Could some please shed a light on this dark corner?

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Could some please shed a light on this dark corner?

Post by lstar33 » Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:33 am

I am quite out of it and lost at the moment. I have no idea why I am so angry and irritated and just unhappy. I have school, work, family. Nothing is out of the ordinary so to speak, but i dont feel okay in my skin. I was hoping for some clarity. I keep getting this nagging feeling that I am supposed to do something, but I dont know what. I've already made so much change in my life. Or maybe it's my intuition gearing me up for something? I just need this transition phase or period to go away. Can someone please help?

Thank you in advance.  :)  :smt007

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Reading Reply

Post by Dcruddy » Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:17 pm

I hope this reading helps you.  This is a three card reading with the Rider-Waite deck.

Position 1:  Influences from the past
Card:  4 of Wands
Wands:  Career and Work
Keyword:  Celebration
Element:  Fire/Action

The 4 of Wands often means freedom. Freedom can take many forms, but it always brings with it an exhilarating feeling. When we break the bonds that bind us, whether physical, mental or emotional, we feel triumphant and able to move on to a new period of growth and happiness.

You may be discouraged because events have not worked out quite as you had hoped for and frustration and a sense of pointlessbness has crept into your life.  

Position 2:  The Challenge
Card:  10 of Cups
Cups:  Relationships and Emotions (Subconscious)
Keyword:  Realization of Desires
Element:  Water

It took a long time to get where you are, it has all been worth the effort and the energy you put forth.  This card indicates a time of abundant blessings for you coming up. Family and friends are important and you might want to look for more ways to find joy and peace in your life.

First, there is joy. Joy goes beyond happiness, contentment, enjoyment. It is the feeling that comes when we know at the deepest level that we are one with all that is, and it is good.  Sometimes we are blinded by the trials of life and overwhelmed by their challenges. Joy exists, though, and is our birthright.

Peace is another aspect of the 10 of Cups. There is inner peace and outer peace. When you are in harmony with yourself, you experience harmony in your environment.  The 10 of Cups in this position indicates you will find peace within yourself and with others soon.  

Look for ways to realize joy and create peace. You may find the key to happiness in your family. Your family is the group of people you are attached to emotionally - for better or worse! If there is trouble in your family right now, work to restore harmony. The time is right for greater closeness.  A wish could come true now, so be careful what you wish for.
Position 3:  The Future
Card:  10 of Wands
Wands:  Career and Work
Keyword:  Overburdened
Element:  Fire/Action

The challenge from this card is to refuse to let your real or imagined responsibilities overshadow the joy of living.

The 10 of Wands can be a sign that you are pushing yourself too hard. If your days are an endless round of duties and tasks, then you need to lighten up for the sake of your health and well-being. Cut back, and take on only those activities that give you pleasure. If you love your work, but it's all-consuming, you may be too narrowly focused in one area. Balance your life with other interests.

Your motives are of high standing and you only want what is best for everyone concerned. You will soon gain victory and be able to move freely through life as if the coast is finally clear. Your objectives now need to be focused on the long term solution to current problems, rather than just a band aid on the situation. Give yourself every effort to succeed and you surely will.

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