in the workplace and what advice/guidance is there for her?
I am using the Rider Waite deck.

The Present: You Now.
The High Priestess:
Needless to say, you want answers; you seek the answers from the world outside. The High Priestess is that calm, passive and quiet guide who is not in a hurry to reveal all the answers or the secrets which we wish to penetrate into. She also stands for our intuition and instincts and her advice is: do not seek in earnest all the answers, for they shall be revealed all in good time. In the meantime, her message is for you to go within and remain calm. Use your sense of balance to find equilibrium within your own soul while events around you come forth to their fruition.

Positive influences/energies/people around you with which you can work:
Three of Swords. Ten of Cups.

Those who know the tarot will now wonder how come the Three of Swords is a positive influence. Let me explain what this card stands for. It shows three swords penetrating/piercing a heart behind a background of clouds, rain and storm. Not a pleasant picture, is it? The positive every heart ache is that (the rain in the background) that a new page opens; the rain washes away the heartache for a brighter outlook. The anguish or the heartache, parting of ways...... whatever that has happened in your life recently, has its positive side too if you are patient enough to pause and give a chance for the clouds to clear and a new ray of sunshine to come through. That ray of sunshine is coming in ten folds with a full rainbow with the Ten of Cups which depicts ten cups forming a rainbow in the sky while a family enjoy peace, love and happiness underneath. This is the attainment, fulfilment and the end of a cycle which may have been turbulent; it is leading you to a state of contentment and realising your heart’s desire.

Blockages/energies/people that you may have to confront:
Eight of Wands. The Star.

The speed of events may be confusing for you and may also be inclined to do things speedily without the due care and attention on this situation.  You may be tempted to find a quick fix whilst perhaps things need to be analysed further. However, we look at things, events around you may be going faster than you want and this may create an unease or some form of euphoria. This is where the Start comes which in itself is a very positive card thus inspiring hope and inspiration for the future, but in this position I’m afraid it is telling you keep your expectations close to the grand rather than getting carried away with higher expectation and then be disappointed.
It is quite poignant how a negative card (III of Swords) has fallen under the positive influences and a positive card (The Star) has fallen under the obstacle section. Sometimes what we see as a negative event in our life has the potential of guiding us out to a much clearer outlook and what seems as something positive or hopeful, may make us blind about the real issues and we lose sight of the reality of a situation.

Message from the Tarot:
Five of Swords.

The two words that came to me straight away after pulling this card were: no win, no loss. Whilst Fives are usually indicative of impasse and sometimes anguish, in the case of the V of Swords, we see a man who looks as though he was won a fight or an argument and has conquered his foes’ swords, whilst they retreat in pain an d defeat, he the supposed victorious one does not feel or enjoy his so-called victory. Any pleasure from his victory is short-lived and he wonders if it was all worth the trouble and the pain they all three had to go through go.
Make of this what you will my dear Hatty but try and see things objectively.

King of Pentacles.

Ok. We have an outcome in the form of a person or a situation befitting the characteristics and qualities of this person. The King of Pentacles can be a father figure, a manager, , a professional in the financial industry or simply someone you know or may come into your life who has the financial strength and is also willing to offer assistance and guidance either on financial matters or lend you a helping hand in your hour of need. He is a benevolent person, perhaps not too emotional, but not an iceberg either. His influence in your life I feel is what you will need as the final resolution of your current situation.

Dear Hatty, I hope this reading resonated with you. Would like to hear from you.
I wish you all the best in your current endeavours.

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Post by cedars » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:01 am

Hi Hatty
Have you had a chance to see your reading yet?

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